The church was raided by a child?

(3rd POV)

After spending a lot of time inside the ID, Shayla's number of familiars and their overall power has increased by at least 3 fold... which can already make the whole peerage of Rias run for their life if Shayla decides to unleash them.

Right now the innocent little girl is heading toward the boss of the second area. "Go faster Beru!" Shayla cheerfully said to her familiar, the bear didn't seem to be happy with that cheer because right now its power level has dropped significantly since the monster from the second area join in.

Empowered bears, wolves power level: 20~25

Magic beast from second area power level: 46~60

Because of the big gap between their power, the familiar from the first area has become useless if not because of Shayla's ability to make their battle easier.

If you compare a normal wolf with a higher level with a magic wolf with a much lower level, the magic wolf still has a higher chance to win. Since they are all normal familiar they have to evolve naturally or manually by humans or nature's hand, not by system.

[You have entered the boss's area, please prepare to fight the boss]

Wyvern lv 86

HP: 24000/24000

MP: 10000/10000

Skill: [lesser dragon fire] [weak dragon scale] [wind magic (advanced)]

Status: berserker (can't be tamed)

"Eh? He can't be tamed because of the berserker status, is there a way to remove it?"

[With your current healing skill? No, you can't cure the berserker status, I'm afraid that you will have to defeat the wyvern to get to the third area. Be wary because any creature under the berserker effect won't be affected by your trait]

Shayla nodded and pick up Akatori and Hebi to aid her in the battle since the two of them are the strongest among the beast Shayla has tamed. "Let's do this Hebi, Akatori, the rest will wait for me outside," Shayla said and walk into the boss fight, like a girl.

"Hebi, take the chance to poison him, Aka-chan you will follow me and attack the wyvern directly." then they immediately follow her order, Hebi used her presence concealment immediately while Shayla and Akatori used phoenix fire to cover the wyvern's sight.

*ROAR* The wyvern roared furiously and released the lesser version of dragon fire to fight against Shayla and her phoenix.

According to anime logic, dragons are way stronger than phoenixes if you compare them by power. But, in this case, a newborn phoenix and a child is fighting a lesser dragon... or rather a gamer and her pet is fighting against a wyvern.

*Intense burning noise*

The flame collides together and burn the nearby area but leave the two (three) attackers ground clean. "Light beam!" learning the lesson from the ruin, Shayla used a light beam from both of her hands and slash them at the wings of the wyvern.

*ROAR but in pain*

Unfortunately for her, the light beam isn't strong enough to cut off the wyvern's wings but it's still enough to injure and make the wyvern roar in pain and drop down to the ground. Hebi take the chance and wrap around the wyvern and uses her fang to bite deep into its neck, paralyzing the wyvern.

Poison bite: (active) 0mp, lv 20/100

Deal 800 damage to an enemy, inflict poison and have a chance to paralyze the enemy for 1 minute.

Poison: deal 50 damage per second for 1 minute.

Being paralyzed and poisoned at the same time, the wyvern growl painfully and try to move its body but all of that is just a waste of time since Hebi and Akatori have already charged up their last attack.

"Phoenix's descending!" the flame of the two merged and create a big phoenix that looks identical to Akatori then throw it at the paralyzed wyvern


[You have killed the wyvern boss of the second area, you have gained access to the third area of this ID]

[The rest of the reward will be given later, you can exit the ID now and rest, today is a good harvest]

"Mn" Shayla give her familiars a goodbye then disappear.


[You have beaten the wyvern boss for the first time, an extra reward will be given.]

[You have received a wyvern's heart, 2 gacha tokens and a skill tome]

[Hebi has levelled up] x 54

[Akatori has levelled up] x63 (fire user in a forest, you can imagine the rest)

[Akatori's evolution is now available]

Skill tome: flight (rare)

Allow you to fly freely for 10 minutes. One time use only

Wyvern's heart (uncommon)

A fine ingredient to craft wand, potion or even sword.

"I would love to use the skill tome right now but it's a one time use only item, it's time for the gacha I guess."

[2 gacha token used]

[You have received an Iron fruit and a piece of cake]

Piece of cake (common)

Hmm, a bit too sweet but overall it's good

Iron fruit (uncommon)

Your body parts will slowly become hard as iron as long as you eat this fruit regularly, this fruit is quite popular in other worlds.

[The iron fruit is certainly a useful item for a normal person but with my help, your body has already overcome this stage. So let me introduce you to one of your class's special power]

[Do you wish to let the iron fruit grow inside your skill: living dimension?]

