Rather Die an Old Virgin

Despite not getting any work done, Ignatius was in a scarily good mood when Chrisvan escorted Leona to the VVIP restaurant for her meet-and-greet event. The smile on his face scared her so much that the writer let her imagination go wild.

“What happened to all the other special fans?” she blurted upon arrival. “What did you do to Gun_Lord1031?!”

Immediately, his pleasant mood disintegrated. Although Leona was unknowingly referring to him, an unpleasant feeling twisted in the pit of his stomach when she prioritised her top fan over him. If only he could tell her that they were the same person. Then again, the cautious writer wouldn’t believe him. She would think he was lying after everything that he did to her. Worse still, he might end up accidentally tarnishing his online reputation if Leona learned that they were the same person. The last thing he wanted was to be mistaken for a stalker. After all, it was purely coincidental the rat on his territory was Leona’s brother.