
| Paradi |

Volume 3

Ch. 45 Amaterasu



"A-again?" Krista pulls the sheet over herself after I finished inside her

"So what?"

"Oh… n-nothing," she quivers "a-are you trying to… umm…"

"Krista, I…"

I don't even know anymore…

"Oh… it's uh.. it's okay" she crawls over. "If this is something you want then I'm all for it, one-hundred percent" she throws her arms around my neck

"Y-yeah…" I sigh

She pecks my cheek before sitting down beside me

She grabs her robe from the ground

Her knees buckle as she put on her flip flops so she decides to sit on my thigh and wait for her legs to refresh after the railing I gave her

"I'm.. im going to Ehrmich with uh.. with everyone else" she rests her head on my shoulder

"For what?"

"They haven't given us any details but I'll be gone for about a week"

"Oh.. okay." I rest my head on hers

After she was sure she wouldn't trip over her feet, she got ready

"Bye" she gets on her tippy toes for a kiss

"Aight bye" I peck her lips before opening the door for her

She smiles before leaving with Ymir who was waiting outside

I quickly shower before heading out with Odin, meeting Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Levi and Isabel at the station

The didn't say a word about what they saw the other day

Their reports read that Annie had already been restrained by the time they arrived. Even so, she still managed to transform because she had already harmed herself prior to my ambush

Erwin managed to convince them that the result would've been the same whether or not I followed directions, but Zackly insisted that I get demoted at the very least. So Levi had to take my role as squad captain



After a few hours we arrived at an old inn

When I say old I meant it

We had to clean all day and finally finished before the sun began setting

"Scrubba scrub scrub" I mumble as I scrub my knee

I lay back closing my eyes hoping to get some rest in the bathe tub


-4 years ago

I was in a jail cell with Kara

It was the night we first arrived in Shiganshina

"It mustn't be known!" I hear the priest

"If they find out you are of royal blood" he looks around "they'll kill you" he whispers


"You will go by Krista Lenz. That way, I'll be able to contact you when the time comes" he turns around

"W-wait what are you saying?!" I grab his wrist

"There is no time! You are the future of Eldia, never forget the importance of your very existence, Historia" he yanks his arm back


He confronted me after they first brought us in

Back then he rambled on about a Princess and Satan rising to the throne

But I'm assuming that had to do with my royal blood and Kara being so closely related to the Son of Satan


If that's true..

Now that I think about it…

That would make us distant cousins


"Wuahh?!" I sit up

No that'd make him my distant… Uncle?

"No, no, no" I shake my head

There's no way, right?

How could I just realize that?!

But wait…

After ten-thousand years I'm sure it's not that big a deal…

Or is it?

"Well?" I hear someone knocking at the door

I quickly sit up right

"Wh-who is it?"

"Me, you dummy. How long are you planning on being in there for?" I hear Ymir

"Oh Ymir… I'll be out in a sec!" I shout as I turn on the shower head and began rinsing off

After I drain the tub, I wrap myself in a towel before heading out

"There" I look around noticing she wasn't here

"I walk over to the bed where I had set my clothes

"Hayyyaa!" I feel Ymir bump me from behind

"Wuahh?!" I fall on the bed "Y-Ymirr" I groan

She sets her hands on my back and pins me to the bed

"Ahh s-stop it, dummy!" I struggle to free myself

"So what? Did you do it?! Huh, did you?!" She laughs as I raise my butt

"Was it like this?" She slams her hips against my naked ass

"S-stop it weirdo!" I use all my strength but couldn't get her to stop humping me

"Or like this?!" She smacks my ass

"Hey!" I turn around

"Hehehe" she giggles

"Hmph! You're annoying" I cross my arms

"Oh shut up" she sits beside me as I began pulling up my skirt

"So how big is it?"

"Wh-what?" I blush

"C'mon, don't be stupid. You gotta be totally blind if you don't see that thing swinging around."

"Oh… umm.."

"Tell me!"

"O-okay, okay. W-well like…" I hold up my arm "like as long as my forearm a-and like really thick" I make a O with my hands trying to match how thick it feels

"Whoa… does it even fit in your mouth?"

