Utgard Castle

| Volume 3 |

Ch. 46 Utgard Castle



We rode out till night when we stopped at the abandoned castle of Utgard

Even so, we were swarmed by Titans and were forced to go to the roof after a 3 meter managed to get inside

"What now?!" I hear Connie after Riener slams the door shut

"N-no don't!" I jump on the edge as Nanaba gets caught by a Titan

"Stop, the tower is going to collapse any second. You have to stay still" Ymir yanks me back

"No! let go, th-they're dying in our place i-it isn't fair!"

"No! No, please I'm sorry!" Nanaba begs for her life "please I'm sorry daddy! I'll be a good girl from now on, I promise!" She shouts as a Titan raises her to its mouth

"God dammit, what do we do now?!" Connie backs off after the Titan devours her

"W-we have to do something…" I clench my fist "use ourfists if we have to, we can't give up just yet"

"Forget it there's no way, our best shot is to sit here and hope Kara arrives with everyone else to save the day" Connie sighs

"Kara, tch*" Riener smack his lips

"What is your deal?!" I get in his face, he's always getting angry and moody everytime we mention him

"My deal is that you're worshiping a fucking devil!"

"Devil?! What? Is it his name?!" I growl

"Guys please" Bertolt steps in

"Just forget it you two… it was just a joke, that's never gonna happen" Connie sighs

"Still, w-we have to do something!"

"Like what?! Like seriously Krista, do you really think you'll lay a finger on those things without any gear?! Or are you just using their deaths as an excuse to run away from your problems?!" Ymir growls

"Y-Ymir, wh-what are you…"

"Poor Krista, too damn weak and pathetic to tell the world how she really feels" she kicks me in the gut, knocking me on my ass

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I try fighting Connie off as he holds me down

"I'd never do something like that!"

"Yeah, what the hell are you talking about Ymir?!" Connie shouts as she snatched the knife from his pocket

"Let me go, Connie!" I bite his forearm

"Ahh?! What the hell?!" He wipes his arm as I storm over to Ymir who looked like she was getting ready to get a running start to jump over the edge

"W-wait, what are you gonna do?"

"Not much" she smiles "just gonna give'em hell"

"Okay does that mean you have a plan?" Riener asks

"I guess you can say that" she smiles before stopping beside me

"I-I'm sorry Krista" her voice trembles "You just… live a life you can be proud of" a tear rolls down her cheek


She pushes me aside as she raced over to the edge and jumps off

"N-no you idiot!" I jump on the edge

"Whoa Krista, stop!" Connie grabs my leg before I trip over

In that instant a sudden lightning strikes Ymir

"Sh-she's a…" Connie gasps

"Titan" I whisper as Ymir takes the form of a 5 meter Titan

"That's…" Rieners eyes widen

"C'mon Krista you had to be in on it right ?" Connie asks as we watch her rampage around the Titans

"N-no I never…" I watch her rip ones nape off as she chomped down on another

"Don't bullshit Krista!" Reiner grabs my shirt

"M-maybe let's not do that Reiner…" Connie says nervously

"Shut up!" he growls

"It doesn't matter" I slap Rieners hand aside

"Look!" I point down at Ymir who was going crazy on the Titans

"She could've easily gotten away by herself but she didn't…"

"B-but it is a hell of a secret to be kept hidden" Connie says

"We have to trust she had a good reason to keep it hidden… I mean you saw how they wanted to kill Kara and Eren.. m-maybe she didn't want to risk that" I say as we watch her grab onto some blocks that stood out from the tower

"C'mon Ymir" I whisper before she lets go

"Oh c'mon she's afraid of the tower falling down?!" Connie shouts

If she fights like this she's just going to get herself killed

"You idiot!" I jump on the edge

"Whoa Krista c'mon, be carefu-" Connie tries pulling me back

"Don't you die on me!" I shout

"Not in a shit hole like this, damn you!" I try kicking Connie off me "you wanna be the hero all of a sudden?! Haha, Fuck You! Hoping to go out in a blaze of glory? Don't make me laugh!" I throw a rock making sure she was listening "It's too late to think about Heaven now! You're a selfish bitch and you know it!"

"Stop, dammit" Connie grunts

"You'll die protecting this stupid tower! Tear it to pieces! Live for yourself!"

