Getting a new friend

(3rd POV)

Shayla was teleported back to where she is before

[Congratulation for the first time taming a boss, an extra reward will be given.]

Drop: (Wolf meat)X100, (Beast fur)X100, a gacha token and 12000 credits

[Hebi has level up]X24

[Hebi's evolution is now available]

Gacha token (no rank)

When use it will give you a random item from the multiverse, it all depends on your luck!

"Gacha? Why does it sound like something bad?" Shayla hold the tiny token in her hand and couldn't help but wonder.

[Because it's a bad thing, even it's necessary for the long run I don't recommend overusing it. Gacha is a bad civilization.]

[Also the item you get from Gacha have a variety of power, but all of them are followed by this ranking: common-uncommon-rare-epic-mystic-legendary-divine-relic. The higher rarity means the items have stronger abilities]

"Mn noted."

[Good, now and can take the token and say or think use]

Shayla follow the instruction and use the token

[Gacha token used]

[you have received an egg of myth] (LOLI LUCK BEAT CHAOS BAD LUCK!)

Egg of Myth (mystic)

Will hatch into a random creature from any Myth that is existing.

Hatch time: 12:00:00 hours

"Another egg? Does that mean I will get another pet like Hebi?

[Yes you will and it will be an extremely powerful one since creatures come from Myth is a variety from a dragon, phoenix, hydra, leviathan and lots more but I don't wanna talk about it.]

"I have a question, what does a dragon look like? And some of the Myth creatures too."

[Mn, describing it to you wouldn't help at all... I think you better wait until your skill: link levels up. Before that, let us move on. Now your pet Hebi is available for evolution, you will have to pick her Evolution tree]

[Hebi's Evolution tree:

[Poison] [fire] [lighting] [wind] [earth] [dark]

"6 different options, so hard to choose..." Shayla looks at the floating board in her head and tries to imagine how Hebi would look when she evolved.

"I wanted Hebi to stay the same so I will choose the poison one please"

[Poison route is chosen, please put your pet to a safe place first before the evolution begin]

"Safe place?" Shayla process looks around the room to find something that could be called safe but the system voice helped her out.

[No need to find a safe place in this house, you can simply put her into her living dimension or place her inside that basket on the table over there, considering she is pretty small for now, it's should be fine.]

Shayla follow System's advice and put the snake inside a basket on the table. Hebi curled up inside the basket and let out a satisfying sound.

[the evolution will now begin. Time until finish: 4 hours]

"So in the next 4 hours, Hebi won't be available to play with me? I wonder what she will become after 4 hours"

[I don't I think I have explained the evolution stage right? Let me get it as short and understandable as possible]

[1st stage is when the pet/familiar are born, some creature can have magic at this stage

2nd stage is when is reach adulthood, most creatures achieve magic when they reach this stage

3rd stage is when even a normal animal can use magic, a creature with higher origin can even use its power to destroy a whole city easily

4th stage is a massive evolution, only available to some creatures with good talents and origin but despite that, all of your pets can have the ability to get to this level. At this level, Hebi will be at least the size of a whole continent or at maximum can cover the world with her body.

5th stage is the last stage, depending on the habitant and skill, the evolution will be different but all of those will give them the power of a mid-tier God. This is the only stage that a mutant can occur, which can make your pet become a high-tier god or even supreme-tier God]

"That is a lot to take in at once" On Shayla's head there is visible smoke flying out right now and her face shows that she is trying to digest the amount of information.

[Fufu, there is no need to understand all of them now, I will remind you when needed in the future]

[Now it's near midnight already, let's take a quick shower and eat let's go to sleep, your body is a bit dirty]

Then System leads Shayla to the bathroom where the little girl submerges in a big bathtub, she also cleans herself very carefully which make her confused since she hasn't done anything like a shower before. The system simply answers it's because the daily life skills pack she was given at the start contains everything necessary a normal human would do in their life.

(I won't describe a woman bedroom since I have never seen one before!)

Shayla got back to the bedroom and jumped on the big bed and let her face buried inside a soft pillow. "Uwah, so comfortable... I wonder if Hebi is feeling comfortable in that basket too?" Shayla could help but ask herself some silly questions until actual midnight.

[Before you go to sleep, you can hug the egg while sleeping for it to hatch, helping you save quite a lot of time.]

"Really? Then it's very time-saving! If not I will have to hug her for half a day, taking all of my time to play"

(A/N: Wait for a second... she still need to do it for half a day tho...)



A/N: Shayla is my first creation so I want her to have the best thing that is suitable for her. Honestly, I feel really bad for her since I have abandoned her story for a long time. But now I'm here, re-writing the story with a lot more effort than I used to be.

Anyone can guess the new pet she gonna get? Hint: it isn't a dragon, I feel like dragon is a bit too over used