What laid behind the portal device

(3rd POV)

[A quest has been completed]

[You have received twilight healing.]

Twilight healing: (active) lv 1/100

allow you to heal any creature without any drawbacks, give you the ability to use heal multiple people at the same time and from a range of 5 meters. As the skill level increases the power of the sacred gear will also increase.

Appearance: a pair of white rings.

"Another healing skill... but it doesn't say how many HP it will heal per minute like my skill."

[Because you already have a healing skill, the sacred only act as a booster, you can use your healing skill through the sacred gear to increase its effectiveness]

"Um, noted" while Shayla's talking with System, Asia curiously look at the pair of rings on Shayla's finger then look at her scared gear 'they look the same!' Asia thought.

"Uhm, Shayla-san, is the pair of rings on your finger a sacred gear too?" Asia asked, "Yeah it's a sacred gear named Twilight healing just like your sacred gear Asia-san." Shayla answered truthfully.

"So God bless you too Shayla-san, you also have the power like me."

"Mn, thank you Asia-san and you better hold tight because Aka-chan will dive down now." Not letting Asia put her though together, Shayla use one of her hands to grab Asia's shoulder and the other to grab Akatori's feather

Then the phoenix dives straight down just like what Shayla said, landing perfectly without breaking anything. Shayla jumped down while carrying Asia in her arms, princess-style, "Asia-san, we are safe now, you can open your eyes now."

"Thank you Shayla-san... but please don't do that, it's so scary," Asia said while trying to catch her breath.

Shayla nodded then pull Asia inside her house "I will be more careful next time. But it's next time, let's go inside now." Asia can't even resist the monstrous strength of the younger girl and get pulled inside.

"Woah, Shayla-san, do you live alone here," Asia said in awe when she found out how luxurious and big the house is. "Mn, I have always been living alone on my own. Let's go take a shower, your body smells so bad." Then Shayla take a walk to the shower on the second floor

"Really?" Asia takes a quick look at herself and finds her clothes are dirty and they are smelly just like Shayla said, she quickly follows the little girl to take a shower.

{NOTHING TO SEE HERE, I'm not ready yet for the shower scene between 2 girls, Shayla is still too young too.}

On Shayla's bed which used to only have Shayla sleeping on it now have two people, both of them are small and cute, one is sleeping and the other is... dreaming?

"Oh God please stop me from doing anything sinful, she is so cute!"

Yeah, she is dreaming about something sinful, that's all.


{The next day}

"Mou, Asia-san, why can't we just ride Aka-chan straight to the place?" Shayla complained because she got forced to walk to the high school. " But Shayla-san, people will notice and get scared."

Shayla pouted and accept her fate, the duo continue walking normally in the school's direction.

Arriving at the scene, Asia saw some familiar faces and call them happily. "Issei-san, Izana-san, I'm here." The twin heard their friend calling and immediately rush to hug her. "Asia-san, did she do anything bad to you?" Issei grab Asia's shoulder and asked her with a serious face.

"Don't worry Issei-san, Shayla-san is very kind, she won't harm me." Izana nodded and hit her older brother playfully "See you pervert? I told you that she is a good person and you didn't believe me."

"But your reason is unacceptable, how is she a good person because she is cute?"


Izana hit her twin's head one more time and scold him "Shut up, a pervert like you have no right to argue about this matter." She then walks toward Shayla then greet her "Nice to meet you again Shayla-san, thank you for helping Asia yesterday, I would like to thank you on behalf of Buchou."

Shayla doesn't know how to reply so she simply gives a nod and says no problems. "Also Shayla-san, why do you always close your eyes? Do you have an eyes problem?" Izana asked

"Mn no, I'm blind." The casual reply from Shayla made Izana stunned for a second but the girl manage to put it together, "I feel sorry for you Shayla-san, you can take my hand if it's necessary." Izana kindly grabbed Shayla's hand and lead her to the club room, she did not forget her brother and the priestess

"Brother, take care of Asia carefully, she is still a pure maiden" And ignoring her brother's words, she carries Shayla to the club room in princess style.

"... so she is a bisexual huh? No wonder why she didn't have a boyfriend yet." Issei mumble and began to create a devilish plan to trick his sister.


"Buchou, we are here" Izana break through the door and walk in, like a normal person.

The peerage has gathered in one place except for the bishop, Akeno looks at the pawn of the group and reminds her "Izana-chan, I thought Buchou has already told you to not break the door whenever you go in, although we can restore it, please restrain yourself." The queen then looked at Shayla in Izana's arms and show a bit of jealousy but quickly hide it.