"Um, yes?"

[The dimension have absorbed the iron fruit, the fruit's grade is uncommon so the fruit will begin to grow inside your dimension after 3 days]

"Eh? what does that mean?"

[Basically, the iron fruit that you saw earlier will now grow inside the living dimension where every one of your pets and familiars lives and allow them to eat the fruit regularly, while the fruit isn't that useful to some of them, it will still help a lot. If you want to see the effect, you will have to wait 3 days later then]

"Mn, I want to see it, or at least feel it since I can't see."

[I know it's bad but trust me, if you got strong enough in the future there will be a way for you to regain your sight.]

"I hope so, I hate the darkness around me."

[I know you do... oh, by the way, I think it's time for a new quest]

[New quest received]

Save a friend

Objective: attack the church of fallen angels and save Asia before she gets killed

Reward: Twilight healing sacred gear

Condition of failure: Asia got killed

"Asia-san? The nun that I helped yesterday?" Shayla tried to remember the familiar names of someone she barely have any impression on

[Yep, that is the one, I will give you a mini-map in your head with a pin on the church's location. We still have 1 more day so let us begin with the Akatori-chan evolution tree first]

"Mn, show me the evolution tree of Akatori please."

[Akatori's evolution tree: fire, thunder, dark, light]

"Akatori-chan, do you want to go with your primary element?" Shayla summoned her phoenix and asked it.

*Chirp* The phoenix nodded.

"Then I will go with you, let's go with fire evolution"

[The evolution will take place, please put your pet at a safe place]

Hearing the notification, Shayla hold Akatori who is sleeping and put her in the bed and decide to take a good sleep in the separate rooms.

(A/N: Did I ever mention that Shayla's house can hold up to 10 people freely? That doesn't count the living room, only the bedrooms)


{The next day at the church}

"Oi, why did we have to be the guard for those crazy fallen angels chicks?" random priest 1

"I don't know man, at our level we can only be a guard, what do you expect?" random priest 2

"I know, but it feels so boring here, there isn't a single invader, why are we even required to guard this place?" random priest 1

"I feel pretty good up here, as long as there isn't any invader, I can live through this day." random priest 2 sighed at his friend's personality

"I want something to happen!" random priest 2 shouted to the sky

"Akatori, use fire beam to destroy the surface!" along with the child's voice is a loud burning sound slowly but surely coming toward the guard's direction.

"...curse you and your fool mouth bro"



(Shayla' POV)

Mn, I think I have accidentally killed the guards, but they are bad guys so I should feel bad for them, System said that bad guys can directly go to hell without hesitation.

I'm currently riding on Akatori, she has now grown up to 3 meters big, still a bit shorter than Hebi but she is capable of bringing both of us flying through the sky, I don't know if I have attracted any attention or not since the weather forecast said that today is sunny, so no one should look right into the sun and saw us, right?

Whatever, "Aka-chan, let's go down" she nodded and head straight down to the area she just destroyed

"Before we go in, I will have to remind both of you that do not use AOE attack to destroy the place since we are here to save someone, not destroying the church."

'I understand mama' both of them said to me at once, having multiple voices in my head feel weird but I think I will get used to it soon.

"Let's go underground girls, I think the entrance is a bit too small, can you expand it a bit so we can all fit in Aka-chan?"

'I can mama, please close your eyes since there will be a lot of dust' Do I have to tho?

{5 minutes later}


"AH GOD PLEASE SAVE US!" That is a lot of bad guys in one place, they should be called priests if they did bad things to people "Kill all of them with fire Aka-chan!"


"What is going on here? Who are you and how dare you interfere with my plan?" Is she the boss of this place? her word sound commanding to me.

"Are you the boss of this place?" I decided to ask and immediately receive the answer "Yes I'm the one who is in charge of this place, who are you and what is your business here?"

(A/N: the trait of Shayla also affect human, angel, devil etc... As long as they are not dead or a machine)

"My name is Shayla, I'm here to help Asia-san out!"

"Eh? Shayla-san? Why are you here? You should be at home right now, you are still too young to do this!" Is that Asia-san's voice? My Haki has given me the exact location so now I should be able to get her fast as possible.

"I don't know who you are but I will have to kill you if you are a nuisance to my plan, sorry little one."

"Akatori, Hebi, kill all of those bad guys!"


Did Akatori-chan go overboard again? Her skill is surely destructive and powerful.