Divorce. I need to run away..far away from him. " I am sick of all this," I replied, trying to sound cold while I and heating up.

He raised his brow. His jaw ticked. "What is making you sick? I can change that." He stood up and stepped closer to me.

"Stop it. Don't come near me!" I yelled. I stood my ground even though I want to cry and tell him that I caught him cheating on me all this while he claimed he loved me. I wish I could tell him to his face, but no I have to leave him. I will tell him everything by mobile text. He would spank me if I do here. And I have had enough trouble knowing Morgan Freeman.

"You can't do anything about it," I told him. "I have already made my decision. And that is divorce." I made sure I had enough conviction in my words so he won't see that am wavering. He walks closer until his body was only inches apart from mine. I can hear his heavy breathing while I tried to remain calm. I squint my eyes. It was unbelievable I would leave the man who even made me feel been loved but then all he said was lip service. His action has justified his words.

"Divorce? what if we could still talk about it?" He asked, this time, in a soft, hypnotizing voice. I hate it when he uses that on me lately. My knees get a jelly, making me succumb to everything he tells me.

"I already told you. I want out, "I told him in gritted teeth. Why is he being stubborn for nothing right now? He should figure that his tricks are over on me. Moreover, he found joy in impregnating ladies. I didn't mean anything to him. I guess he was all playing me but I was the fool. He played me till I had two kids for him. I thought he loved me. I have to find a way to get back to school and get a degree.

"You never loved me, not even when we're making love. I guess everything was just pure fucking and fun for you. I thought about it as making love but you never thought about it as making love." I said in a straight face.

Pain crossed his face after hearing what I said. His gray eyes trembled like I have hit a nerve. He looked away, clenching his jaw tightly.

"You have succeeded in ruining my life. I lost my education. I was banished from the pack. Made a laughing stock." I good him. with a straight face. "I want to be free from this marriage before it takes my life."

"I look away because I can't bear to see his face. The sadness in his eyes is making this ten times harder than

I took a deep breath to calm the building turmoil in my system. " I will call the lawyer and he will prepare papers." I motioned to leave. I don't want to hear any of his questions anymore because it will make it harder on my part. I have already proven my point. "I will be leaving the house today, too," I informed him before heading to the door.

"Really? That fast?" His voice cracked. "You have planned this out, huh?" He said in a voice filled with bitterness.

I stopped, tears already blurring my vision. I can't turn to him now. He would see my tears. "Yes, " I replied and swallowed the forming lump in my throat.

***Present Day***

I snapped out of my thought. Everything is past now. Morgan Freeman is long forgone in my life. I have to find a way to go get my license. He said we meet at the Berge, I honestly don't have an idea about there but I have o find my way. I wouldnt know why we had to meet at such an odd time in the evening. Anyway, we both work in the day so I guess the reason.

Approaching the Berge. I read on my google map 5mins to the place. After about 10mins long drives I was struggling with my car steering. The galloping was just unbearable. What is happening? I thought before pulling over to check if the car is bad at this point.

Peeping through my car window, it is all wet and desolate a place rested in silence as the starry black sky wept over it. The water in the portholes shimmered by the glow of the bright, yellow street lamps. The small, green trees on the roadside swayed as the strong breeze hit them.

Looking afar I see a faded zebra crossing, a traffic light frantically changed colors seeming rather like a disco light. A watchman snored comfortably on his dark brown stool under the protection of his shops' roof. Huge giant buildings stood beside the street, quiet as if taken over by troops. Some windows gave out white and yellow lights, but the others were pitch black.

It seemed like the clouds had gotten a sudden fascination with the moon and wrapped themselves around it. The moon's faint glow passed through them, coloring them white from grey. The cool monsoon air carried a sweet moist scent like a candy shop kept inside a refrigerator.

The pattering of the rain, which was now deaf to ears, was interrupted by thunderstorms. Once a car passed by. Stray dogs began barking, while the deafening music from the car echoed around the street. The car soon disappeared and the dogs stopped barking satisfied that they had scared the car away.

Later, a taxi came down the road and parked. A bunch of young kids came out laughing emphatically. The taxi drove away but the children stood at the corner of the lane, yet laughing vigorously. A man screeched out from his window and cursed at the noisy children who went mute immediately.

A few lights flickered open through the windows and nosy neighbors looked out to inquire.

The streets of the city now rested again in lifeless silence except the gentle pattering of the raindrops.