A silence, heavy and loud ensued, and all I could hear was the sound of my fast breaths. Desperate breaths. I was running a marathon in my head
“Also, I’d have thought you’d be more elated at seeing me. After all, you did invite me, I would never come uninvited ”
and raising his eyebrows at me in mock pain, declared,
“ You make it seem as though I’m a bad person for honoring your invitation.”
And as his voice rose, seemingly desperate and hurt, he said,
“ All that fear and angst, all, because, of me!!!!.”
With time, his smile had turned chilling, and all the while, all I did was stare and stare and stare. Watching all the fluctuations on his face, listening to every single change in his tone, desperate to leave.
“ Think really carefully, how dare you forget? You said I could come. You said I could come meet you. You declared with all your heart that you’d be infinitely happy if you could just touch a finger of mine, just a finger. So, how could you?”
As his voice kept rising in decibels, it seemed as though I had lost my ears, and at that moment, echoes of “How dare you” s, filled my head, beating me down with full force to the ground. Where was Nene? Couldn’t she hear his voice? Why could she not hear it? The whole village must have heard it by now. I was panicking, my heart beat rose so so fast, and the clash began, his voice winning, shoving me into the ground, turning me crazed.