Learning how to protect herself (part 2)

(3rd POV)


"Beru, why are you grunting again? You have your friend here with us now" Shayla asked her familiar and waved her hand around, in the past 10 minutes, she was able to tame a massive amount of bears.

"Do you not happy when you are with your friends?" Beru only replies to her with a Grr and continue to move on.

*Woof* (I don't know how wolves bark so yeah)

"What is those noises? I think it comes from there?" Before our curious Shayla could know the source of those noises, her tamed bears charged up and attack those wolves.

Normally, A wolf won't be hunting alone so a bear wouldn't be enough to beat a pack of wolves but that is a different story if the bear also hunts in a pack. The pack of wolves were overpowered by the bear's massive body and strength.

[Your familiar has killed a wild wolf + 200 (300) exp]

[Your familiar has killed a wild wolf +200 (300) exp]

[You pet Hebi has killed a wild wolf + 200 (300) exp]

(This is the amount of exp she receives, not her pet/familiar since they receive x2 exp, also the exp perk is counted inside the () thing)

[You have levelled up] x4


"Wolf? big bad wolf?"

[Yes dear, big bad wolf, I recommend you not to tame too many wolves since they are a bit too... bloodthirsty, but their agility is very good for you at an early stage.]

"Mn noted. Beru, let's go and meet your boss." Shayla said as she pats her mount's head.

Grr* Beru replies with a low growl and continue to lead the group deep into the forest, follow him behind is a group of bears, their level is scaled from 5~12.

Hiss* Hebi crawl up on Shayla's hand and wrap around her neck, it seems like Hebi has become Shayla's necklace somehow, the girl doesn't care about it and seems to enjoy it too.

On their way, the tamed bears have killed many wolves resulting in Shayla levelling up quite a lot.


Lv: 16 [50/1600]

HP: 200/200 HPR:10/min

MP: 6500/6500 MPR: 3210/min

Class: divine tamer (1/100)

Secondary Class: N/A

STR - 325

VIT - 10

DEX - 5

INT - 325

WIS - 321

CHA - 15

LUK - -?

Points: 80

Credits: 4100

A new perk for reaching 100 INT and WIS: magic affiliation

Awaken your magic element: Light, Wind and Chaos.

Because you have affiliation with Chaos element so every element will be available for you

A new perk for reaching 300 INT and WIS: magic prodigy

Increase magic effectiveness by 50%

A new perk for reaching 100 STR: inhuman strength

Your strength could easily crush rock and bend steel.

A new perk for reaching 300 STR: fist of steel

Increase all physical damage by 30%

(I don't fucking care, she is weak, okay? She isn't that OP yet compare to some MC who can alter reality or destroy the timeline and world from chapter 2 so shut up, I want my daughter to be strong enough to beat the crap out of those characters, slowly but surely)

"Hm? I have levelled up 16 times and get 80 points, then each level I will have... 5 points?"

[That is correct, the point you receive can be freely put into any of your stats. Ah, I forgot that your LUK stat isn't available yet so don't put your point there yet.]

"Mn, I understand"

VIT - 50

DEX - 45

HP: 1000/1000 HPR: 50/min

"Woah, my body feels better and lighter at the same time, is this the effect of VIT and DEX stat?"

[Yes it's, VIT stat do make your body healthier and tougher]

"I think I should put more of my point into VIT in the future... but I have a question, why I haven't seen the boss yet? I think I have been riding Beru for quite a long time but I haven't reached the second area yet."

[Oh, it's because this forest is very big, it can be compared to a mid-tier city. Still, the main reason is that your familiar is walking instead of running]

"No wonder, so let's speed up Beru, I want to meet your boss." The bear give a low growl and began to speed up, the army of bears behind also start running with 'her'

{Unknown time later}


Wind lion lv 30

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 600/600

Skill: [basic wind magic] [wind claw]

"Woah, a lion with magic, so he can do magic as I did?"

[Yes but no, while he can use magic, he didn't use the same type as you.]

"Mn, I want to tame him, I want to see him use magic!" Shayla shouted happily and tell her familiar to approach the boss. While Beru tried to refuse and want to hide, Shayla and Hebi encouraged him to do it making the poor bear have no choice.


The white lion looks at Beru with hungry eyes but when it catches Shayla's figure, the hunger in its eyes fade away and obediently sit down.

Shayla isn't aware of the situation decide to jump off Beru's back and walk closer to the source of the growl. The lion move forward and let Shayla touch its head.

"Is this what System called a lion mane? it's so soft!" Shayla use her tiny hand to play with the lion mane without any problem, while the lion seem to be annoyed by her action, it still let her play with its prideful mane.

"wind lion, can you join my team, please?"

*Grr* The lion let out a low growl then send a wave of wind to push her down, at least that is what it thinks, Shayla manage to withstand the wave with her current STR stats.

*Grr* the lion intent to test Shayla a bit more before accepting her as its master but something unexpected happens. Shayla raised her hand and chop down on the boss's head

"Bad lion!"

[Critical hit! -650HP]

The proud lion now lying on the ground, trying its best to not fall unconscious.

[The wind lion has submitted and become your familiar, do you want to name it?]

"I will call you Lionel from now on," Shayla said happily and climb on the giant lion's back to mount it.

[Quest completed]

Tutorial fight:

objective: defeat or tame 5 wild bears [X]

Reward:100xp, new pet skill book

bonus objective: tame/defeat the boss monster of the first area [X]

Reward: 2000xp, a skill book that helps your eyes

[You have received a pet skill book and skill: observation haki]

Poisonous body: (passive) lv 1/100

when you touch any creature, they will get inflicted with a poison debuff

The poison debuff deal 50dmg/sec and last for 1min

This skill can be turned on or off

Observation Haki: (passive/active) lv 1/100

When in passive mode, you can sense life forms, dangers, and objects in a 20-meter radius.

When active, you can see your everything's movement easier, you can see the attack from every direction.

When Shayla finish reading the effect of Observation Haki in her head, she was immediately struck with a wave of information flowing in her head. "I think I can feel my surrounding... clearer? I can even locate my familiar!" Shayla ran back to her army of bears and touch them, "Mn, this is real!"

[Yep it's real. I think you have finished training inside the ID, it's time for you to leave. Say ID: escape or just think about it]

"But wait, what will happen if I leave, is all of my bears gonna disappear?"

[No, they will be sent to another dimension by your skill: living dimension.]

"That is good to know, well I will have to see you later then. ID: escape" Shayla wave her hand to say goodbye with her familiar then disappear.