"Welcome to our base Shayla-san, please take a seat, Rias-san is having a quick shower." Izana put Shayla down on the chair and sit beside her, she take out a bag of cookies then call Koneko and Shayla to eat it together.

{Sometime later...}

"Sorry for the wait Shayla-san, it's my habit to have a shower at this time, do you enjoy your time here... I guess there is no need to ask then." Rias's smile gets distorted a bit when she saw the scene in front of her: their guest is eating the cookies - which she presumed belong to Izana since the girl have a dimension pocket - while her face is getting played by Koneko and Izana.

"Um Shayla-san, can I have your attention, please? And Koneko and Izana-chan, can you leave our guest alone so we can have conservation?" the two members apologized and take their seats.

Rias put on her clothes in a flash then sit down opposite the direction of Shayla.

"So let me get this straight..."


(Shayla POV)

So... what is she trying to say again? I can't comprehend all of them, she has been talking for 30 minutes continuously without stopping.

[To sum it up: She wanted to thank you for your help in rescuing Asia and want to have Asia as a part of her peerage]

"So Shayla-san, can you let Asia-san become a part of my peerage?" Um oh, so just like System said... so how should I respond to this kind of question?

"Umm... how about asking Asia-san directly if she wants to join or not. I can't give my opinion on the matter like this." I want to go home... so many eyes are looking at me, it feels so uncomfortable.

"Then Asia-san, do you want to join my peerage?" Rias asked so many questions, is this how normal conservation works? I Don't want to attend such a long meeting, I want to go home :(

[Did you just make an emoticon Shayla-chan?]

I don't know, it suddenly appears there, so Asia-san accepted the proposal, can I leave this room now? It's so uncomfortable here. "Gremory-san, we have solved every problem already so can I go home now? I have some important matter to attend to."

"Hm, I understand, you can take your department now Shayla-san, I hope we can still be allies in the future."

{Time skip~} (3rd POV)

[So Shayla-chan, despite not having the antisocial trait, I think your behaviour is showing that you are an anti-social person, a type of person who doesn't like to go outside and rather stay at home]

"But it's not my fault, I want to go home because there are so many eyes looking at me, it makes me feel so... uncomfortable somehow, that wave of emotion suddenly strikes me thus making me want to leave that place right away"

[That is showing that you are an antisocial person Shayla! Just simply ignore them or give them a warning, most of the times people look at you because they are jealous of your cuteness, sometimes they will look at you in awe, you should slowly learn how to deal with that!]

"Please don't turn on your volume, it's so loud. I will try to do it only after dates."

[Well that is good. And one more thing before I forgot, you might want to check out the portal device on the 3rd floor]

"The portal device... the one that requires lv 100 to enter?" Shayla walks up to the 3rd floor and looks at the portal device. The futuristic portal is now fully active and creating a gateway to a certain place.

[Yes, this is the one. Upon stepping into the portal you will enter an unknown dimension that will be suitable for your current level. You will have to stay inside that dimension for 10 days and try to survive in that place. That's why the portal is only active when you reach level 100, just to ensure your survival]

[Also, inside that dimension time will be set to flow slower than the real world]

"Eh? What do you mean by time will flow slower?"

[Basically, 10 days inside that dimension will equal to 1 hour outside the real world, it's will make things less suspicious to other people]

"That is great... so should I go inside now?" Shayla looked at the portal with some wary.

[Don't worry, your skill pack will be able to keep you surviving for 10 days and couple with your trait, it makes your journey more like a vacation in another dimension]

Knowing the risk is low, Shayla sighed, "That is good to know, here I go!" then she walk into the portal, disappear from the DxD world.


{On the other side}

When Shayla step out of the portal, it immediately closed leaving her alone on the new land.

[Data updating]

[You are currently in the water world, where water takes 99% of the world's surface, you are standing on the 1% of land on the whole planet which is 1/50 the size of the earth. On this planet only exist water-base monsters so please be careful when you play near water]

"Is that a bad thing?

[No, that is a good thing, considering your perk work with any creature as long as they are alive, sea creature are also found]

"Alright then, Aka-chan, Hebi-chan and everyone let's come out, it's time to explore the sea" Shayla open a portal and summon her pet but strangely, she couldn't summon her familiars.

"Why I can't summon Beru and his friend? Is there a problem with my skill?"

[No there aren't, it's because this dimension has a barrier that stops monsters from other dimensions to invade it. Your pet is an excepting since they are linked with you]

"That is unlucky... but on the other hand, Hebi and Akatori are here and there will be many new friends to make here, gotta catch them all!" Shayla cheered with her pets, ignoring the system's confusion.

[Did she just pull a pokemon reference? When did she learn it though?]