Pilot 4/10

Annabelle ran over to her supplies she looked at the walkers and then her supplies.

Annabelle started to gather her stuff, the glass door shattered. The couch didn't stand a chance with this many of them. The walkers simply moved it out of the way by walking. Some fell over the couch and got back up.

Her ears were ringing, she looked around. There were no back exits. Annabelle looked at her little pistol. There were no bullets left and she had nowhere to run. Dani and her didn't even make sure if the hallway was safe.

Annabelle pressed the pistol against the side of her dome. She lowered her finger on the trigger. Her heart was pounding, it was as if her heart was louder than the walkers itself.

"I'm sorry Dani.." she was close to pulling the trigger till she heard numerous gunshots. Some of the walkers in the distance fell down. They weren't the ones that entered the apartment.

Annabelle lowered the pistol and aimed it right at one of the walkers that was inches away from her, the only thing keeping them apart was the gun. "I will survive." she spoke and pulled the trigger. The walker fell and the gun clicked.


Annabelle yelled back at him. "I OWE YOU!" She pulled out her baseball bat and smashed it across a walker's face with all her might, the body twirled around like a rag doll.

She went up the stairs and ran up. It was dark but she kept going. Annabelle flicked up her flashlight and turned it on. She put the flashlight to her mouth and bit on it so she can use her baseball bat as well.

The walkers were right behind her even though it was a struggle for them since they kept tumbling down and some got through. Annabelle kept going, a walker was on the flight of stairs that was in front of her.

Annabelle paused and breathed in and out before running at the walker, she shoved the walker into the railing. The railing broke and she backed up and used her baseball bat to shove the walker off. The groaning of the walker faded and a loud splat was heard.

Annabelle turned around and went down the hallway and to the right. She looked down and saw a man with blond/brownish hair, he had blue eyes. "COME!" He spoke, she now knew that they were both Russians.

She turned around, the walkers were now in the hallway in a pursuit to get Annabelle. She looked back at the window and broke it with her baseball bat. She put her flashlight away and dropped her baseball bat down, the man caught it and leaned it against the wall. He was ready to catch her.

Annabelle climbed on the window top and was about to jump down but a walker grabbed her backpack, she screamed and tried her best to get the walker off. Annabelle reached for her backpack and took it off.

The walker toppled over and splatted right next to the Russian. He looked at the walker and scoffed. Annabelle's backpack also fell down.

She jumped down and he caught her, slamming himself against the wall. He lowered her down and she grabbed her baseball bat.

A few seconds later the second man appeared and threw a molotov right in the window. Fire spurted out.

"We need to go Stalker." The blonde spoke. Stalker was tall, a lot taller than the blond one. He had brown hair which was graying, same with his beard. "Got it Andrew." Stalker mumbled and grabbed Annabelle.

"WAIT MY SISTER WILL COME BACK!" Annabelle screamed. Stalker covered her mouth. "We can't stay here." he spoke and ran out of the alleyway.

Andrew aimed his AK-47 and fired, killing walkers. "THIS WAY!" Andrew yelled and began to run, Stalker fired as soon as Andrew ran out of ammo. Annabelle was worried about Dani and Cody, what if they die trying to find her.

"We need to leave a sign!" Annabelle spoke, and tried to reach for her backpack, but something was wrong. She didn't grab her backpack. "Tsk" she groaned.

"We will once we get away from the horde and it passes." Andrew spoke and she sighed knowing that would be the best option for them.

Cody carried Rose, soon enough they reached the apartment building, it was on fire. Dani's eyes widened, he knew Dani was about to yell and he grabbed her by the mouth. "We can't attract them." he motioned at the horde. "Only the top half is on fire right now, we have enough time to save her if she is still alive."

Dani nodded and calmed down. "What's your plan?" she questioned. "Can I borrow your bow for a minute?" he asked. Dani got suspicious about the sudden question but still handed it to him anyway.

Cody grabbed an arrow from her quiver and aimed it at the walker that was the furthest away. He fired and it entered the walker's head, the impact of the body caused the horde to look at their fellow corpse buddy.

The horde lost interest in the fallen walker. Cody glanced at Dani. "Stay here." he ducked down and snuck over the body. Cody picked up the body and snuck over to Dani. "So…" she looked at Cody as he lowered the body. "What are we going to do with that?" she pointed in disgust.

"This." He pulled out his dual blade and slashed the walker's stomach open. "Do not get any in your eyes, cuts, mouth you know the drill." Cody spoke and Dani plugged her nose with her face. "Do we have to?"

Cody nodded and began to spread the walker blood and guts on him, Dani did the same, as soon as she took a breather she threw up.

"You okay?" he asked and Dani swatted him away with her hands. "No. Give me a minute." She got used to the smell. "Let's go." Dani looked at the burning building.