The night shadows were becoming more evident than when I arrived there. I looked at my mobile the network was gone. Have I lost track of my path to the Berge? I tried to dial Adrain's line and it didn't ring. Poor network area surely.

Wandering into a lonely street to see if I can get a payphone to make a call at the moment. I giraffe to see a small kiosk head of me with dim lamp outside. This seems to be a different street contacted to the I had packed my car. The street is quiet and seems like it is dead. The sounds I can hear are the leaves rustling in the breeze, and the pitter-patter sounds of raindrops falling on the ground, I had lost track on my google map. I sighed.

"The rogues! They are coming, Run! Run! Young lady." The fretful words I heard. I ran as fast as I could. The rogues are running after me because they claimed I trespassed their territory and the truth is, I am only passing. I want to get to a man who had my license. I found myself running in a forest path. I need to get out of this forest and find the place, Berge.

I looked behind me and saw two huge brown and dark wolves running after me. They look like they aren't going to stop still they catch up with me. Only God knows what they will do to me when they get me. I would be lunch, dinner, and breakfast for weeks. I should have just stayed in my father's pack but then I would be dead anyway. I was hated already.

I violated the pack rules when I got pregnant out of the mating lock. I heard one of the wolves growl at me and even ran faster. I am tired and I can feel my knee wobbling for every movement I made but to stop now is to fall dead in the middle of the forest and become some animal's meal. And I don't want to be both, not when I have a new life to live and make amends for all the mistakes I made to find a loving mate.

I tried to hide behind a thick bush and waited till the rogues run past me. Clenching my breath. I prayed hard that none of them would realize that I am here. Both then are wolves, they can smell but I know I have no scent. I hadn't shifted before. I am hoping they don't find me. Don't want to be someone's meal. I want to live. So I am hoping to survive this.

The bigger wolf stopped meters from where I hide. I shut my eyes and pursed my lips trying to stop myself from making any sound. I wrong move and I know I will be gone in the face of the earth.

One wolf growl and the thumping of my heart was louder than words than ever. I tried to hide better. Until a bigger wolf from the thin aur growled and they ran away. I began to make a count down of twenty-five. I was going to run out a find a safer place at the last count of it. I swallowed hard and prevented myself from making a sound.

*You can do this, Andrea*. I tried to give myself some pep talk. I know I am alone and have no one to do that to me. So have to cheer and encourage myself. I ran to the North just opposite of the path the rogues ran. I have to find a house. I believe I will be safe there. This forest is not owned by a pack obviously, if not why will rogues be lurking around.

I continued running in a dangerous forest when suddenly I saw an., not just a man but a handsome man, running topless with some earplugs on. Even from the distance between us, I can see his toned body. He was muscular, alright. But not the exaggerated type.

I immediately waved my hand in the air. "Help!" I yelled and he stopped. He should have seen me. He has to be blond to not notice me. He removed his earphones and pressed something on his watch. His brows furrowed as I walk towards him my heart is beating so fast. I don't usually ask for help from guys but I have no other choice right now. I am a weak girl in the middle of forests.

The thought that this man might be dangerous didn't even cross my mind. I am desperate to survive and need help. I think of him been dangerous when I survive this attack.

"What is this girl doing here?" He asked in a cold baritone voice.

He eyed me from head to foot and suddenly, I am embarrassed by what I possibly look like right now. I don't know miles that it was I ran just to escape the rogues. I probably look dirt and lost.

I swallowed hard, "Long story," I utter. Still catching my breath. "Can you tell me the path to Berge town? I lost my way moving through google map." I asked instead.

His grey eyes squinted while he tilted his head to the side. "Berge?" He asked sounding confused. "It's at least twenty miles from here."

My eye widened. What is he just say? Twenty long miles?" Damn it!

His eyes went to my knees. "Are you alright?" He probably saw the scratches ingot when I tripped several times while running from those wolves.

Just as he asked the question, I suddenly felt my knees weaken. He had onto my elbow when I was about to stumble down the ground. Exhaustion filled my system, I sprinted for god-knows how long.

"Who were you running away from?" he asked me.

I shook my head, not wanting to open my mouth. He is a human I noticed. He probably would laugh at me when he knew who was chasing after me. "Water, " I managed to muster before I lost consciousness.