
| Paradi |

Volume 3

Ch. 47 Ymir



"Kghkk" I grunt

They harden their fists and pull their arms back

"Gruahhhhhh!!" a roar dawns over us before Eren slams his feet on their backs, sending them flying off me

Eren rips Reiners blade out of my shoulder

I toss Susanoo aside before jumping to my feet

Eren charges at Reiner as Annie came at me

Our fists clash sending a shockwave up the wall before she came in with her other fist

I step back and raise my elbow as she did a 180 slamming her heel on my shoulder

I grab a tight hold of her leg doing a 180 before throwing her into the wall

I slam my fist on the wall just after she managed to dodge it

I bring my knee in, ready to smash her head to shit, but she crosses her arms and maneges to block it

I saw her reach for the dirt and I close my eyes as she threw it at me

I step back before she could follow that up and I wipe my face as Eren was flung at me

"Shit!" Grit my teeth before he slams into my chest sending the both of us crashing into the dirt

I felt the ground tremble as the two Titans charged at us

I quickly jump to my feet

I hold my hands out just barely catching their fists

"Nghkk" I grunt feeling my arms buckle

I push their fists down before grabbing their faces and slamming the two into the ground

"Tsssss" steam escapes their mouths

I slowly stand up right

Is that it?

I huff

"Kara!" I hear Krista

I look up

The colossals ribs were snapping one by one

I try moving my feet but they weren't responding…

They hardened my feet into the ground

"Shit" I brace myself before everything..

I open my eyes

"Man… Fuck" I groan, just realizing my hands were chained up behind my back

"It's about time" I hear Eren

"Hahaha, What the hell happened to you?!" I laugh, seeing he was missing both his forearms

"Shut up!" He growls

I slowly pull myself up

"You too, huh?"

They also caught Ymir

I turn to face her before losing my balance suddenly

"Gahh fuck" I crash into her


"W-wait" I look back

"Gahh! What happened to my tail?!"

"They cut it" Eren smart ass says

"No shit, idiot. What for?!"

"Hey! You're the one asking!"

"It's the only thing that wouldn't grow back"

"Yeah, your hands kept growing back no matter how many times they cut them" Reiner adds

"Haha whoa Krista wasn't kidding!" Ymir looks down at my junk resting on her belly

"It gets bigger" I giggle

"Hey, can someone get me some clothes?" I sit back

"Like hell! You can stay like that, you animal!" Annie growls

"Annie" Bertolt pulls her aside

"So what'll it be, Kara?" Reiner asks


"Annie said she's willing to give you a break if you join us" he says

"Annie, huh?"

"All you have to do is return to Marley with us"

"What? You liked it, huh?" I smile at Annie

"Shut up, you dog! I'll kill you where you stand!" She draws her blade

"Ahahahahaha!" I laugh in her face

"Let go! I'm going to kill him!" She cries as both Reiner and Bertolt hold her back

"Shit hurts like hell doesn't it? You're so damn lucky. I could've done a whole lot better!" I laugh hysterically

"No, you can't!" Reiner grunts as she elbows him in the face, but they somehow manage to restrain her

"Let go!" She cries

"They'll keep Krista out of this…" Ymir whispers


"That's what they said…"

"What about everyone else?"

"They'll be wiped out" Bertolt says after Reiner managed to restrain Annie

"Doesn't really sound like a fair trade"

"Whatever, you in or what?" Reiner huffs

"What do you think, meathead?"

"Fuck you, we'll just extract your power then!" He growls

I smile, after hearing I get deeper into his skin

"What's your deal?" Ymir whispers


"Krista will be safe from all this. Why would you turn down an offer like that?"

"Why? You're asking me to save one person over millions"

"The one person you're supposed to love!" She growls

"I never said I don't. What do you take me for?!"

"Then why not save her?!"

"Because.. you think that's something she'd want?"

"It doesn't matter what she wants as long as she's alive!"

"I can't.. not after all this…"

Petra.. Eld.. everyone…

"Idiot" she turns around

She lays on her side and I do the same

After the sun finally set we all fell asleep

-hours later-

I woke up to the sound of chirping birds

I look up at the sky

It was still dark out despite the stupid birds

"Why?" Ymir whispers


"Y-you know… I love Krista more than you could understand" she says


She nods

"I remember how she'd never shut up about you…" she smiles "I knew I never stood a chance"

"H-hey what the hell?!" I jump after she grabs my balls

I look around hoping no one woke up

"You know we kissed once…" she grabs the shaft of my cock, she jerks her hand up and pokes at the tip "we were drunk… well, actually I got her drunk. It was the first time I knew I wanted her" she opens wide

"Ymir, don-"

Before I'd finish her lips were already around the head

"Mgh" she moans

"Y-Ymir" I groan

She pulls her head back

She spits and smears her saliva all over the shaft

"You took her from me" she squeezes my cock

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth

I look away

I could feel it getting bigger in her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down as quietly as she could

"This really isn't the time" I grumble as she sits up

"You owe me this" she turns around

"I what?" I shimme back trying to get away as she pulled her jeans down

"Gahhd" I grunt as she slides the tip in "fuhhck" I sigh in relief as her pussy clamps around my cock

"Mmh f-fuck" she moans

"S-stop" I groan

"Hah-hah-ahhh" she carefully moves her hips

"Mmh, I-I can't take it all" she moans painfully

"Th-then stop, you idiot"

"Nghk" I get up on my knees

She's obsessed with this girl

One thing we might have in common

I lean into her ear

"Fine" I whisper

I thrust my hips

"Ahh fuck!" She gasps

I rest my forehead on her back

After getting used to her grip I pull myself back up

She was still trembling trying to get used to me herself

"Ready?" I huff

"F-for what?"

