Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Steva's POV.

I suggested to Stella that we should eat out that Saturday and she readily agreed since it wasn't the first time we were doing it.

We went to our Favorite Bar.

It was our favorite because of the music and the peaceful atmosphere of the place.

We were both dressed in casual homie of a Tank top and Denim jeans Trousers.

We chose matching colors, anyone who saw us now would think we were twins though we didn't look alike.

Immediately we got there, we Attracted a lot of attention though it wasn't our first time.

We didn't panic or feel uncomfortable as we were already used to it.

We then sat at our usual spot in the restaurant and ordered some sandwiches, Chips, and refreshments.

The Waitress left immediately to Prepare our order while we were left enjoying the view.

Some girls of about our age were dancing on stage while the guys were playing the guitars and violin.

The Atmosphere was very harmonious and interesting to be in.

" So What do you want to talk to me about, Eva? " Stella suddenly asked turning to me.

" Ah? " I replied Confused.

" Hm, you must be shocked how I knew that you wanted to talk to me about something but you don't have to be because we've been together for two years though it's a short period I have gotten to know you well. " She said.

" Oh, you are right actually as I indeed have something to talk to you about. " I replied after a moment of hesitation.

" Okay, go on, don't be shy. " She urged giving me a knowing smile.

It was as if she could see through me and was already aware of what I wanted to talk about but that's Impossible, right? As I Haven't told her about it yet and she isn't a mind reader or a witch alright?


" Steva? "

" Uh? "

" What's up? Why are you spacing out all of a sudden? Is something wrong?, Did something happen? " She asked anxiously.

" Nothing's wrong, Sis, you don't have to worry. " I assured her seeing her panicked stare.

" You sure? " She inquired as to if not believing my words.

" Yes. "

" If you say so, you can go on now. "

" Hm, actually, I have a crush on a guy, Stella. "

" Oh, having a crush is Normal for teens like us and I am sure that we've talked about this before. "

" I know but this one is different. "

" Different in what way? Can you please elaborate? "

"I am having a Crush on Mark Darwin. "

" Mark Darwin? The Nerdy boy in our class? "

" Yes, he is the one. "

" Oh my! I didn't know that you were interested in nerds, I thought you prefer the Playboy type. "

" Stella! Is that what you think of me? " I yelled feigning hurt.

" Oh, you can't blame though since I often caught you staring at James Moscow. " She replied shrugging.

" That... "

" Okay, so you just admire his beautiful figure and Abs nothing else, right? "

" Yes, of course. "

" Hm, okay, so You were talking about Mark Darwin, right? "

" Yes. "

" So are you planning to confess to him? "

" Yes. "

" But what if he rejects you? He might not be interested in relationships at this point since he's always dedicated to his studies. "

" True and that's what I thought too not until. "

" Until what? " She asked curiously.

" See this. " Instead of replying to her, I brought out the frame Mark gifted me from my backpack and showed it to Stella.

" What... " I am sure that the words got stuck in her throat when she saw the painting.

" This is a painting of you if I am not wrong. "

" Yes, and before you ask, let me tell you, it was given to me by Mark Darwin as a way to show his adoration for me. "

" Oh, I never knew that Mark was this Talented and adoration? I don't understand what you mean by it. "

"Mark Confessed to me that he likes me. " I replied shyly.

" You must be kidding! Mark Confessed that he likes you? " She asked in bewilderment.

" That's true and I was as shocked as you when he confessed that he had been admiring me from Senior year one. "

" Oh, have you been in the same class since a junior year? "

" Yes, we've been in the same class since then but we don't usually interact much as I found him uninteresting. "

" But that has changed now, right? He's now grown into the prince charming you always dreamed of, right? " She replied with a teasing smile.

Though I was aware that she was teasing me but I couldn't help but still feel annoyed.

" Stop teasing me, Ella! It isn't funny, alright. "

" I have stopped now, have I not? " She said in self-defense.

" Whatever. "

" So what was your reply to his Confession? "She asked.

" Nothing, I told him that I'll give him a reply later. " I replied.

" Why would you do that? Why didn't you confess your feelings to him on spot? " She questioned.

" Well, I wanted to but I was worried about what you might think. "

" Meaning? "

" Don't you remember the agreement we made that we won't let anything come between our friendship? "

" Oh, you still remember that? I just agreed casually I didn't mean it you know, I didn't just want anything to come between our friendship and destroy it that's all. "

" Really? So it means that I can confess to Mark and we can start dating? " I asked joyfully.

" Of course, why would I object to that? , It's your life we are talking about so I have no say in it, all you have to do is to be very careful. "

" I'll, Hehehe, thanks for the approval, you are the best. " I replied grinning and because I couldn't control myself I embraced her tightly and started pecking her cheeks.

I only stopped when Stella whispered to my ears.

" Hey, stop it, Everyone is staring at us weirdly, they might be thinking we are lesbians. " She said.

" Oh my! " I almost exclaimed when I broke the hug and Realized that Stella was right.

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

Soon, the waitress brought our food and I ate in silence without even looking up.

I could hear Stella's silent giggle but I could only ignore her as I was too embarrassed to even speak.