SCP foundation is here to control the situation!

This chapter will be mostly about the SCP foundation and its operation.

Due to the 3 supernatural factions that exist, some SCP that relate to angels, devils will be removed but some will have to remain.

SCP-343: The true god of this universe, higher than the bible god and also her father. Yes, her.

SCP that relate to the normal supernatural: will never be captured

Anomaly SCP: will still be contained as normal.

And mind you, the SCP Foundation in this universe is pretty strong.

The power level of important members:

Each member O5 council = Albion or Ddraig at prime (Y.E.S)

The whole O5 council = Goddess of Bible (DATA EXPUNGED)

New O5 council after the great war: stronger than God of Bible (The SCP foundation can just revive them even if they die in the original so in a magic world they have a lot more stuff to do)

The Administrator: at the level of Ophis, Trihexa and Great Red.

Many SCP: have already been Neutralized and being studied by the foundation

The Scarlet king = The Administrator (Great Red, Ophis, Trihexa), the leader of the SCP foundation is holding the Scarlet king away from their reality.

SCP-3812: You don't need to write an introduction about me author-san, I will. My name is-


(3rd POV)

While the SCP foundation and the 3 supernatural forces are busy cleaning up the mess and controlling the media, Shayla aka the culprit of this event is playing in the playground with some kids, just like how a normal child should... if you ignore the fact that she is secretly carrying little Hebi inside her sleeve.

While Shayla is playing with other kids, a man wearing a military uniform approach the parents who are enjoying spending their time chatting, "everyone, please bring your family and return to your house now, a military action will take place in this town soon." He said through a speaker.

As a good Japanese citizen, everyone obeyed the government's order and return to their house, all except Shayla. The foundation's soldier found her still sitting near the sand pool to play so he decide to approach and ask her, "Hello kid, where are your parent? Why aren't you going home yet?"

Shayla stopped playing with the sand and turn her attention to the soldier, the foundation's member briefly saw many tentacles trying to pull him into the abyss for a single second then disappear.

But a single second for a person who usually deals with anomaly has proved many things to him. That is if he was able to remember it.

"What? I'm already seeing illusions in the early morning? I haven't come in contact with any anomaly lately... should be the effect of the new anomaly in this town..." He whispered then return to reality, the soldier noticed Shayla's blindness and noticed her reaction so he knows what he have to do

"I see... so do you have any family members or friends that can help you?" Shayla answered with a no, "then... do you remember your house address?" She answered with a nod.

"That is great, I can bring you home." But she refused, "no thank you, sir, I can go home on myself!" Shayla huffed and leave the park at godspeed. The soldier looked at Shayla running away then sighed, but then he noticed something was off, 'How on the earth can she even run faster than me? Is she a magic user? No, the magic detector didn't react, which means... guess I just suck then.'

[ZZZZZZ... This is the MTF-131 speaking, is the town evacuated?]

The soldier takes out the communication device from his pocket and responds, "it's not finished yet, please wait a moment for us to double-check."

[Then we will wait until the town is evacuated, report when the situation is clear. End]



A scientist walks into the old school building with a group of armed men following behind him, they walk up to the club room then the scientist gives a signal for the armed men group to wait outside before entering the room.

Inside the room are Rias and Sona with their peerage waiting, "it's my pleasure to meet you Ms Gremory and Ms Sitri, my name is Arash Wellstone, you can simply call me Arash or Dr Arash if you want to. I presume that your brother and sister have already told you about this meeting?" The scientist introduced himself and take a look at the devil's reaction.

'So this is Ms Rias and Ms Sona's peerage... 3 Longinus users, some normal sacred gear users and 2 hybrid devils... nothing out of report so far.'

"My brother has indeed told me about this meeting and your... secret foundation. Please take a seat Arash-san." Rias smiled

The scientist sit down and placed a clipboard on the table, he then takes out a pile of paper from nowhere then placed it next to the clipboard. "Let's me get straight to the point to not waste our time. Our SCP foundation has decided to take control of this situation, the only thing you need to do now is to make sure that everything will be left to us to deal with." Arash says with a straight face.

"Oh, I do not doubt the SCP foundation operation but I afraid that this town is currently governed by me and my friend Sona so I think leaving everything for the SCP foundation to do isn't something right to do, so I-"

*SLAM* he slammed his hand on the table

Arash's sudden action stunned Rias and Sona, the scientist now is generating a huge amount of pressure and start to leak some killing intent, the group of newly reincarnated devils didn't manage to withstand his pressure and fell on their knees.

(Hmmm, yes, SCP foundation is the representative of humans in this universe, they along with the Fate cast. This is how strong is an elite scientist is, not a normal one.)

"I have done this many times but I think I will have to repeat it. This is a human's town, built by humans and owned by humans. We only let you devils control this town to protect the lives of normal citizens from the stray. You have no authority in this human's land at all!" He said calmly but every time he emphasised the word "human"

"Let's not talk about you reincarnating some humans with 'potential' to become a part of your little game since 1/3 of them is willing to do that and the rest is... I guess you already know." The scientist fixed his glasses then stop his power to flow.

"Please forgive me, I'm not known for my tolerance and tend to let loose my emotion pretty easy." The scientist apologized then look at the two heiresses and say: "I think you have gotten my idea, so let's us get back to our conservation."


(Shayla POV)

So... there is some kind of secret foundation called SCP foundation trying to solve some problem?

[Yes they are and may I ask... how did you know about it? I have a vision that allows me to cover up every single event that is happening in this world but I can't understand how can you know this.]

Oh well, I just look at the story the author is writing above.

[... You should stop breaking the 4th wall Shayla-chan, even the 4th wall can feel the pain you know?]

Then I will keep breaking the 4th wall at a minimum but I have a question please since you can see everything, what is the SCP foundation trying to contain?

[Ah well... they are trying to contain you.]

But why?

[Because you literally controlled the whole town, that made the foundation upset and tried to fix that up]

So it's my bad then... wait! It's author-sama idea, he should be the one who gets to be contained!

A/N: hehe bois, I'm invincible