It's time to explore the ruin! A new pet has been added

(3rd POV)

"Shayla-san is this the school you want to get to? We are at Kuoh high school right now." Shayla 'look' at the big building in front of her and asked the system for confirmation. After receiving the affirmative response from her system, she nodded.

"Thank you Asia-san, let's me find someone to help you." Then she used Haki to sense the surroundings and found a person of unknown gender sneaking doing something.

Shayla pull Asia's hand and said that she heard the voice of someone near and take Asia over when they arrive at the scene, Asia saw a girl at her age reading something she shouldn't know.

The nun immediately turns away from the unholy sight but Shayla who is clueless about what is happening still walk toward the pervert and pull her uniform.

The girl notices Shayla is pulling her uniform and quickly hide the porn magazine away before turning back to the young girl. "Eh, who are you? how did a young girl like you get here?"

"That nun over there need to get to a church but no one understands her language except me, can you help her please onee-san?"

The girl looks hesitant when Shayla mentions the word nun and church but she still decides to help Asia to get to the local's church without knowing it was abandoned a long time ago.

Before Shayla leave and continue her adventure around the town, she overheard something that changed the whole plot.

"Hello Asia-san, my name is Izana Hyoudou, you can call me Izana if you like."

Izana Hyoudou lv 20

Title: the protagonist's twin sister

HP: 200/200

MP: 600/600

Skill: [Unknown Dictator] [basic devil magic]

'The protagonist's twin? Then who is the protagonist?' Shayla asked and continue her walk around the school

[The protagonist of this world is Issei Hyoudou, a super-tier pervert. I HIGHLY recommend you to not act friendly toward him since I don't know if his version is a lolicon or not]

'What is a lolicon?'

[It's... nevermind you shouldn't know that yet, let continue exploring the town]



Author quick explanation

For anyone who still doesn't understand why does Shayla have to explore the town on her own or she doesn't know about the protagonist, it's because she hasn't watched ANY anime yet. For short she doesn't know a single thing.

back to the story


{At home}

[So how do you think about our little town tour Shayla-chan?]

"it's fun, but I still haven't met the protagonist yet," Shayla complained and pet Hebi who has obediently waited for her at home.

'pat my head more mama'

[Don't worry, you will meet Issei soon since the plot has started for a while, a big event is coming soon]

"Mn, I want to join the plot too, it's sound fun."

[I don't think joining the story of this world would be fun... even if you want to join you have to become stronger first, your strength isn't that great.]

"I understand, so should I go back into the ID and advance to the second area?"

[That is a good idea but before we do that, you will have a healthy lunch first then drink some milk for your boo- I mean bones!]

(I know drinking milk won't work but this is my fanfiction so everything can happen =D)

"What can happen author-sama?"



[You don't need to understand the weirdness of our creator. Now please head to the kitchen, right on your left Shayla-chan]

"Mn" Shayla walk to the kitchen with Hebi following her behind. Inside the kitchen, there is a huge fridge standing in the corner and beside the fridge is the cooking area which can rival the master chef's set-up. On the opposite direction of the cooking section is the dining room which is connected directly, there are some chairs and a single standing there... menacingly.

[Before we start cooking, I just want to tell you this: let your instinct guild you, no need to apply logic and let your skills do it.]

"Hm?" But before Shayla could ask the question, her hand automatically choose the necessary ingredients from the fridge and place them on the cutting board.

'eh?' Shayla were surprised that her hands are moving without her control and doing everything so... perfectly, she cut the raw ingredients and put them into the pot of boiling water then add spices.

'What is happening System? Why does my body is moving on its own?'

[Oh, it's because the daily skill pack you got has boosted all of your non-existing skills and already existing daily skills to the level of perfection, Let take your cooking skill as an example, you now can cook better than a master chef!]

"Woah, so every daily skill will be at perfect level? But want actions are counted as daily skills?"

[There are a lot of them, I don't wanna list all of them. You just need to know it help a lot, even in combat]


When she finished asking, her body has already finished cooking, Shayla then process to eat the food with a smile on her face.


{inside the ID}

"A new adventure is awaiting us, let's go Beru!" Shayla is currently mounting Beru and forcing the bear to go into the second area, Beru didn't want to go there since their level is too low so Shayla have no choice but to let them roam free in the first area to farm some exp.

