"Well, I am waiting," said Sebastian with a bit of annoyance.
He understood he was being unreasonable but he couldn't help it. He still could hear his father in law's heartbeat thumping in his ears. He was a predictor and his in-law was a prey. The pumping of the blood was torture even for a trained vampire like himself.
Mr Allison sighed heavily and looked at his family. Then he adjusted the way he was sitting as he looked at Sebastian.
"When I was in college, I had a friend Jericho. He was a quiet man and short-tempered. We were roommates, he never liked it when I brought other people in our room." He sighed while remembering, oh! the memories of the past.
"He was very possessive of his space and we came to an understanding. I did not have a problem with the way he behaved, others though thought he was a spoiled brat. He was the first man I met who was gay back then. Gay people were under scrutiny, everyone thought they were sinful and the work of the devil. Jericho was different. He did not care what the world said. That was until one night." He looked pained, thinking back on that day.
"We were asleep when we suddenly heard a loud banging sound and when we went outside it was unbelievable what we saw. We found a boy who was bleeding and badly beaten. They left him in front of our dorm door, it was like they were sending a warning that he was next. The boy was dying, they beat him so much he wouldn't have survived." He sighed. If it went for him and Jericho. The boy would have died.
"They left him naked, beat him up and raped him. You could tell with all the blood that was running between his legs and he had cuts all over his body. What was done to him was cruel and unforgivable. They had branded him, they wrote all vile names on his body. Some of his skin was peeled off, it was horrific and I still dream about it this day."
People were really cruel creatures. They would do the worst things to others and find the means to justify it. It was wrong how they thought they had the right to judge others, to an extent they even killed one for their beliefs.
"I have never seen such hostility towards another human being, they treated him like he had no flesh like them. Jericho roared when he saw him, I mean an animalistic roar. When I looked at him he had fangs and his eyes were dark as night. His hands had claws, he was shaking, he scared me. I have never seen him that angry, he was vibrating with anger. Every time he looked at the boy he would just lose it, I was scared shitless."
He sighed, he will never forget that night. It will always be embedded in his heart and mind. It was his past and the memories he wish to never forget.
"He took him in his arms and bit on his neck, I shouted at him. I asked what was he doing? He did not answer me, he was scaring me. I thought he was killing the boy. After he had done that, he took the boy inside and washed him. He never spoke a word to me and never answered my questions. He then proceeded on forcing his blood inside the kid's mouth. I just stood there in shock. I don't think I was really in my right state of mind. What they did to him was wrong and it was horrible."
He still remembers every detail. It was horrible and he had never seen such a way of cruelty.
"After Jericho was done, he commanded that I should stay inside the room. 'Don't fucking leave this room, I will be back. I will make all of them pay' he had murder written in his eyes and I agreed with him 100%, I told him to kill them all." Sebastian and Lucian's eyes were wide open in shock and the other family members were no different.
"Dad?" Lucian said his voice shaking and horrified.
"He killed them all, he killed the whole fucking college students and teachers that stayed there. Security guards and janitors, all of them. I mean some of them knew what was happening and they turned a blind eye.
I understood his pain and anger, I felt it too. I was the only one who lived and I was the only one he trusted. I was exhausted and scared, I knew I had no way of escaping fate. My destiny was already decided, I sat there watching the kid and somehow I fell asleep on my chair.
I only woke up because I felt, immense pain in my left hand and when I looked." He chocked tears coming from his eyes. He did not want to remember Jericho that way, but Jericho made sure he did.
"When I looked down to see what was happening, the boy had woken up and was drinking my blood. Jericho stood there watching, with no remorse nor pity for me.
He looked at me with hatred and betrayal. I did not do anything, yet he felt that I was not deserving of living because humans like myself had hurt what was his. I tried to fight for my survival, Jericho just smirked at me and said.
'You will not leave here alive because you are like them', I looked at him with so much pain, it hurt my heart to see he just cast me away like that. He looked at me and saw nothing but food for his mate.
He did not think twice, it was me or him. I knew nothing of what happened, but he still felt I did as much damage. It was like he forgot I was asleep in the same room as him when all that happened. I never called him a faggot or criticized him for his sexuality."
The pain was still raw and he never knew what he should believe.
"I felt betrayed, I felt pity for him, for letting his anger control him. I understood where he was coming from. But that time his anger was misplaced, I looked at him with heavy eyes and tears on my face. I told him, 'I hope your life will be sunshine and roses, I hope you will live happily knowing you used me as a blood bag. I had nothing to do with his demise, yet here you are judging me the same as if I put my hands on him.' I asked him. 'How is that even fair to me, when I was here sleeping and had no knowledge of what was happening? How is it fair that you judge me with the same fate as those who had wronged you? What have I done to you, to look at me with such hate?" he sighed as tears fell from his eyes.
"He looked at me with no emotions and said, 'All of you, humans are the same' I laughed, cried and I couldn't believe my ears. He had authored those words, I had respected him and treated him like a brother. But all that went out the window when he met him."
"As all of you vampires are the same heartless monsters" those were my last words to him before I lost my consciousness.
"You remind me of him but mostly…" he swallowed
"But most of Ryan. You look like them."
Sebastian looked at him with so many emotions, pain and shame. He was not aware that his father had acted so carelessly and blindly, maybe it was the reason why he became such a wonderful leader.
"They are my parents," he said as a matter of fact. He looked at Mr Allison apologetically. Everyone in the office gasped. He looked at Mr Allison.
"What are you then?" Mr Allison looked at him
"When Ryan drank from me, he left some venom, I didn't die as they thought I would. I woke up in the hospital a few days after, your father had slashed my stomach opened and they had healed the bite. I was the only one who survived, everyone wanted to know what happened.
I told them some bears entered the compass, I heard screams but it was too late. They were already in my room, the massacre your father made, left everyone in town with fear. I always knew how to stop my heartbeat, I knew your father would come for me. I faked my death." he looked at his family
"I never turned to a vampire, I do not crave blood." This was the first, he didn't think it was possible.
"You only inherited the long life span and slow growth." Said Sebastian.
However, he couldn't help but believe there was something more about Mr Allison and he knew his father was not that dismissive. He certainly knew his friend was not dead.
So, this only meant. All he did to Mr Allison was to protect him and save him from danger.