
The Vampire King And The Seeker, Mates.

Landon was with his cousin and their friends, they were all looking at her as she left. He knew the moment she spoke that she was his. He had that tingling feeling yet it was not strong enough for him to pursue her. It felt like it was wrong to approach or even initiate something with her.

This confused him, what the hell was going on?

He was staring at her tensed back and he could feel her annoyance towards Anna. She was fuming and he had a sudden urge to calm her down, without him knowing he was already doing so.

He only realized it when she suddenly stopped walking and turned around. She looked at him pointedly and the pull just got overwhelming for him as their eyes met, yet he still did not feel the need to go to her.

When Mika felt herself getting calmed, she just knew it was him. Somehow he had figured it out, her suspicion was right. He was strong, more than she thought. Since he knows now there is no use hiding it anymore.

She might as well just look at him and show him that she was not impressed. When their eyes met, his went huge as he confirmed what connection they had, she could hear him. He was confused as to why he still felt like he should stay away from her.

The pull was overwhelming him now their eyes met and he loved it.

He decided he will listen to his instinct as he always had and wait for the right time.

Mika smiled at this, more like she smirked and winked at him. He now knew that they had an understanding, he grinned at her. His cousin Johnathan noticed this interaction between the two, it got him filled with curiosity but he decided to leave it be.


Lucian and his family just came out of a restaurant, where they had been celebrating his brother's promotion. They travelled in their old SUV from their home to the restaurant but unfortunately, the old thing broke down.

They were busy hailing for a taxi when 3 black SUV's stopped in front of them, men clad in black suits with blank faces and cold eyes came out of the first car. Not long after that, the same happened from the 3rd car, they all flanked the middle car as if the president himself was visiting their poor old town.

At first glance Lucian knew all of them were vampires, their kind was known for being strong and dangerous. He suddenly felt scared for his family and the people around him. The nightwalkers looked at him and his family then they proceeded by bowing as a form of greeting.

He found this strange and unheard of, it was not like his family was rich or known by their kind. He looked at his family, and found them in shock and mesmerized by the beauty the vampires possessed.

Well, that was until he got out of the car and boy did he take Lucian's breath away?

When their eyes met, he knew who he was and was scared, he almost shit himself when he realized the DARK KNIGHT was his destined soul mate. The mysterious Sebastian Knight spoke one word.

"Breathe" as if Lucian was waiting for his command he exhaled. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath."Oh, shit" he whispered.

Sebastian chuckled, he loved that the boy already knew what was going on. It fascinated him, this boy knew what was happening and on top of that, he was human. By the look of things, his family knew nothing of his world, interesting.

Sebastian looked at the man in charge of the family, Mr Allison tried to look tough but he was failed miserably. He only patted himself on the back of his head in his thoughts, he tried. What can he say? Life was just unfair for earthlings like him.

That kid looks very dangerous and by the way, Lucian was looking at him, he knew him and he seems to be a well known and respected man. Though he had his past, he had been living a good life. So, he neglected to use what he had and the skills he accumulated. Hence he did not realise he was surrounded by vampires.

"My name is Sebastian Knight, and I would like to talk to you and your family inside" Mr Allison only nodded his head. He took his wife's hand and led her back inside, he knew he couldn't refuse this lad.

He was like any possessive man protecting his woman. Sebastian found this amusing, he chuckled. The other family members were still staring and gawking at the beautiful scary men.

"Well, this is interesting. Shall we?" he said while grinning at Lucian.

Lucian swallowed hard and began walking back to the restaurant they just left. Some people looked at them strangely and the hostess lady was being nasty to his parents.

"Look here old man, I don't know how you got reservations here in the first place. I am still trying to get used to all your cheap clothes and perfume, it's disgusting. You're making this place look not appealing, just like yourselves. I will not allow the likes of your pathetic beings inside here again. You are just making this place look dirty and stinky as yourselves, now get the h..." she suddenly froze.

Her eyes went wide, as she stopped her sentence in the middle. She was looking at the man that followed after the so-called pathetic family.

"Oh please! Don't stop, go on," Sebastian said with a calm voice dangerously. It made everyone around him shiver with fear.

"You were saying?" he asked dangerously with a raised eyebrow.

"Mr Knight, I am sorry sir, I was just ….." Sebastian cut her off, he did not have the patience for this woman anymore.

"Save it, you are fired. How many times should I tell you, I do not like incompetence?" he sighed.

"I sincerely apologize for her behaviour. She likes to think she owns this place. Victor, escort Victoria out, will you?" He said. While he gestured his head to the Allison family.

"Right this way." Sebastian took everyone to his office.

"What we are going to discuss here is very sensitive, there are too many eyes and ears down there and I would like everything to stay between us." he looked at his men and nodded.

They left the room, only living the king and his mate's family in the office.

"Firstly, I would like to know the names of the people I will be acquainted with," he said this raising his left eyebrow. "I will introduce everyone," Lucian volunteered.

"I'm Lucian, the baby of the family, these are my parents Luke and Lucinda Allison. My older brother Malcolm, next to him is Johnny the second, then Anna the third and lastly the twins' Mary and Elena."

His family was looking at Lucian in disbelief, this was the first. He always gets defensive when it comes to his family. Giving the information out like that was just a shock to them all, it was weird to them.

"By the shock planted on their faces, I guess it means you're a mama bear." Everyone chuckled, Lucian's cheeks went red, he was embarrassed.

Why did he have to guess that?

Embarrassing. Thought Lucian.

"Well, you already know mine. I don't always come here, the mayor of this town does not like me or my people at all. We have our difference anyway, he did grant me passage but that will not last long." he looked at them again.

This was the most irritating part of that Reese Moon. Though he had business in their town, he had to employ the people of that tone. Mostly they were humans and wolves.

He knew his in-laws did not understand what he was talking about. He also realized his mate has been hiding his abilities from his family.

"Lucian, they don't know. Do they?" Lucian shook his head, Sebastian sighed.

He looked at Mr Allison.

"What do you know of the supernatural world, Mr Allison?"

The man shot up from his seat and looked around frantically, he was scared.

"Well, that answers it. Do you want to tell me about it?" The man shook his head vehemently.

"SIT DOWN!" Sebastian commanded.

Everyone in the room whimpered except for his mate who looked at him angrily.

How dare he command his father and scare his family?

That was disrespectful, he couldn't believe the nerve.

"You didn't have to do that," Lucian said harshly. The arrogance of this beautiful man.

"Well, he was giving me a headache with all his heartbeat sky rocking," said Sebastian carelessly.

He has a weakness for scared people, they always make him happy. He was afraid he would jump up and drain the man's blood out. His heartbeat was thumping and thumping calling for him, he had to be harsh.

"Oh!" that was all Lucian said because he understood.

Sebastian doesn't do well with people panicking, he was a bloodthirsty animal. He didn't need hearing blood pumping. If the old man carried on behaving so, he would find himself a dead man out of the blood.