"Damn Krista, who taught you to talk like that?" Connie giggles

"C'mon" I lock eyes with Ymir

"Gruaaahhhhh!" she roars before finally going berserk throwing slabs from the tower without a single regard of us on top

"Yeah, haha! Atta girl!!" I celebrate as she climbed up to us

"Grab on if you wanna live" she growls

We all grab ahold of her hair as the tower began tipping over

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoaaa!" Connie shouts as the tower crashes down

"Ahh!" I gasp as my arm slams onto the ground

I quickly push the little rubble aside before looking around for Ymir

"Kghh" she grunts behind me

"Ymir" I smile

She limps over before a giant hand grabs her head

"Ymir!" I gasp as it smashed her head onto the ground over.. and over

"Noo!" I run, tripping over my feet to her aid

"Don't die I promised I'd tell you everything, remember?! Back on the mountain top!" I shout desperately

The massive 10 meter Titan puts her head in his mouth

"Nooo!!" I drop to my knees before…

The Titan stood still for the longest second… not moving a single muscle

And after a few seconds his head rolled off its shoulders

The cut was so clean it took a few seconds before blood began gushing out from where it's head used to sit

"Haha, Kara!" Connie shouts

I look up as he sliced the napes right of the rest of the Titans

"Haha die, you trash!" He laughs as he's done with the last one before landing beside me

"Wassup, kid" he smiles before pulling me into his arms

"Kara… thank you" I tear up

"What took you guys so long?" Connie laughs

But Kara's smile disappears after locking eyes with Riener

There was a moment of silence as the two glared each other down

"Haha, yes! My first ODM kill!" I hear Eren

He was standing on top of Ymir ready to slash her nape

"Wait!" I throw a rock, nailing him right in the forehead

"Gahh?!" he falls back

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mikasa asks before steem bursts from Ymir's nape

"It's… Ymir" I smile

After we pulled Ymir out from that Titan corpse we made it back up Wall Rose where we should be safe from the titans for now

I was about to join Kara before Mikasa stopped me

"Y-yeah?" I ask

"Nothing, just… be careful. There's something.. dark inside him…" her tone changes as she said it

I pull my arm back

What is she talking about?

What did Kara do?




"You know you could've given him a hand" Krista says sitting on the edge of the Wall beside me

"Who? Riener?" I ask

"Mhmm… what is it with you two?" She asks

"Nothing…" I watch him getting pulled up by Eren "did you know Ymir could transform?"

"No…" she sighs "she's my best friend. Even so, I never would've thought…"

I look away from Riener but made sure he was still visible through my peripheral

"C'mon" I stand up

We were about to go before I felt someone's hand on my shoulder

"Kara…" it was Riener

"Go" I whisper at Krista

"Umm okay…" she gives me a skeptical look before I turn around

'Let's try to get him underground before we do anything first' I remember what Hange had said

"Yeah, what's up?" I fake a smile

"You know, don't you?" He asks as he held his hand arm out, stopping Eren

"R-Riener? What is it?" Eren asks nervously

"You know you're a real dog, Kara" Reiner says

"What are you doing?" Bertolt grabs his shoulder

"Yeah?" I ask "now why is that?" I smile

"Y-yeah what're you saying Reiner?" Eren asks

"Shut up!" He growls

"Tell me how long you knew?" Reiner asks "or was it Armin that found us out as well?" He asks

"Well you two and that bitch are pretty fucking ugly if I do say so myself" I smile

"Kgh* you're going to pay for what you did to her!" Bertolt growls

"Annie deserved what came to her… just know you got it coming yourself"

Out of nowhere we hear someone pull themself up the wall

They had a hood over their head so I wasn't sure who it was

They slowly made their way to our group


I can't take on the three of them

I look at Eren

I draw my sword aiming right at Reiners throat

Only… it hardens and my blade snaps

He raises his hand showing me he had already wounded himself to transform

"W-were really doing this?" Bertolt asks nervously "here? Now?"

"Are you ready for this shit?!" Reiner smiles widely as a yellow aura engulfed his body

Annie raises her head, "it won't go like last time"

"You're right. I'm gonna kill you" I smile widely before the explosion of the three Titans sends Eren and I flying

I bite my finger off in mid air and a sinister purple aura engulfs my body

Just before I hit the ground a lightning bolt strikes my chest

"Gruahhhh!" I roar lounging straight for the wo Titans the moment my feet touched the ground

They lean forward in front of the colossal who had only transformed up to his waist so he was sitting on top of the wall

Annie's Titan was almost completely covered in that clear crystal hardening she wore it like armor and had that same sledgehammer as before

Somehow Reiners armored Titan had managed to crystallize two machetes, one on each hand

I hold my hand out creating a fitting sized Susanoo from my hardening

The wall began shaking as the both of them charged at me

I raise Susanoo blocking Annie's hammer before sidestepping one of Reiners blades and catching his second

I push Annie's hammer aside and kick Reiner in the chest

I charge at Annie as Reiner fell on his ass

She steps back just as Susanoo grazes her belly

I jump over Reiner trying to kick my feet, and drop kick Annie before I force Susanoo through Reiners thigh

"Ghk*" Reiner grunts

I lock my arm around Reiners throat and I pull him down with me

Just then, Annie slams her hammer on my chest

"Kgh*" I grit my teeth before I'm sent over the edge

I reach out trying to turn in mid air but just couldn't

I pull my arms in bracing for impact before my back slams on the ground

"Agh!" I cough blood out my mouth

I open my eyes to be welcomed by both Annie forcing Susanoo through my shoulder and Reiner forcing his blade through my other shoulder pinning me to the ground

"God d-dammit" I cough as they pull their arms back for the final blow

This idiot

Eren, where the hell is he?

-to be continued