A vacation in another dimension (part 1)

This author has passed NNN, now it's time for DDD boys. However, my 69 days of continuously writing won't stop even if it's DDD.


{first day} (3rd POV)

On the first day, Shayla has followed the System's guidance and find a suitable shelter on the island, she found a suitable cave in the middle of the island and decide to settle there, by taking some tree branches and using phoenix fire, a small campfire has been created, providing an unlimited amount of light because of phoenix fire.

Then Shayla and her pet have a quick trip to the forest to find some useful items to help them create a bed. After an hour of wandering, Shayla got enough material to make a simple bed for Akatori, why did she do that? Because she will sleep on Akatori and Hebi prefer to sleep on trees so the phoenix is the only one who needs a bed.

Shayla gets bored easily inside the cave and decides to head out, she brings both of her daughters for a walk and, refusing to fly directly to that place because she wanted to see if the island have anything interesting to play with.

Unexpectedly, the island's size is bigger than she thought so it takes more than an hour for her just to reach the coast.

*Huff* "why does the is coast so far from our base? There are no new friends in the forest too, I'm not going back on foot again, Aka-chan, you will carry me back this time." Shayla complained about the choice she make with a cute expression on her face.

"I'm going to sit here and wait until some sea creature shows up." She pouted and sit on a rock she found nearby.

*Grr* A low growl under the rock make Shayla jump off and scream, just like how a little girl should.

Rock turtle lv 40

HP: 12000/12000

Skill: [Rock shell] [Shell bash]

Basic information: A turtle with a shell hard as a rock, has lived for more than a hundred years. Neutral to most creatures

"Eh? a turtle? I feel that is a rock, not a shell." Shayla exclaimed and look at the turtle slowly going back to the water. The turtle slowly dives into the sea then disappear into the deep. Suddenly, a large amount of blood float up the sea surface, then a swarm of strange fish swim up and swallow all of the blood.

Iron-jaw fish lv 70 x 35

HP: 4000/4000

Skill: [Iron-jaw] [Blood absorption]

Basic information: once a piranha, now have grown a pair of iron jaws from absorbing blood from its enemy which is capable of tearing off iron and steel. Can't be tame because of its murderous nature, just kill it.

"Ew, they look so scary, even the system told me to kill them so release your ranged attack girl!"

'But mother, they are in the water, my flame isn't strong enough yet to hurt them in the water' Akatori says, "Then can you try to hurt them in some way? Like creating a new move that is powerful enough to make water vaporize when it touches?"

'... Maybe I can try, but please don't expect too much from me, mother.' The phoenix walks to another side of the coast to practise with her flame while Hebi is releasing poison mist at the crazy fish swarm.

The fishes weakness are clearly shown that they can't up to the land so what the group can do right now use long-range attacks to kill the swarm. Despite having the upper hand, Shayla and her pets still have trouble dealing with them, because their speed in water is too fast to be tracked with Shayla's current level of Haki so most of her shot has been missed.

The only way effective way to kill them is to use poison mist, while taking a lot of time, it's the only effective way for now

[You have created a new skill: heat ray]

[you has killed an iron-jaw fish]

Maybe not anymore

{Several minutes later}


[A mini-boss has appeared]

Steel eater lv 120

HP: 13000/13000

Skill: [steel body]

Basic information: A strange mechanic fish with an unknown origin, what you should know is it's weak against extreme heat even though it's in water.

"Aka-chan, use destruction flame!"


[It's super effective!]

[You have defeated a mini-boss, please check your inventory for a reward]

[ocean chest (rare)]

Give you some water-related items when open. Can't be open until you leave this dimension

After the fish slaughter, all of their skill levelled up and gained quite a lot of level. The phoenix got some new skills after figuring out she could do more in destroying stuff.

Flame burst: (active) 1500mp/use, lv 58/100

Burst out a powerful wave of flame in 150m radius deal 1500 damage and inflict heavy burn

heavy burn deal 100dmg/sec and last for 5 minutes

Destruction flame: (active) 700mp/use, lv 2/100

Cast out a super hot destructive wave of flame that destroy anything on its path and deal 3000 damage and inflict heavy burn debuff.

Yep, she is a nightmare to anyone who is inside a forest now, it's just absolute destruction if you drop her inside a forest, maybe the largest forest in the world will disappear in a month if you drop Akatori there.

On the other hand, Hebi gained a few levels in her skill by biting off some low-level sea creatures and poisoning a big area of the sea with her poison mist

Poison bite: (active) 0mp, lv 63/100

deal 1600 damage to an enemy, inflict heavy poison and have a high chance to inflict paralyze and illusion to an enemy.

Venomous body (passive) lv 42/100

When touching any creature they will get a deadly poison debuff

deadly poison deal 2100dmg/sec and last for 1 minute, the duration can be increased by touching them longer. Can be turned on or off

Poison mist: (active) 730mp/min, lv 23/100

Breath out a poisonous cloud that deals 150dmg/sec and inflict heavy poison

And finally is Shayla, she got some new light-based skills and got her haki level up quite a bit.

Observation Haki: (active/passive) lv 20/100

When passive, you can see everything happening in 200 meters radius. When active, allow you to predict and see the enemy's next move easily.

Bind (active) 300MP, lv 13/50

Allow you to bind multiple enemies with the power of light

Barrier (active) 200MP, lv 10/100

Create a barrier in front of you or allies that can block INT+WIS damage.

Shayla is happy because with the level up in Haki, she could feel the surrounding better so while she is in a good mood, she commanded her pet to continue killing the fish by throwing some 'lure' into the water. At the end of the day, they stopped massacring the fish and return to the cave to rest.

{day 2}

"So soft..." Shayla said as her grip become stronger, waking up the poor phoenix. Akatori want to cry right now because it hurt so much but she didn't want to wake up her mother. 'Sister, help me please, mommy is dreaming again'

Hebi received the message and wake up, she take a glance at the situation and sighed mentally, 'this isn't the first time mother did this, she has had a lot of dreams like this one recently.' She crawls down near her mother's grip and use her tail to tickle Shayla.

"Ahaha..." Shayla loosens her grip and continues sleeping. The two sister look at each other and sighed then continue their not so peaceful sleep.


[A raid boss has awoken, please be prepared to fight or hide from it]

"Mn... *Yawn* what is happening?" Shayla wakes up and looks around the familiar cave. 'Mother, a boss is attacking this place, you should get up now!' Akatori shouted in Shayla's mind.

"How can a sea creature attack this place? We are on land, not near the sea or something."

'You should see it yourself mother, let's go' Hebi grabbed Shayla's collar and put the sleepy girl on the phoenix back and warp herself around her mother to make sure she won't fall.

Akatori takes off quickly into the sky and heads to the north section of the island where they have hunted before.

"Am I still dreaming? My haki told me that there is a mountain is moving towards us."

'You are not dreaming mother, use observes straight in that direction' Shayla follow and used her skill, what she receive... didn't shock her because her emotion is still locked.

Elder island turtle lv 550

HP: 236934/350000

MP: 12300/13400

Skill: [nature force] [extended life force] [iron skin]

Basic information: An rock turtle that has lived over 4 thousand years by using magic and slowly evolved to an island turtle. This creature belongs to a leviathan-class sea creature, it might not be the strongest in terms of offensive but it's the best when coming to the defence.

Lucky for you, this monster is finding some food and just accidentally passing by, if you don't provoke it, nothing will happen. If you want to fight it, be my guest, that monster's body is covered with magic for a long time so it has evolved a lot. Even a nuke won't be able to kill it if they aimed it right into it's head.