Chapter 9

Chapter 9: I have a crush.

Stella's POV

As Said before by the vice principal the very next day.

All of the students that were summoned by the vice principal including Steva and I were all given their respective prefect barges on the assembly ground the next day.

I was given The barge of the library prefect while Steva was given The barge of the Studio prefect.

We were in charge of making sure that the studio and library were cleaned and well arranged.

I had to always ensure that books borrowed must be returned in good condition or else I would have to buy back the book.

Such a great responsibility, right?

Thought so too.

Though I am very happy with the post I was given as it has always been my dream to be a library prefect because at least from now I don't need to ask permission from anyone if I need to borrow a book.

Sounds good, right?

Thought so too.

When we got back to class.

" Tsk, tsk, I see that the both of you have gotten your Prefects barges, I am very well aware of the fact that from now on the both of you will grow huge wings but no worries I am very sure that I'll have a lot of fun cutting off those wings. "

" What's your stress, really, Gloria? , Why don't you just mind your own business. "

" Oh, I am doing just that but anyways see you in class. " She replied with a wink as she turned away.

" I wonder what her problem is Anyways. "

" Same here's, I guess it's because she wasn't given a barge "

" Hm, but that doesn't justify her actions after all we weren't the one that asked them not to give her a barge. "

" That's true. "

" Let's head to class now, it's almost time for the first period. "

" Yeah, that's true. "

The subject we had for the First period was maths and our Teacher Revised the Topic longitude and Latitude with us in case we had forgotten since we were taught about a year ago.

Though it's been a year since we've treated that topic in class, it's still very fresh in my memory as I often practiced it with Steva during our free time.

Moreover, maths was one of my favorite subjects as it involves calculations and thinking.

So I don't have much problem with it.

Though I can't say the same for Steva as she often had difficulties with it but I always made sure to assist her whenever she gets stuck.

And this is why we are always getting the Prizd for the best mathematics student in Arts.

We would have gotten overall but The sciences always managed to get it with their 98% score.

This doesn't affect me though as long as I have distinctions in all subjects in my final exams.

I had to make myself, My parents, and my fans very proud of me.


Weeks later.

Steva's POV.

It's been weeks since I had been barged as the Studio prefect and it has been very interesting so far.

I now find myself spending more and more time in the studio drawing and painting and most of the time making sure that the studio is in order.

On one of those days.

I was in the studio, drawing an imaginary painting of Stella in her School uniform.

Since I am used to seeing Stella in her uniform daily it isn't very hard for Me to raw her imagination.

I had to thank my Photographic memory for this as I never forgot things I have seen.

It's always imprinted in my Memory like the lines on the palm.

And this is the exact reason why I don't Watch Porn or R18 films as I wouldn't be able to remove the scene from my head.

Hmm, it's very obvious that everything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage too.

" Hey, Steva. " I heard a voice calling out to me and when I looked up I was completely stunned to see one of my classmates.

Mark Darwin.

" Hey, Mark, wassup? " I asked casually though my heart was beating very rapidly.

I never told anyone not even my best friend Stella but the truth is that I have a deep crush on Mark right from The beginning of Senior year but I kept it to myself as I didn't want to get hurt.

I like him because he's very talented and smart, he's also very dedicated and committed to his studies, unlike other guys who spend their time playing video games and Playing girls.

" Steva? "

" Um, Yes. "

" What were you thinking that got you so lost? "

" Nothing. " I replied shyly, I couldn't possibly tell him that I was thinking of him alright?

What would he think of me then?

A cheap girl? An easy catch?

" Hm, so why did you approach me all of a sudden? " I asked.

"I have something to show you. " He stated.

" Oh, what is it? " I curiously asked.

" This. " He replied as he brought out a medium-sized Frame board and handed it to me.

At first, I was confused but immediately I saw the picture on the board, I was completely stunned, it was an oil painting of me Sitting down and listening to the teacher's teaching my long curly hair was tied up in a bun, it was very obvious that he drew me while I was in the class.

" This... " I was speechless.

" When did you make it? " I asked.

" Um, about a month ago. "

" oh, so why did you decide to give it to me now? " I asked.

" Um, actually, I wanted to use it to show you how much I adore you. "

" Adore? " Though I was speaking indifferently, my heart was beating loudly in my chest.

" I like you, Steva Davis, I don't know when I started liking you but I just know that right from the time you became a Senior student I began to adore you. "

" Oh, then why didn't you tell me this earlier before now? " I asked.

" Well, I was not confident as I was very scared of rejection. "

" Oh, so you aren't scared anymore? "

" I won't say that I am not but I feel a little confident. "

" Hm. "

" So what's your answer? " He asked patiently.

" Well, I am not sure yet, I'll inform you soon. " I replied.

" And thank you very much for the gift, it's lovely. "

" My pleasure. "

" Hm, I'll give you a reply soon. "

" Okay, I'll be waiting, can I have your cell phone number? "

" Sure, it's XXXXXXXXXXX "

" Alright, thanks, I won't disturb you. " He replied and left me there.

" Hm. "

' Oh my, Steva! Your crush just confessed his likeness for you, are you excited! What are you going to do now? '

' I'll confess to him of course. '

' But Steva, remember your agreement with Stella? '

' I do and I am sure that Stella will understand. '

' Are you sure? What if she doesn't? '

' She will of course! She's not that bad, she's the best. '

' if you say so. '

And at last, the voices finally stopped and Steva could now relax.

" I'll have to tell, Stella about this. " She mumbled as she continued her painting after Keeping the gift she got in a safe place.