"Mgh*" I blush "j-just barley"

"Oh my God," she groans. "You are so lucky! Six feet of sheer muscle, with an anaconda, and just absolutely handsome. Plus, all those scars make him look totally badass"


"Hehe, sorry. Just quit being a scaredy cat" she nudges my arm

"I'm not! We…"

"What? You what? You didn't do it?"

"N-no we did but…"

"But what?"

"What is it?" she asks


"What? Tell me, tell me!" She insists

"N-no it's nothing…"

"C'mon you're supposed to tell me everything!"

"W-well I'm not sure. He's.. he's been acting weird ever since… well… Annie…"

"Oh… yeah, they got pretty damn close ever since he stopped suspecting her. And then, out of nowhere, everything blows up in his face"


"But what do you mean by acting weird? Did he hit you o-or?"

"Wh-what? N-no, God no, he'd never do that.."

"Then tell me"

"W-well he's… I think he… he wants to umm.. to get me pregnant"

"Pregnant?! You're pregnant?!" She jumps back

"Shut up! That's not what I said!"

"B-but why? I thought you guys like… just barely saw each other after like three years…"

"I-I know but…"

"But what? It's so weird, he doesn't look like the kind of guy to wanna rush things"

"Yeah… I think he's just.. I don't know… scared?"

"Scared? Who? Kara?"


"Why do you think that?"

"For starters, he doesn't want me to be in the survey corps. A-and when I ask him if he wants a-a baby he just… shrugs it off"

"Oh man" she taps her chin "well do… do you?"


"Want one? Do you want… you know, Kara's baby?"

"No… I-I mean I do.. someday but…" I sigh "I don't think I'm ready. I-I'm scared a-and I don't know what to do, or what to tell him. I…"

"Krista… you're… I mean.. how old are you?"

"I-I'll be sixteen in a month"

"Then tell him that. You're only fifteen the both of you are too young for a commitment like that"

"I-I know but he.. he looks like he really wants this…"

"But you don't, I-I mean you're not ready."

"He's.. he's been through enough. The last thing he needs is his girlfriend ruining his plans, his-his future"

"You're not ruining anything. You're just putting it on hold…"

"I… I don't know…"

It pains me to even look at him

Everything he's been through..

Maybe having someone so sweet and innocent in his life that has known nothing but pain and sorrow is the best thing for him…

"He… he deserves to be happy…"


She sighs

She raises her hand before flicking my forehead

"H-hey" I frown

"Are you sure about this?"

"I… yeah" I smile

"Hey, Krista, where the hell are you guys?" Connie shouts as everyone went down stairs

"C'mon everyone's waiting" Ymir stands up

I follow her downstairs where we found everyone eating

"Oh hey Connie… Sasha" I sit down beside Sasha as Ymir sits across from me

"You know I'm all for it if you really wanna go, Connie" I hear Riener

"Huh? Really? Well I was just joking" Connie sighs

"Why did they even bring us here in the first place?" I ask

"That's what we'd like to know" Reiner grumbles

"Kinda odd don't you think?" Ymir asks


"Really?" Reiner asks as if it were obvious. "We're on stand-by in our plain clothes. They won't even let us wear our uniforms, so we can't even train" he stands up and walks over to the window

"What's even more suspicious.. our superiors are armed to the teeth, were inside the wall… nowhere near the front line" he says

"W-well there could be bears I'm sure that's what they're armed for"

"You need guns for bears… not ODM gear"

"What about dire wolves?" Sasha asks

"Last time I checked, there's hardly any outside the walls. Do you really think there'll be any inside?" Ymir asks

"And I'm pretty sure that Kara guy has the last one" Jean says

"Yeah… I wonder how he even got his hands on one of those things" Connie says

"For real…" Sasha lays her head on the table

"Hey Krista… is it true Kara was ranked captain when he first joined?" Connie asks

"Yeah… actually… the commander made a deal with him, if he joined he'd make him captain right off the bat"

"Wow, an elite no less, that's frickin awesome. He must've been as old as us when he joined, huh?"