I fucked her so hard she almost bit her lip off by the time I was done

"Y-you-re-s-stretch-ing-me-out" she gasps after every thrust

"Shit, I-I'm" I pull out

"No!" She shoves me back inside her as I fall on my back

"I-Idiot" I try holding it in

"F-fill me up" she huffs

"F-f-fuck" I groan as my cock finally explodes

-5 minutes later

The sun was coming up

"You fucking animals" Riener sits up as Ymir licks me clean

"Mgh" Ymir flips him off before pulling her head back

"So what now?" She asks

"Well… we waited long enough let's get going now" he says just as we see the flairs marking their positions

"W-wait…" they all look at the smoke before there was a loud howl

"Haha, Odin… they're here" I chuckle

"What?! Already?!" Reiner growls

Reiner throws Eren over his shoulder

I snap the chains off my wrists before grabbing Annie's throat

"Annie!" Bertolt shouts as I hold her over the edge

"C'mon, we don't have time for this" Reiner draws his sword

I grab Annie's blade

"Ymir," I smile

She turns around before I slice the rope from her wrists

"Stop, we have Eren you know" Bertolt points back at Reiner holding his blade at Erens throat

"Here" I toss Ymir the blade

"You can have Eren" I smile

"What are you talking about, Kara?!" Eren growls

We can easily save the kid once they arrive with Odin and my gear

I throw Annie at Bertolt

"C'mon Ymi…"

What the?

I look down

"Ymir… you bitch" I stumble back

I grab the blade she dug into my gut

"Kghk" I cough

"I told you… Krista will survive, no matter what"

"C'mon let's leave him he'll only slow us down" Reiner says

"Idiot leave Eren and let's take Kara!" Bertolt growls

"Even in the state he is in he'll fight back and the scouts will catch up. After we take Eren and Ymir's power we'll easily take care of Kara"

I sit back against the tree as Annie got back to her feet

"C'mon" Annie grabs Ymir's hand

"Ymir…" I cough

She looks back

"Leave now… and I'll kill you myself" I glare at her

She turns around

"I'm doing this for Krista…"

They take off

"I don't give a shit"

"You're dead. You all are" I whisper watching as they got further into the forest

After a couple of minutes everyone finally arrived. I jump down landing right on top of Odin

"Kara?!" Krista gasps

I reach into Odins satchel and I grab a bottle of alcohol from the medical kit

I pour some over my wound and I drink the rest

"What the hell are you doing?!" Connie growls "that's straight ethanol!"

"Agh?!" I gasp before patching myself up

I shake my head

"Wh-what? No Levi's orders made it clear you have to rest for now" Krista says as I reach for my gear

"Shut the hell up!" I growl

"I'm going after Ymir."

"What?! No you-" but she was gone before I could finish

"Krista!" Connie and the rest of the squad follow behind her

"Who did this?" Levi asks

I give him a dirty look

"Ymir?" He asks

I nod


"Don't know, don't care" I wrap the bandages around my abdomen "I'm going to kill her"

After all that, she decided to stab me in the back

That bitch

By the time I got all suited up we made it out of the forest and we could see Reiner running off in his armored Titan along with Ymir in her Titan form sitting on his shoulder

"Kara!" Connie lands on Odin with Sasha and Jean


"Y-Ymir she took Krista" Sasha says

Of course she did

"Where's Mikasa?"

"Right here" I hear her land on her horse beside Odin

"Connie, I want you and Sasha to ride with Mikasa on my left flank" I stand up on Odin's snout "Jean you join Armin and Levi on my right. I want you to split into two groups and give me a clear path straight for Reiner. Take some soldiers with you" I draw Susanoo

"What? Are you crazy?! We have strict orders from Commander Erwin to-"

"I don't give a damn what he said! You answer to me!" I growl

"Y-yessir" he says before they take their positions

I'm sure Erwins leading a whole horde to the armored Titan as we speak

"C'mon boy" I crouch down

Odin howls before lowering his head slicing through the wind as he gained speed

I watch as some of the Titans that were chasing Reiner stopped and turned back to us

I wait for them to get a bit closer before raising my blade telling everyone to scatter

The Titans split into two groups, mostly ignoring us Odin and I we cut straight down the middle

"C'mon, c'mon" I mutter as we closed in on the traitors

30 meters




4 more meters

I look up at the Armored Titan stomping away

"Now!" I shout

Odin jerks his head up suddenly launching me into the air

Ymir looks up

"Gyaahhhh!" she roar as she reached for me

I anchor myself to her head

"I'm going to kill you," I lick my lips

-to be continued