
A Biased father

"Father what are you doing here?" asked Enzo with no emotions or interest. "You're telling lies. You are lying." His father said with anger, his daughter would not do such a thing.

"My Linda is not that vile, that good for nothing sister of yours did all of those things. Not Linda, Millicent is at fault," he said with agony, he was trying to convince himself it seemed.

"Believe what you want to father. After all, you are the one who killed her without listening to her side of the story," said Enzo.

"Everything Linda said was law and true in your eyes. You never paid attention to Millicent. She was your daughter too. You should have never loved the other more, you should've loved all of us equally." laughed Enzo.

"It was Linda this, Linda that. Millicent never complained, she never caused you any problems. Millicent was a good student, all of Linda's work was done by her. She never shared her results with you, because she didn't want to outshine her sister. Your perfect Linda was selfish, she wanted all the limelight." said Enzo

His father kept shaking his head in denial, he didn't want to accept the possibility of Linda being that evil.

"You are lying, you saying all of this to make me feel guilty. I will not listen to this. I will not let you speak ill of Linda. Do you hear me?" Enzo chuckled.

"Do whatever makes you happy father, it's not like any of us matter to you but your precious Linda. I feel sorry for you, for you will feel nothing but shame when all is revealed. This day will come I assure you." He ridiculed his father. His father sneered in anger.

"Shut up you good for nothing pup, you are nothing but a waste of space like that pathetic Millicent," he said with anger.

"Whatever father, your words don't hurt me. I just find you pitiful." his father roared with anger, he leapt to attack but he was stopped easily. Enzo chuckled again, his father was weak compared to him, he looked at his father coldly.

"Please don't even try, I wouldn't want to kill you like you killed my sister. I am nothing like yourself." His father stood there frozen in shock. "Please leave, we have work to do and your interruptions are not appreciated." Enzo's father left with his tail between his legs.

"Dude I think you were a bit harsh," said Anthony. "Shut up Tony if you have nothing to say." Anthony knew his friend was really angry so he stopped his comments.


Linda was trembling in anger. She couldn't believe the predicament she was in, and most of all because of that bitch Mika.

Did she think she feared her because she is the so-called golden wolf? She will teach all of them a lesson. Whilst she was reminiscing on the way she can get her revenge, black smoke suddenly appeared in front of her. She was shocked by this sudden change. What was happening? It was not long, but she got her answer. Before her, was the face of the person she never thought she would ever see again.

"Oh, my! This is a surprise. I thought you died a long time ago." She said with a wolfish grin, her eyes shining with happiness. Bring it on little girl, I have a waiting surprise for you.

"Come little fish, I don't have time to waste on your desires of vengeance. That girl will know I am here if we stay one more minute," with that being said, Linda disappeared from the cells out of thin air.

Mika was lying with her back on the garden ground, at the back of the packhouse star gazing. A smirk was plastered on her beautiful face. She was amused, the plan was falling into place.

'Pathetic' she thought.

She knew that old bastard was there the moment he entered her lands. She knew he was coming when he was two towns away. They were underestimating her, she was going to give them a show they will never forget.

She was going to show all these pathetic creatures what is a golden wolf, they were too much arrogant. They thought she was inexperienced because of her age. She was going to pay that old man ten folds for turning her uncle, what she did to his minions was nothing. She will bring them hell on earth. Alarms blared like a banshee, people were running around yelling.

What was the point? She is long gone and they won't trace a thing. He used dark magic, pathetic old wolf.

"Mika, what are you doing lying there smiling like you've won a lotto? Can't you hear the alarms?" asked her uncle with anger. "I am sorry, what am I supposed to do? Are we under attack?" she asked with a bored tone.

"No, but Linda escaped. Do you know what this means?" her uncle asked anxiously.

"Well, of course. She will come back guns blazing to get revenge. After all, she did promise us her wrath, I remember it clearly," said Mika whilst standing up looking at her uncle and his beautiful husband.

"You are unbelievable, can you act normal for once in your life?" said Damien with irritation in his voice. "Dear uncle, I am not normal and never will be. Not now, not ever." She said with a glint of mischief, John laughed.

He was used to her tactics now, he has known her for some time. It was hard to get used to Mika's behaviour and many people would misunderstand her. She likes to make people confused and uncomfortable. It gives her joy when people feel awkward around her, which was weird on its way.

Her mates showed up with worried faces and she saw their eyes roaming her body, she cackled in laughter. They were seriously checking if she is hurt? How cute?

"What is so funny? Do you know how worried we were?" asked Landon annoyed.

"Of course, I can feel your emotions remember? I have to be honest they are not good for my health, I feel like I am some pregnant she-wolf with hormones. It's just ridiculous. I am not sure what was that bitch thinking when she gave me three mates." She said with a cold voice.

"You are something else," said Lucian. These seemed to be his favourite words when it came to Mika. Mika has a soft spot for the little hybrid. He is cute and innocent with all he has witnessed with those special eyes of his, she smiled a little and chuckled.

"Well, little bunny. I do try to entertain the best way I can." Sebastian shook his head in dismay.

This was fucking ridiculous.

"Are you being serious right now? That woman escaped and you are here making pathetic jokes?" he was angry.

"Yikes, how attractive... Why are you all so serious all of a sudden? It was inevitable for her to escape. Don't all the bad guys do? After all, she was not working alone." She answered them with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you didn't anticipate this would happen, right?" she asked acting shocked. "Fools," she said leaving all of them there standing in shock.

"Did she let her escape?" asked Lucian. "Yes, that she did," answered John

They now stood there with wonder. What is Mika playing at?