Marley ii

Book Two

Volume 5

Ch. 63 Marley ii



"Thor, come here boy" dad calls out to Thor who was laying on the grass

Thor hurries over with Odin and Friia

"Look, boy. I'm going to be gone for some time" he pats Odin's snout

"Bye now, take care alright?" He hugs him one last time

After Thor said his goodbyes to his parents he took on his natural form and we rode him out of the capitol

We evaded the royal guards searching for us and before we knew it we arrived at Mr. Aurtur Braus' orphanage where I waited outside with Thor

"What do you think is taking so long?" I ask Thor

The doors suddenly flew open and out came Sasha and my dad

"I told you to give me a few days! I haven't seen my father in forever!" Sasha argues

"When I say now I mean now. I'll give you five minutes so you better finish up"

"No!" Sasha puts her foot down and he slapped her across the face the moment she did so

"Watch your tone when you speak to me, woman." He grabs her hair "you have two minutes, so hurry up!" He shoves her back "and you better hope Colt didn't hear you just now"

I quickly turn my head, acting as if I were talking with Thor the entire time

"Fine…" Sasha whimpers

After a couple of minutes Sasha came out again and joined us

"How long will we be gone for?" Sasha asks as she waved at her family

"Don't worry about it" Dad responds

"S-so what happened to your lip?" I ask Sasha as she began folding dads clothes

"Oh… well you know how clumsy I am" she giggles though her eyes filled with tears

"Colt, did you bring your bow?" Dad asks

"Oh.. n-no, Sir" I say nervously

Sasha wipes her face before reaching into her bag

"It's okay, I brought one just for you" she hands me a bow

"Hey, awesome!" I giggle "it's just like yours, huh?" I examine the bow

"Yeah.." Sasha smiles

"Sasha, come." dad says

Sasha's smile fades away before heading over to dad

They go back and forth on a few things I couldn't make out before dad grabs her wrist and yanks her down on top of his lap

He began biting, licking and kissing her neck. Then began groping and touching her all over

Just like mom had said he would

I don't know if it was cause I was here but I could tell how embarrassed she was

Is what mom said really true?

I lay back

Is dad already trying to replace mom?

She said he always sneaks off with Sasha, maybe he already did replace her…

I shut my eyes, trying not to think much of it. Only hoping it would spare me from the pain

After a couple of hours we finally reached the docks

Dad let me wander around for a bit while he got us a boat and now I was on my way back after buying a super extra large Coolie Straw Hat

It's super awesome, I bet it'll even fit dad pretty big

The merchant said it was a ninja hat, it had a little bell hanging on the side but the down side was how hard it was to walk in it

I couldn't see a thing all I could do is keep my head down as I bumped into person after person

"Look there he is!" I hear Sasha

"What are you wearing?" Dad asks

"Oh, hey dad!" I find them on top of a boat

Dad had taken off his shirt and was standing right behind Sasha who was wearing some really short shorts along with a crop top

He had his arms around her neck and sat his chin on top of her head

"C'mon we're waiting on you."

"Yes Sir!" I giggle before hoping right in

"The sea to Marley is calm, so we should be there in a few weeks without a problem" Sasha says

"Oh. Hey, boy" I crouch down beside Thor, seeing he was the size of a normal Shepard

After about ten more minutes we finally began setting sail

"Bye! See you all in…"

"Soon, very soon." Sasha smiles


I hope we aren't gone too long

I'm missing mom already

"Don't worry kiddo" Sasha leans on the railing right beside me "you won't have to wait too long. You know, with the peace treaty. I'm sure we'll be able to come visit every now and then"

"You really think so?"

"I know so" she smiles

"Awesome" I giggle

"Sashaaa" we hear dad

"Coming" Sasha says before joining him

I sneak on over, peeking through the curtain

"Colt is right outside" Sasha whispers

"So what?" Dad looks through the cabinets

"How do you think he feels seeing his father with another woman?" She pulls her top over her head

"Oh shut up" he grabs a bottle that read Water Based Natural Lubricant, whatever that means

"I'm being serious" she pulls down her shorts

"He's a smart kid. If he doesn't know already, he'll figure it out eventually" he turns around to face her

"Look, I don't want him thinking you want to replace his mother"

"What?!" Dad growls before grabbing her throat "don't get me wrong, Sasha. There's no way in hell you can ever replace Historia"

"S-stop" Sasha groans as his lips get dangerously close to hers

"You're not special, you know exactly why I brought you along so don't act a fool" he licks her busted lip

"Mgh o-okay" she groans before dad shoves her onto the couch

"Agh" Sasha grunts "is that really all you brought me along for?" She turns her back towards dad

"Well no," dad begins pouring the Lubricant all over Sasha's back and butt "it's just about time you carry my second child" he slams his hips against her butt

"Second?!" I stumble back

"Agh?!" Sashas gasp covers the ruckus I just made "what?!"

