meeting with the devils

(3rd POV)


"AHHHHH" The screaming sound of the stray exorcist is too loud coupled with the explosion caused by her phoenix made Shayla cover her ears, blocking one of her last senses.

"Die!" A pink spear was thrown by Mittelt from above and aimed at Shayla directly. Fortunately, the phoenix recognized it and block the attack with her wings but the action has to make Akatori halt her attack and let the enemy take action.

"Get up and kill that damned bird!" Raynare commands the alive exorcist to attack, numerous gunshot sounds echo through the hall along with some screaming.

Akatori with her regenerative power can take all of the light bullets without any problem but she can't take the light spears from the fallen angels directly, because she is currently in a disadvantaged situation so she can't change to attack mode.

Hebi, who has sneaked to the backside of the hall has silently released poison mist at the exorcist and fallen angels, slowly but sure poison them to death.


An exorcist suddenly collapses with blood flowing out of his mouth, not long after that another exorcist fall, then they began to die one after another by the same method.

*Cough* "what is happening to my body?" Dohnaseek coughs out a mouth full of blood and quickly check his body, only to find a large amount of poison flowing in his vein. "Impossible, no mortal poison could harm a fallen angel"

(How bold of him to think normal poison didn't affect supernature being, let me introduce you to dragon spray, kill a dragon with only 1 spray! Lol don't mind me I'm shameless :D)

Not letting the chance goes, Akatori release her flame again and burned the three fallen angel, making them scream then die eventually. 'Mommy, we have killed all of those bad guys, you can go help your friend now.' Hebi call Shayla through their link.

"Um, thank you Hebi-chan and Aka-chan for helping me clear those bad guys, I will reward both of you later." The two pets let out some happy noises and lead their mother to the chained nun.

"Asia-san, I'm here to save you." Shayla picks up the chains with her tiny hands then break them with ease.

Asia takes Shayla's hand to stand up and take a glance at the remaining of the massacre and try her best to not throw up, "Thank you Shayla-san... I know they are bad but it's a bit too cruel to burn them like that? Can't we do something less painful to them?" her voice is filled with sadness as she starts praying for the dead.

Shayla's a bit too clueless about the matter of religion to understand the meaning of Asia's pray but she decides to not ask about it. "Asia-san, we should leave now, do you remember where is your house?"

"Uhm... But Shayla-san, I don't have a place to stay" Asia shyly said.

Shayla smiled widely and pull Asia's hand, "Then you can stay at my house Asia-san" "Eh? It's okay for your parents to have a strange girl inside your house?"

"No worries, I don't have any parents anyways, there are only me and my daughters at home."

"Eh? What do you mean your daughters?" Asia blushed when she heard the words but then changed to sympathy when she remember that Shayla doesn't have any parents just like her.

"My daughters are right in front of you, can't you see them?" Shayla pointed to the duo of snake and phoenix behind her, shocking Asia one more time. The priestess manage to put herself together after a moment and asked Shayla about the flaming bird she is seeing.

"Aka-chan is a phoenix as you see, but she can't revive through flame yet." At this point Asia only sighed and let it slide, she has seen many unbelievable things today.

"If you don't have any questions then we can leave, let's go, Aka-chan will give us a ride." Shayla then climbs up to the phoenix's back then bring her hand to help Asia up, the former priestess took her hand and climb up.

"Hm, Hebi-chan, I don't think Aka-chan can fit more, can you return by using my skill?" Hebi nodded then open a portal made by Shayla's skill.

"I think that's all, let's go Aka-chan, onward." But before Akatori could take off to the sky, a group of devils shows up and block the way.


{Few minutes earilier}

The Gremory's group arrive at the church due to Issei and Inaza pleading and Rias also see Asia as a potential human suited for the bishop piece of her. The first thing they saw is not the old entrance of the church, but nothing other than a bunch of rubble.

Rias analyze the mark left by the attacker which is the fire that didn't extinguish yet. "It seems like someone has attacked this place and it's a fire user of all things."

