That evening after GP and Vince had spoken he look so relieved, "Son, we understand how stressful this is so Charles and I had sent the family out, so I could bring Sidney in the room adjoining to mind so the child is safe now, and it's a good thing I did.

You see, I have been observing Chrystal and she suspect that Sidney was hiding in the house which is why she has been visiting so often.

I had asked Michael to keep an eye on her and when she came yesterday Michael reported that she went searching the rooms."

When GP said, "Son, I hope you are not angry but I instruct Michael to send her home after dinner and if she becomes stubborn, he should call the police, also I told him if anyone asks to say it is you that has given that order."

Hugging his grandfather saying, "Thanks, and GP we will implement that plan from Saturday."

"Yes, Son now checks on her, and from Saturday you can stay with her in that room."

Saturday the sixth of November, Vince heard GP coughing when he entered his room. Seeing Uncle Myles sitting next to him.

Using the

the opportunity that GP and I had discussed, Vince went outside and called Doctor Joseph and instructed him on what GP and I decided, and what we expect him to do.

Vince then returned to the room seeing Uncles Myles still sitting with GP, both seem concerned and engrossed in the topic they were discussing.

Without hesitating, Vince said, "GP, I am not leaving you to stay in your room alone any longer, I am moving into that spare room to be near you from today." "You don't have to do that Vince," Myles responds to him.

"Uncle Myles, I need to, everything in my room only keeps reminding me of Sidney, and GP is missing her, it will be much easier for me, and GP will have company during the night.

I believe he should have someone close to him seeing that he keeps forgetting lately."

Vince didn't wait for them to respond as he hurry out of the room and rushes to his room. There he packed a few pieces of his and Sidney's belonging and then return.

Opening GP's door, only to hear Michael announce the Doctor's arrival taking his things to the room then said, "GP, where are the keys to that door?"

"I have it hanging in that key rack."

Good, from now on anytime you are leaving your room, take the key along with you so no one will enter my room."

When Dr. Joseph enters the room he said, "I hope you all don't mind but I need to attend to Mr. Montgomery alone. Oh, and Vince gives me five minutes then you alone can come."

Hearing the others family members asking, "What is going on? Why is the doctor here and how is it he only wants to speak with Vince?"

When Richard said, "Maybe, the Doctor wants to give dad a toral examination?" Saying to Vince, "And Vince, you have a special envelope that came yesterday for you."

"Thanks, Uncle Richard, I wonder what is it, I only hope it's good news because these last few months all I have been receiving is bad news?"

"I only hope so too Son, and Son, aren't you going in, the Doctor said five minutes."

"Is it five minutes already? I wonder what he needs to see me for?"

Knocking the door before opening, hearing the Doctor say, "Lock the door for me please, Vince."

Turning to lock the door

Vince noticed Chrystal standing behind everyone. 'I wonder when she came, and what she must be thinking?'

"Uncle Myles, don't you think it is strange the Doctor asked Vince to lock the door?" Chrystal asks.

Turning to her Myles was angry thinking, 'When did she come when we repeatedly said we don't want her visiting? Because of her, Sidney left Vince, and Vince was right she keep meddling in all the affairs of this house.'

Responding to her, "No, as a matter of fact, from now on, no one should be going into dad's room unless he asked to see them?"

"But why, he never stops us before, Uncle Richard."

"Chrystal, it is bad manners to enter people's room without knocking and recently GP seems to be forgetting a lot. Yesterday, when I enters his room, he was undressed and he seems to forget to put his clothes on.

It was the same thing when I found him this morning, and when I asked him why he was not wearing his clothes, he said he forgot."

"I see, do you think that's why the Doctor asked to see Vince alone?"

"Chrystal, you ask too many questions, and why are you here,

I thought Vince said for you not to return here?"

"Uncle, this is like my second home."

"Sorry to say this Chrystal, but for an intelligent person, you disappoint me every time you speak. Today Vince is suffering all because you are meddling in his marriage," Myles replies.

"Me, what have I done, Uncle?"

"Chrystal, his wife left him because of you, do you think he will want anything to do with you after the way you threatened Sidney's life and smashed his car?"

"Uncle, try to understand, I love Vince."

"Love you say, Child, I feel sorry for you, and

I don't want to burst your bubble, but you should have said yes when he proposed to you.

Now with the time he has spent with Sidney since they got married, he has fallen in love with Sidney, and because of you constantly being here she doesn't believe him when he told her he loves her. She believes he loves you and both of you are plotting to kill her.