"No way…" I cover my mouth

"Look the enemy has five Titans in their possession" dad grunts "I can't take on all five of them on my own"

I sit up, trying to listen what dad would say next

"Mmh-agh" Sasha moans "s-so what? there's no way. I'm not ready to have a-ahh*"


"B-but why?" Sasha asks painfully

"If Colt can get his hands on one of the five. The one I'm about to put inside you can inherit the beast, we'll take over Marley in a single night" he says before slapping her

"Ahh* b-be more gentle" Sasha whimpers

So we're just a part of his plan?

Is that why I was born?

No.. that can't be right… right?

I stand up

Sashas voice was getting louder and louder

Soon the top deck was filled with loud clapping along with a weird sloshing sound all coming from the room dad and Sasha were in

"C'mon Thor" I call him over

We go downstairs where the sound was mostly blocked but I could still hear the thumping of whatever the heck they were doing up there

Soon I fell asleep to the sound of Thor's heartbeat

-three weeks later-

It's been about three weeks since and we finally arrived a shore

After gathering our things I put on my large coolie hat and dad set the boat on fire, making sure no one will find it

We walked on for days before we finally arrived..

"Marley…" dad sighs

I heard this place sentenced him to death or something a long time ago

"We need to hide your face" Sasha says

"Why is that?" Dad asks

"Because you're like the king of Eldia, remember?" I whisper

"So? it's been five years, they have no idea what I look… like" he says before we run into a poster

"Is that you?" I ask

It kinda looked like him only this portrait of him had a nasty scar across his face

The world has no idea what dad looks like. He has been stuck in the castle since the Battle of Shiganshina

Azumabitos said 'the face and family of the founding Titan should be kept secret from the world' so in that sense the entire world knows I exist but no one knows what my name is nor what I look like

"Colt can keep his name" dad says

"We should go by my parents names" Sasha says

"Your parents?" Dad asks

"Yeah, Kara you'll be Artur Grice and I'll be Lisa Grice and of course you're Colt Grice" she taps my nose

"Hehe, awesome" I giggle

"Why Grice?" Dad asks

"It's my mother's maiden name" she says

"Sounds like rice," I say

"Yes, sounds tasty indeed." dad smiles

"H-hey" Sasha frowns

"Alright then, let's get going" dad leads the way

"Wait!" Sasha stops him


"I told you, you still need to cover up we don't want to take any chances"

"What? Look at me I got a beard now" he rubs his trimmed facial hair

It's true he didn't look like the dad I've seen in paintings from 5 years ago but still the only difference was his hair had grown to his shoulders and he had a trimmed up beard

"Hey, you can use my coolie" I take my super awesome straw hat off my head

"What?!" Dad backs up "there's no way I'm wearing that ridiculous thing!" he growls

"Yeah, c'mon. At least till we find a place to stay" Sasha agrees, probably just as excited as I am to see him wear it

"N-no, I'm a King not some lowly peasant!"

"What? C'mon stop being silly" Sasha plops it on his head

"Nghk*" he grits his teeth

"Hehe there" Sasha giggles nervously

It covered his face alright, the edge of the hat stretched past his shoulders

"Whoa, you look awesome dad" I giggle

"Sh-shut up," he grumbles "c'mon"

"Alright" I giggle, marching closely behind him

We waited in line for a while before it was finally our turn

After Thor, Sasha and I passed by they took our pictures gave us our ID's, even Thor needed one since he was our pet

The IDs had the name we'll be going by and an armband that separated us from Marleyans

"Wait." They stop dad

"Oh no" I hear Sasha say under her breath

"Hey, where's that one picture of that King of Devil Island? That Amaterasu guy?" The guard asks his buddy

"We had orders to take it down after the peace treaty was passed" his friend says

"Oh…" he looks back at dad "well whatever" he stamps dads papers "never mind then you can go sir" he tells dad

Dad nods, joining us after they hand him his ID card

"That was too close wasn't it dear?" Sasha sighs

"Don't.." dad grumbles as he pulls his hair back into a messy bun

"From now on I'm your wife and Colt, you're my son" she smiles before dad covers his head with the hat again

"Right." I giggle

"Whatever, let's find a place to stay"

-to be continued