During that time, she reached level 50 while eating some fruits on the trees.

[Congratulation Shayla-chan, you have reached level 50, now you will have access to the secondary class]


level 50 (1%)

HP: 3200/3200 HPR: 160/min

MP: 20100/20100 MPR: 10010/min

Class: divine tamer (5/100)

Secondary Class: available|

STR - 1005

VIT - 160

DEX - 100

INT - 1005

WIS - 1001

CHA - 30

LUK - -?

Point: (too lazy to write the points putting part so I put it up already)

credits: 25K

New perk added for reaching 600 STR: combo

Every 10 combos will increase your physical damage by 1.25 times. Maximum at 100 combo

New perk added fore reaching 1000 STR: beast strength

Allow you to lift to 10 tonnes and each of your punch worth at least 3 tons

New perk added for reaching 600 INT and WIS: mana zone

Allow you to burst your mana out to every direction and make a mana zone. Inside the zone, no one will escape your senses

New perk added for reaching 1000 INT and WIS: 2nd container

Increase you to store some of your MP inside a separate MP container

MP stored: 0/1005

[Now for your secondary class, I only recommend mage and ranger Class, a production class can also be useful but not for an army of beasts.]

[Mage] [Ranger] [Warrior] [Production]

"Then I will go with a mage, I think my MP is good for a mage class."

[Good choice, now it's time to choose a speciality, I will put a quick explanation here]

[Light mage]: use the power of light, capable of light magic and healing magic

[Dark mage]: master of dark arts, not a good one for you

[Druid]: allow you to borrow the power of nature and control it.

[Elementalist]: Specialize in one element

[Illusionist]: master in illusion, fool everyone in the world and play the roles of a trickster

[Easper]: godly telekinesis power that could even drop a planet if you want

"I want to become a light mage"

[Eh? Isn't that is too hasty? Consider your choice Shayla-chan]

"Light mage has healing power, it's very useful!"

[... fine, you do have a healing perk, after all, it's indeed very powerful if you have a healing skill]

[Light mage Class chosen] (remember, this is a starter Class)

New skill gained:

Light bullet (active) 50MP, lv 1/100

Create a light bullet from your hand and shoot it away, dealing 1.5x damage to an unholy creature.

Minor heal (active) 100MP/min, lv 1/50

Heal minor injuries and restore HP by 1.5% (0.5) per minute.

"These two are good skills, now I can attack my own, there is no need for my familiar to help anymore."

[Hatch time: 00:00:00]

[The egg of Myth is hatching]

Did I forget something? Yup, during her hunt, she has hugged the egg for 4 hours straight on the bear's back.

[Unnamed phoenix has been added to your pet slot]

unnamed phoenix

Race: phoenix

Gender: female

Lv: 1

STR - 3

END - 10

DEX - 1

INT - 5

WIS - 5

CHA - 3

LUK - 0

Skill: [phoenix flame]

"A phoenix? Is she a firebird?"

[Yep, technically she is a firebird that can be reborn through flames, although she isn't capable of doing that yet.]

"So cool!"

*Chirp* the baby phoenix reply happily

[Please give your pet a name]

"A name... I will call you Akatori from now on!"

[Shayla, your sense of the name is just... nevermind, you can buy a certain amount of rare candy from the shop if you want to]

"Really?" Shayla open the shop and search for the words candy, 2 different kinds of candy showed up in her mind

Rare candy: 1k credits

Evolution candy: 100K credits

Allow a familiar/pet to evolve into stage 2 evolution immediately.

'An epic is too expensive for me right now, I would like to buy 20 rare candy please.'

[20 rare candy purchased, please check your inventory]

Shayla takes out the rare candies she just buy and feeds it all to Akatori, raising the phoenix's level to 21 immediately.


"What did you say Beru? There is a strange structure in front of us?"

*Grr* Beru replied with a growl

"Okay, let us go there then, maybe we can find a treasure there." the group began to move closer to the strange structure. When Shayla come close enough to touch the structure, a notification pop up in her mind.

[You have entered the forest's ruin, please be careful when entering.]

"A ruin? Then there must be a lot of treasure inside right?"

[It's true, but it's also come with a lot of traps too]

"That is no problem, it's time to explore the ruin!" Shayla shouted as her army enter the ruin entrance one by one.

Shayla's familiar: ~100 bears, ~10 wolfs