
Then, I remembered, soft laughter, soft voices, soft smiles, and skin so so black I wondered at his beauty. Then, the soft words,

“Would you want for us to wed? You know, “

and smilingly, continued

“ loud music, beautiful colors, any color of your choice, no matter how unimaginable. The crowds.”

an exhale of pure, unadulterated ecstasy,

“The crowds would be beautiful. Can you picture it?”

And I heard what I’d already known I’d hear, my own voice, chorusing, emphasizing, and praising the same voice and person it’d praised for years now,

” Yes. It’ll be beautiful. Imagine you, imagine how beautiful you’d look.”

All in breathy tones,

“ Can you believe it. I’d never have even considered a wedding when we first became friends.”

Then, laughter, his laughter, soft, warm, always sending warm waves through my body, then, his most dazzling smile, warm,

“ Neither would I.”

then looking me in the eye, he continued,

“So, tomorrow it is. We’ll meet, we’ll talk, and we’ll laugh. How does that sound?”

I let his voice warm me up, then I said,


Silence. For an eternity silence. Then, I heard his voice again. Soothing again,

“Do you remember me now?”

And I did, I remembered him, for every night, he never ceased to pay me a visit.