"So, you were going to dump me aside, because of your father?" Joyce whispers.

"He is my father Joyce and he is not well and it's not like I am leaving you or the house and moving away."

"I know, but he has given Vinceson everything Myles."

Myles became angry with Joyce, standing up he said, "So, what is wrong with that Joyce? It is not like when Charles or the others work they don't get a good salary.

Vince pays them more than the other workers and tries to remember it is Vince's father's Company and he is entitled to it.

And the family is being blessed because of it, so kindly watch what you say and that goes to everyone else?"

While Myles and Joyce speak, he notices how Chrystal was listening to them but hasn't taken her eyes away from the door.

Chrystal cursed silently, 'She knows she will have to devise a plan fast to gather information on what he is doing.

Now that he is leaving his room I won't know what he is doing, I know from the time Sidney left the house I could see he has been restless on nights and wasn't sleeping well. Now with no one in the house

with any information, I will have to find other means of gathering my intel.'