"Inaza-san, can you create something to clear the fire?" Rias asked her pawn

"Yes, Buchou" Inaza created a strange gun-like tool then shoot out an endless stream of water, extinguishing the fire completely. "We are clear to go in Buchou, I have cleared the fire inside too."

"Good job Inaza-chan, everyone let's advance further and remember to be careful." The peerage nodded and summon their sacred gear. Kiba summoned a normal-looking sword, Issei summoned a red gauntlet on his right arm and Izana have a futuristic-looking gun.

(Unknown Dictator can manipulate iron. Its most notable abilities are its ability to manipulate and create electronic devices and mechanical equipment of the modern day. I buffed it a bit and make it able to create any electronic devices as long as they can imagine about it. Yeah, in the future Inaza may be able to create electric-base nuke and boom the 3 realms XD)

*Imagine Izana cause I forgot last time*

When the peerage is walking down the road - which is also several destroyed - they found the room filled with burning corpses of the exorcist which made Izana and Issei throw up right on the spot. Rias and the rest don't react much since they have seen the scene a couple of times now, their attention is at the huge cross in the room and the flaming bird next to it.

"Who are you! State your name and your business here!" Rias's demanded.


(Shayla POV) yay back to my point of view

So there is a strange girl suddenly show up from nowhere and ask for my name and why I'm here so I should answer her question.

[Shayla, don't-]

"My name is Shayla and I'm here to help my friend, Asia"

[Shayla-chan, you shouldn't give out information just like that, it's better to keep your private information a secret most of the time, only share your information with someone you trust okay?]

'Oh, I won't reveal my private information in the future unless they are trustworthy'

"Then Shayla-san may I ask you something? Are you the one responsible for all of this destruction?" Destruction? Does she mean the damage caused by Aka-chan earlier... she does all of that because of my command so it's technically my fault, right?

"To answer your question Rias-san... I'm indeed responsible for the damage I caused here but it's for a better cause." That is an acceptable answer right System?

[I guess so. Because your trait has made conservation a bit more complicated for me to calculate the outcome]

'I still think it's mostly caused by me mother, you don't need to take the responsibility' But Aka-chan, you are my daughter and System said I have to take responsibility as your mother.

[I think you are taking my advice to an extreme level]

'I do?'

'[yeah]' both Aka-chan and System said at the same time, yikes. Luckily Hebi-chan isn't here or else that will be the sync of 3 people at once.

'I can still listen to you even if I'm inside my dimension you know?' Ah Hebi, I thought you couldn't hear me after you get into your living dimension.

"Shayla-san, do you listening to me?" I forgot Rias and her group is here too, so many things to take care of at a moment. "AH, sorry Rias-san, I got lost in my thought, what are you saying again?"

*Sign* "Shayla-san, while you did all of this to save Asia-san and also helped us to wipe out the enemy, I still have to report all of this to the higher-ups because of the fallen angels' activities in my area, this includes your appearance so I want to ask you to come with us." Um, that is a lot to take in at once, the main point is to meet them right? Then I can do it tomorrow I guess.

"Mn, Rias-san, I think it's too late for me to come to your place, can we do it tomorrow? You guy can give me the address and I will get there tomorrow."

My haki tell me that Rias is hesitating, why tho? Am I not trustworthy to her? "...Fine, we will meet again tomorrow at Kuoh's high school and please remember to bring Asia-san too"

"Un, I will meet you guy tomorrow, let's go Aka-chan"


(3rd POV)

The group watch Shayla and her phoenix fly through the newly created hole and sigh.

"Buchou, why did you let them go so easily?" Kiba asked, not understanding why did his King let the strange person go so easily.

"I... I don't know, I just feel it's the right thing to do and my body feel hot when I look at that cute face." Then Rias realise what she just said and grow a huge blush and immediately change to another subject.

Issei notices that even his sister, Koneko and Akeno is having a small blush on their face, questioning him further about his friend and sister are lesbian or not.

(Shayla's trait: make every creature not hostile to her unless they are seriously provoked or lost their mind, the other make her more attractive to girls)