learning something news

Most of the story will be locked at 3rd POV for her good


{The next day} (3rd POV)

[You have slept in a comfy bed, all HP and MP has been restored and negative effects have been removed]

"Just a bit more..." words escape Shayla's mouth without her knowing it

[Wake up Shayla-chan, it's time for school~]

"Mn..." Shayla was forced to wake up and open her eyes... only to see the familiar darkness again and due to her gamer's body, she felt no fatigue.

"But what is a school? Why do I have to wake up for it?" she asked and look at the egg of myth in her arms

Hatch time left: 4:24:10 hours left

[A school is a place for everyone to learn new knowledge... even though you aren't required to go to a school since I can answer all of your questions 1 way or another]

"So what I should do now?"

[How about changing your clothes and exploring your house a little? Our beloved goddess has done some modifications to the house to make it more convenient for you. You should explore the house I will explain important things to you]

"Mn" Shayla replied shorty and stand up to change her clothes, she wears simple everyday clothes for a child and leaves her room

(I don't have a license to describe a child's clothes... I will get it soon, just 2 more years)


"Ah, Hebi!" Shayla nearly stripped herself when she heard the snake sound just right next to her ear.

[Did I forget about Hebi's evolution notification? my bad then]

[Hebi's evolution stage has been raised to stage 2. New skill: presence concealment, hunter's instinct, poison mist, increased body's length and width]

[Skill: link has been upgraded]


Race: snake (evolution stage 2)

Level: 38

HP: 2300/2300 HPR: 230/min

MP: 1000/1000 MPR: 50/min

STR - 130

VIT - 115

DEX - 80

INT - 50

WIS -50

Skill: [poison bite] [poison body] [presence concealment] [hunter's instinct] [Poison mist]

Presence concealment (active) lv 1/100, 100mp/min

Hide your presence from anyone who doesn't have detection skill

Hunter's instinct (passive)

Increase presence concealment skill effective and sneak damage by 2 times

Poison mist (active) lv 1/100, 500mp

Spit out a poisonous mist that will cover an area of 20 meters and inflict poison on any creature within the radius, except the user.

Link: Now you can use a mental link to talk with your pet/familiar. Only available for pets and familiars that have reached evolution stage 2

"Woah, you are so much stronger now Hebi!" Shayla said in awe and lift her pet, "And why did you become so heavy recently?"

'It's because I have evolved and become bigger, mother' a female voice suddenly appear in Shayla's head and made the little girl look around the area with her Haki to check but there are no one else besides her, Hebi and the unhatched egg.

"Eh? Who is calling me mother? Where are you?"

'I'm right in your arms mother' This time Shayla 'look' at her arms or more preciously, her snake. "It's you Hebi? You can talk now?" Hebi shake her head 'I can't talk yet mother, but I can communicate with you through your skill: link'

"That's good, but why did you call me mother?" Shayla's a child that has grown up without any parents love so she is confused about the term mother and why did Hebi call her that.

'Because you have brought me to this life, raised me and even named me, you are my mother!'

Seeing Shayla still confused, the system decide to jump in and explain about a family relationship but she avoided mentioning Shayla's previous family to not make the girl sad, even though Shayla is currently emotionless.

After hearing the explanation, Shayla "I think I understand the important parts, so from now on, you are my daughter Hebi-chan!"

'Yay!' Hebi cheered and crawl down from Shayla's hand and warp follow her since her size has increased dramatically after the night and can't be carried around anymore.

[The first floor isn't anything fancy at all, only normal rooms like dining room, kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. Let go to the second floor, remember to walk up the stair slowly using your Haki]

"Mn, I will try" Shayla touch the wall and used Haki to feel the stairs, she slowly gets to the second floor without stripping mid-way. On the second floor, there is a secret barrier the goddess has created to avoid strangers to see what is truly inside.

[This is the second floor where the goddess has placed some special tools for you, it helps you save a lot of time to level up blacksmith class since you can just craft it right of the batch. These are the machine, I will give you a piece of quick information about them]

[Gear crafting table]

Use to craft weapons, accessories and armour, you can also unlock special crafting by using blueprints. Require material to craft

[Potion brewing table]

Use to brew potion with various effects, require materials to use.

[material extracting station]

Allow you to extract material from items below legendary grade, there is a small chance for the machine to drop out double the amount of the original number.

Portal device (locked until level 100)

If a normal person sees this they would be shocked by the crazy amount of machines in a single room and how advanced they are, but Shayla is using Haki to feel the outer structure of those machines

"So many strange tables and its usage is news to me... I don't think I have material for crafting yet."

[That is why I'm showing you around to see, you haven't got enough material for those things yet. I think we have enough house tours, for now, let's go outside, it's a disadvantage for you for not knowing the anime itself but you can slowly learn it from reality.]

[New quest has been created]

Learning the basic

Objective: obtain the basic knowledge about the world you are currently in with the help of the system. Also try to take a tour around the town, be careful my child.

Reward: a skill book.



Outside of the peaceful street, Shayla is walking to the Kuoh high school with the instruction of the system. She is walking near the wall so her Haki could tell the direction better since it's at a very low level right now.

On her way, she occasionally bumped into people but all of them forgive her since you can't blame a blind girl for bumping into people, another reason why people forgive her is that humans are counted as a creature too, you know what comes next.

[Next, turn right at this alley, then go straight through it you will see the Kuoh highschool a bit far away]

"Mn" Shayla listen to the system and take a quick turn into the alley. Inside the alley is very dark for a normal human to see properly but it doesn't affect Shayla at all, she just continues walking... until she bumped into someone again.

"Kyaa" a girl voice and a loud thud make Shayla stop to see if she make someone fall or not. She then extends her hand to the unlucky girl to help her up.

"Thank you for your help, I'm Asia Argento, can you understand me?" the blond girl bowed and introduce herself

"I can understand you, why did you ask?"

"Oh thank god, I travelled from Italy to Japan to attend a church, I asked so many people but none could understand me. Can I ask you where the is town's church?"

'System, if she speaks Italian then how can I understand her?'

[System has given you a passive ability to translate every language in the world so you won't have problems communicating.]

'understood' "Mn no, I can't see anything and I'm new to the town too so I don't know where is the church located."

"Oh, so you are blind then, forgive me for not seeing that earlier, may the Lord bless you." Asia prayed for the pitiful girl. "That isn't a problem miss. Umm, since you can see, can you please lead me to the Kuoh high school? Maybe I can ask for someone to help you out."

"That is great! Let us go... ehm, I believe I don't have your name yet stranger-san?"

"Oh, I'm Shayla, just Shayla"

"Mn, nice to meet your again Shayla-san, I think I see the high school over there, let's go"