SCP neutralized?

I'm busy with the exam right now so I guess this is the best I can do.

Also, I'm not dead guys!


(3rd POV)

[This is MTF-101 moving in, have you guys located the SCP yet?]

[This is MTF-035, we have located the anomaly's location, and the town has been evacuated, should we engage, commander?]

The commander holding the communication device in his hand and look at the little house lying in the middle of Kuoh town with mixed feeling. With the help of advanced searching spells, they were able to pinpoint the source of the anomaly quickly as possible.

Then a problem popped up when they were in the middle of the search, an ominous shadow appeared out of nowhere and used its power to control the mages who were in charge of the spell.

While the event ended rather quickly and no one was hurt - at least physically - the expert mages and the commander notice something off. The power that comes from that shadow is ancient, very ancient that in fact, it has attracted the attention of the O5 council.

What makes him shocked is the statement of O5-13 (The mysterious member) who stated that the power is still in its 'newborn' state. If in its 'newborn' state it could control the whole town with normal people and even the experienced mages, what it's capable of when reaching its adult stage?!

That's why the commander has a hard choice right now, he currently has 2 options from the foundation to choose from:

1. Engage now with soldiers armed with a mind-control resistance spell cast on them, which he doesn't feel like a good idea since the power is ancient, god damned 'ANCIENT' which could be some bullshit power that has been lost during the age of gods. Using modern high-level spells would undoubtedly result in a swift death.

2. lock the place down and wait for the special force to come, those guys are filled with sacred gears and reality-bending abilities so they might be able to handle this better than them.

As a smart man, the commander knows what is the safest option.

[Commander speaking, lock the place down and track the anomaly's action, hold your position and wait for the foundation's special force to come. If you detect any magic wave, immediately retreat, normal spell won't work against the anomaly.]

[Roger that!]

Now what is left for the commander to do is wait... and pray to the god.


(Back to Shayla)

"Oh no, that sounds genuinely bad... anyways, should I run away now?" Shayla asked her system

[I wouldn't recommend running away dear, it's not like you can't outrun them but it will cause misunderstanding and... I forgot the part where nobody will ever act hostile to you, let's me calculate this again] then Aria shut down, leaving Shayla and her three pets in their chibi form behind.

"... so what should we do now? Does anyone have any idea?" Shayla asked no one in particular

[I'm back. After running through 1 billion possibilities, I recommend you to where you are. Getting captured by the foundation is not a bad idea since you will be able to meet someone really important to this world.]

[Or you can choose to run away safely by using your ID or simply fly away with Akatori, they won't even dare to shoot at you anyways. It's up to you.]

(A/N: And not to mention that you might be able to make the █████████████ become your mommy!)

"I don't know what the author means but it sounds like a good thing... at least that's what my intuition tells me, so I guess waiting it is then." then she just sat there, playing with the chibi version of a snake, a fire chicken and a leviathan.

{Half an hour later}

"1... 2... 3. BREAKING-IN, NOW!" Shayla startle at the sound but her intuition and instinct didn't warn her about any upcoming danger at all so she didn't act and let the people invade her home... wait, that is an illegal act!

[Alpha here, we have approached the anomaly source, a girl who looks barely 10 and some kind of strange creature which resemble a snake and a... phoenix and leviathan, what should we do commander?]

'is he talking about me?' Shayla aka the innocent girl who is about to get kidnapped asked herself

[Commander speaking, what is the reading on your device and how is the newbie special force doing?] said the commander aka the boss of the kidnap operation

[the stray devil force is... terrified to say at least, it seems that their devil instinct warned them about a predator. And about the device... I believe this energy signature is way above ultimate devils but still lower than super devil sir]

[*mumble*... try to talk it out if possible and refrain from using magic. Also after this give a clear report on how those stupid stray work]

[Roger that] The leader then calls out for his team to move in. after they have moved into formation, the leader asked his team " we have any woman onboard? Or is anyone good at being together with children in general? We are dealing with a possible little girl with her monstrous friend, she kinda reminds me of some SCP."

"Yeah, I think we have about 500 child SCP? I mean seriously! Some of them can't be called a child yet, they are infants!" A squad member grumbles while his friend pats his back to calm him down, "come on dude, you know that we live in a messed up world where supernatural creatures run wild, you should be happy that we humans have the literal God on our side."

"Bruh, the said God should be gardening his garden now- BONK"

"Talking later, we are in the middle of a mission here, if I heard another unnecessary sound I will kick your butt into SCP 682 mouth." the captain reminds his fellow brother, "so no female onboard huh? Should have guessed..." He then picks up the communication device and reports to the commander

[Commander, we got no ways to approach the anomaly and the stray is stupid as ****. Also, sir, not to be disrespectful or anything but why does the foundation only send 1 member of the special force here?]

[I can't complain since this is the perfect reinforcement we can have against this kind of enemy. He is the wielder of the True Longinus and a member of the 'Hero' team... Cao Cao. Also, have you been able to identify any of the anomaly's power yet?]

[We have been able to identify the anomaly sir, it's a young kid whose age shouldn't be more than 10 and her 'little monster friend. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ]

[This is Cao Cao speaking, I'm tired of this crap, so tell the council to ready their wallet cause my spear doesn't seem... fine to say the least]

[Wait! You can't just-*STATIC NOISES]

"Whatever, why should I even hear those weaklings, oi girl!" Cao Cao being (the new) himself and calling out for the girl who would be making him regret every moment of his life in the future.

"ah... who are you? Are you a bad guy?" Shayla aka the innocent girl asked.

"Heh, I can be a bad guy if ya want, but now I'm a human's hero. But it's not the time to tell my story, now you have 2 choices, 1 is to come with us in peace." Cao Cao said as he readied his sacred gear.

"And what about the other?" At this time, the poor Longinus owner still has no idea what he is messing with.

"The same as the first, but more destructive."

Shayla didn't hesitate at all to give her answer, "I would like to come with you, please?" Caox2 put his sacred gear away and sighed "well that was a letdown, tch, come with me kid."

Unknown to the world, the SCP foundation just become a playground for Shayla herself.


SCP vote pool:

Dude to Shayla's perks, she is partially friends with every living and sentient object SCP so if you want any SCP to join under Shayla's HUGE army, comment down here:

-SCP 682 (Well a must-have, I guess?)

-Others SCP (comment here)