It was only last week I heard him telling GP if he doesn't find Sidney soon, he is moving away, and now with GP not remembering who knows what will happen?

Chrystal, Vince has decided this morning to move out of his room and into the adjoining room with GP. Also, he said the memories of Sidney in the room are too painful."

Hearing what Uncle Richard said Chrystal felt her heart will burst with rage, knowing now that she won't see his movement in the room any longer, and now she have to find a way to remove the camera from where she had concealed it. I only hope he hasn't locked the door so I could sneak in and remove it without being caught.

When Joyce said to Molly, "Molly, set the table quickly the Doctor might finish soon with dad's examination." Then she whispers to Myles, "Myles, is it true that Vince is moving into dad spare room?"

"I am afraid so, he is worried about dad especially for the night, thinking about it, I should have thought about it myself."

When Carlos said, "What is taking the doctor so long, it has already been an hour they are in there, I am starving?"

"Carlos, you can go ahead and eat son, no one is stopping you." Richard urges him.

"Sorry, dad, I thought we had to wait on everyone."

"Okay everyone, go ahead and have your breakfast, the food will get cold," Richard responded.

When the door opened and the Doctor Joseph came out, the only two-person who wasn't eating was Myles and Richard.

"Doctor, please join us for breakfast?" Joyce asks politely wanting so much to know exactly what was going on with dad.

Joyce ponders, 'For Myles to use such harsh words, he must be going down at a faster pace, especially with Sidney not caring for him.

"I won't mind, Vince woke me up and I had to rush over." Turning to Molly saying, "I am expecting you to fix Mr. Slone's breakfast with lots of vegetables and put some extra fruits. His resistance is very low, I just give him a booster shot. Also, I will like you all to leave him alone, he needs plenty of rest.

I was glad to hear Vince will be staying next to him, of all the times now that he is having signs of alzamiers to add to his ailment isn't to my satisfaction.

Another thing, I didn't expect this from Sidney I wonder what could have driven her to leave? She was such a kind and gentle young lady, she was doing such a fantastic job for Mr. Slone."

"Is it anything serious Doctor?" Chrystal asks wanting to know the real reason for Vince moving to GP's room.

"Young lady, the reason he is not well is because of the stress, Vince was now relating to me, of a serious incident that has him shattered. It will be good for you all to leave the both of them alone, Myles did you know Sidney send the divorce papers to Vince?"

"What, when did that happen?"

"He was just showing it to me, he said it came in the mail yesterday. I had to give him an injection to calm him down. I have never seen him like that, and I have known Sidney for so long I never expected that from her?"

Hearing Charles saying, "Doctor, we can't blame Sidney she tried many times to make their marriage work, but Chrystal here was always the one causing conflict between Vince and Sidney, she is the one suffering the most now.

She is all alone, Vince still has the support from his family but she has left her family and they are suffering just like her."

Chrystal stood up from the table becoming angry with Charles's outburst. "This is not fair Charles, you are blaming me without any supporting evidence, so kindly stop it, I have heard enough from you."

Chrystal thought, 'With Vanda not here and she is the only one who knew I spilling the water in the closet room, I can defend myself from all the accusations.'

"First to begin Charles, when Sidney fell for her wedding I got the blame when the rumor started to spread about Vanda, I got the blame, now Sidney left Vince and I am getting the blame for that too?

No one seems to care how I am feeling, although I have been like a family member for so long, now everything is only concerned about Sidney, Sidney, Sidney. I am fed-up, and for your information, I am glad she left because it seems you all are blind when it comes to Sidney, it seems she can do no wrong in your eyes."

When Uncle Richard stood becoming angry with her outburst, "That is enough Chrystal, I believe it is time you leave, it seems you have forgotten where you are. This is Charles's home you are a guest and misbehaving is not allowed here."

"Uncle Richard I am sorry but I am hurting also."

Seeing Charles push his plate aside becoming angry with Chrystal as he stood up he consider what uproar this girl is causing in his family.

'For Uncle Richard to say those words he must be very angry because he never spoke to anyone so harshly before. This girl will cause one of our elders to get a heart attack if she remains her.

Vince hasn't told them about Sidney and it is not my place to do it but from Uncle Richard's outburst, he is also missing Sidney a lot, especially the way she cares for GP.

I must do something immediately before Vince leaves the house and GP dies and our family suffers.'

Charles walks near to Chrystal saying in a firm yet convincing tone, "This is all your fault Chrystal, he told me about the fundraiser that you keep butting in every time he tries to speak with Sidney. If you had just left them alone, I know she loves him and he is crazy about her."