
Chevalier and More Mates?

While Mika was roaming around and passing by the well-known restaurant Chevalier she noticed the vampires and it was not just any vampires but the Royals, this made her curious.

She decided to go in and fish around. When she got there, she saw a beautiful man, so alluring it was sinful for a man to be that beautiful.

"Hi, I made reservations under Mika Winston" of course she never made any reservations but she had to fish around.

The vampire host knew she was lying but he had this weird feeling, he somehow felt compelled to let her in. He was scared of her and felt the need to respect her.

This was a new feeling, he never experienced it before, especially with her being human. Well except for the newfound mate of his king. This made him curious and hence he linked his king

"My King, there is a human here who is lying to me. She insists she made reservations but her name is not on the list." He fidgeted and became shy.

"My King, she scares me and I find this very odd. She is so closed off, her emotions are none existent," Victor said, this kind of amused Sebastian.

"Send her up. Now I am very curious to see and meet this mysterious woman." He proclaimed

"As long as I've known you, Victor, nothing ever scares you" he chuckled. He suddenly teased Victor by saying "That is very funny Victoria and Victor."

"Don't accompany my name with that bitches name." Victor hissed out loud in annoyance. Of course, he can never say this to his King.

How dare his King match him with that self-righteous woman, who knew no bounds? He detests that vile woman, she was a self-absorbed bitch, who has no respect for other people

"Come this way please, Miss." He gestured with an unpleasant face and tone.

He was still very much annoyed at his King, sometimes he wished he had the balls to punch his King. Mika found his mood amusing but made no comment, she did though follow him like a loyal dog.

She frowned, she did not like the sound of that, she hates being told. Mika found Victor's fuming behaviour rather endearing. As they neared the big dark oak door, Mika already knew what was inside and this interested her. She was more curious now, anyway that was her speciality being gold and everything.

Does that mean she can have more than one mate? If her first mate was a twin then she would understand, but a vampire king and an Alpha?

Who was the owner of the other scent she smelled?

He smelled human but there was something magical and mysterious about his scent. Victor knocked on the door, a dark sensual husky but dominating voice answered, "Come in."

Damn, that is hot, Mika thought.

Victor opened the door and entered followed by Mika, the Allison family and Sebastian all looked at her as if she was some celebrity or maybe a ghost.

"Well if that ain't creepy, I, hell damn don't know what is," Mika said with amusement in her voice, while dripping with sarcasm.

"Victor, I thought you were taking me to my table. I did not think I was special enough to come to the boss's office" confidence oozed of her.

She looked around the office, then turned slowly her eyes trained on Sebastian's face. Mika loved to toy with people and she had a bad habit of using sarcasm.

She tilted her head.

She was more like staring at him and she was not ashamed at all. She was rather very emotionless, her dark grey eyes seemed dead, soulless, empty and broken even. This was the most bizarre and alarming thing they had ever seen, it was startling.

With a flat tone, she said "Would you look at that, the DARK KNIGHT himself. Hello Sebastian, it's nice to finally meet you."

Silence... No one spoke.

You could almost hear a pin drop, they all were curious.

What did she mean? Who was she? What was her motive? Where did she come from?

All these questions but no answers. Who is this mysterious girl?

Mika looked around the room and her eyes landed on him, he is precious she thought.

A breath of sunrise, the light in the darkness. He was beautiful and the purest of them all, he does not deserve such darkness. This made her heartache, she didn't want this purest person to be tainted. What was the moon goddess thinking?

Why has she forsaken the boy this way? Didn't she know they were going to break him? Didn't she know they will kill him? They will change his soul for something he should never be. She saw his eyes go wide and his body still.

"Ah, you must be Lucian Allison. Mason does really like speaking of you. Yes, yes your eyes are a beauty. He was right, they do flicker when you look at someone else eyes... The spark of seeing something other people cannot. A secret that only you can know of." She did a little jump like a toddler having a jolly day.

"And you just did that Lucian" she then spun around.

"I like this office, can I keep it?" Was she bipolar?

Everyone wondered, except for Anna, she knew first hand how bitchy she can be. Sebastian knew that was just an act when she suddenly acted innocent. I mean not long ago she acted so sinisterly.

He felt guilty but still hid his emotions, she is his mate after all and he was joyous to have found not just one but two mates in one night. This girl scared him. He did not scare easily and he was the most feared.

This was damaging to his ego and self-esteem as a man and as a king. The way she had looked at his eyes made him uncomfortable, he felt like she knew more than she was supposed to. Why in the hell did she look in his eyes like that, like she was reading his soul?

"No, you cannot," he said harshly, he did not know why he was being mean to her.

"Harsh much, geez. What crawled up into your ass?" she said flatly

"Stop being uptight. Anyways, I just wanted to eat not that I am disappointed with what I see here," she said teasingly.

She was satisfied with what she found and saw. After all, the need to know new things was fulfilled. So, there was no need for her to linger around these people. Also, she was in a foul mood. She had promised the insecure Anna she would kill her in future but fate was a bitch.

Why did she become a sister in law? She now knew it would cause her beautiful mate pain if she killed the annoying Anna.

"It's getting late and my overprotective uncle is sure to be worried as fuck, I need to bounce." She started to walk back to the door.

She was rather good at changing subjects and confusing people. She was acting like someone who had different personalities.

Maybe, she was acting more wolf than human. Who knows? She turned around and looked at Mr Allison. The man was aggrieved and his pain was rather suffocating. The doubt and confusion in his heart were severe.

He needed to understand that sometimes to help and protect those we love, we have to bid them farewell. However, the man he was hurt by went too far. Mika found herself feeling sorry for the man before her.

So, she did what she felt was the right thing. She advised the man.