"Uh g-guys?!" Sasha sits up suddenly "I think I hear footsteps…"

"Knock it off Sasha…" Reiner smacks his lips "so what you're tryna tell us the Titans are here? You know that would only be possible if wall Rose had fallen"

"Guys?!" Sasha raises her arms. "Look, I'm not playing I-I hear something" she says before a superior lands on the window

"Is everyone here?" She asks

"What is it?" We all stand up

"We got company, approximately 500 meters from the south and closing, we got Titans heading this way"

"Where's our ODM gear?" Connie asks

"There's no time I want everyone on a horse, now. Evacuate every home and settlement in the area" she says

"B-but" I try stopping her

"No, get to it" she says before heading back up



-couple hours later-

"Captain!" A soldier opens my door "section commander Hange is asking for your presence"

"It's not… whatever." I sigh "Tell her I'm on my way" I stop sharpening my katana whom I carved the name Susanoo into its blade

I wonder if it's about that Titan..

It was the size of the colossal Titan but it was just sitting inside the wall…

I clean Susanoo real quick before I get changed and head out meeting my squad and Hange outside

"What is it?" I ask

"I finally received the background report for Annie Leonheart"

"And what of it?" I ask

"Well… according to the report there are 2 of the 200 other cadets from the 104th that hailed from the same region… Reiner Brown and Bertolt Hoover"

"Riener?" Eren asks

"Yeah, I remember reading the same thing"

"Wait… back when we were coming back from Trost, Rieners section was told Eren was in the right wing" Armin says

"So?" Eren asks

"They told Annie where they could find you"

"What are you saying, Kara? You can't just accuse-"

"I completely agree" Hange cuts him off

"Wait… after Riener broke from Annie's grip she began running directly towards the center rank.." Armin says

"So?!" Eren growls "that doesn't prove anything!"

"You're right.. I'm sure there is no way she could've possibly heard me mentioning you were near the center rank" Armin says

"Did Riener ever ask where Eren might be?" I ask

"Yeah he did…" Armin gasps "oh no…"

"What?" Hange asks

"Well… I only brought up Erens position in the first place because Riener had asked"

"So what?" Eren asks

"Did anything happen after Riener broke free from her grip?" I ask

"Yeah… Annie stared at her hand for a few seconds before turning directly towards the center rank"

"Riener and Bertolt right?" I ask

Hange nods

"W-wait there's no way th-"

"That's enough!" I growl

"What do you mean?! Riener is like an older brother to me and everyone else!" Eren argues "there's no way w-"

"What about Annie, huh?"

"I-I know but" Eren clenches his fist

"Section Commander!" A soldier walks in with the priest

"Ahha! What is it?!" Hange claps "finally see what those things are capable of?"

"He still refuses to say a word, section commander"

"He does, does he?"

"I will only speak in the presence of our highness Krista Lenz, and Amaterasu. They too will answer your questions"

"Amaterasu?" Hange whispers as everyone turns back

"Section commander!" We hear before they could confront me

"C-captain Amaterasu, perfect" the soldier huffs

"What?!" Hange growls

"W-wall Rose has been compromised"

"Krista…" I step back

She's on the other side of wall Sina

"Kara, wait!" Hange follows as I strap my ODM gear and hop on Odin

"What?!" I growl ready to take off

"What is it you haven't told us?"

I look at everyone else behind her already on horseback, staring me down

"C'mon" I tug on Odin

We ride at full speed for about an hour when Hange calls out to me

"Are you planning to talk to us?" she asks

"Actually… I think it might be time…"

"What do you mean?" Armin asks

"Well Krista and I… we come from far beyond the walls…"

"You what?" Armin asks

"Yes, we found you not far from wall Maria… was the story you told us a lie"

"Far beyond," I repeat "We were brought here from beyond the sea…"

"Sea? You mean the ocean? It's real?!" Armin asks

I smile

"What do you mean? I thought humans were…"

"The truth is I don't have much knowledge of the outside world, you see… I lost my memory in an accident before I was brought to this island for looking like the 'Son of Satan'."

"Wait so there really are people other than us out there?" Armin asks

"Yeah, the nation that banished us here. I'm sure that's where our enemies came from…"

-to be continued

Also, feel free to check out Ch. 31 Son of Satan. I added a little something that happened between Kara and Krista during the 3 years he served on the galley. It's pretty heavy stuff ngl. I just thought I'd add some context to their relationship and the things they had to go through on the Galley.