Linda's Punishment

Is it possible that Katie's told Rachel about it already? Calm down Linda, Rachel will understand; It was an accident – May said so herself, didn't she? She was just tried to give me a friendly kiss – it wasn't supposed to be on the lips – isn't that what May said afterword?… But, were our roles reversed, wouldn't I also be angry? Please forgive me, Rachel.

I sped across the playground. Rachel wasn't by she and Katie normally ate lunch, where could they be? I headed into the lunch hall.

It's warm in the lunch hall, but there were so many people and it's so loud. There's screeching laughter and the scratching of plates, the dull hum of some machine. I suddenly stumbled over and the was laughter.

"What's up with her?"

"Did she slip on something?"

"Hey, doesn't she look like a boy with that short hair?"

I heard questions like that as I tried to get up, but everything around me seemed to me moving without me.

"Up you get, Linda, this is no time for having a nap."

"…Lilly?" I hadn't seen Lilly in almost a week. She pulled me up by the arm and I threw myself around her in an embrace. "Lilly!"

"I-I don't think this is either the time or-"

"Lilly, I need to find Rachel." Lilly grumbled. I knew she hates to be interrupted, but this is important.

"Come on, I'll help you find them since you're clearly hopeless." She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me through the crowd.

At the end of the lunch hall is the toilets. "If you've really looked everywhere else, she's probably in there or in one of the classrooms."

I rushed into the toilet. Lilly still had mine in hers and followed me in.

The toilet seemed to be empty at first glance, but there's I heard a faint niffing noise. It came from a cubicle that had its door slightly ajar. Is it Rachel? Did she find out?… I have to clear things up right away.

I pulled out of Lilly's hand, "Linda, wait!" I didn't listen. I ran and threw open the door.

Inside the cubicle, Katie sits on top of Rachel with their faces pressed against each other's in a kiss. What's going on? This is a hallucination, right? It this must be a nightmare… No. I could hear the intensity of the kiss and the creaking of the toilet as Katie pressed harder against Rachel.

There as a pain in my chest that is like nothing I've ever felt before, and it stabbed and twisted. The kissing stopped and moved apart, I saw a string of saliva connecting their lips. This is real. For a moment I met eyes with the pair of them, and then I ran out of the toilet.

Why did this happen? Is it because Rachel was angry with me? Did she do this to me back? But May and I only kissed by accident – you didn't even let me explain. How could you do this to me? Friday afternoon and this morning, am I the only one who thought those moments meant something?

I hate you, Rachel. I hate Katie. I hate May. Everyone can go die!