The Great Titan War

Book Two

Volume 7

Ch. 95 The Great Titan War



After we finished our business with Willy I joined Cyrus outside

"The sharingan of Otsutsuki, Indra. Said to activate when the user faces an extreme emotion. In most cases, rage." Cyrus explains the change in my eyes when I summon Susanoo and the change I saw in Colts when we last fought

"Huh.." I nod

"Susanoo, huh? Hagoromo used this technique to end a bout between his sons"

"Susanoo is the first son of Ymir, my half brother. It dates back here on our continent for thousands of years."

"Really? Never thought Something so powerful would come out of this dump" he chuckles

"You need years of practice to master such a technique, the only reason you managed to pull it off is because… you've done it before" he says

"You mean before I lost my memories?"

He nods

"Muscle memory, is the only explanation" he says

-10 hours later-

"Again," I knock Falco into his brother

"This is ridiculous" Colt grunts

"We're not fighting the titans with our fists, so what's the point?" He asks

"It would work if you try taking this more seriously"

"What? What are you talking about? You just dragged us out here to-to train.. for what?" He huffs

"Would you just tell us what this is all about?" Falco huffs

"You warmed up yet?" I ask

They don't respond

"Well then?" I open my arms

"Tch* forget this" Colt grumbles

Falco shakes his head

He turns around and after gathering his gear he follows Colt

"You too Falco?"

Rage, huh?

"Walk away now and you'll wind up dead… just like your mother"

They both stop

"Wh-what the hell…" Falco drops his things

"Did you say?" Colt slowly turns his head

"Why do you think she's dead?"

They don't respond

"Because she was weak" I close my eyes and I open my arms "If you're lucky you'll end up the same or in a hospital bed just like your girlfr-"

I quickly jerk my head around and I bite down on Falcos blade as it lead straight for my face


Those eyes…

After shattering his blade I slam my foot on his chest

I lean back before Colt could take my head off

I back handspring onto my feet and I lunge at Colt

I knock him around a couple times

Just as Falco tosses what was left of his blade at me I slap it aside and I deck him in the face

I block Colts fist heading for my jaw before raising my shin, blocking Falco's knee to my gut

Colt quickly goes for my stationary foot

I stumble back just as Falco followed up with his fist to my face sending me stumbling further before they both lunge at me

They're so beautifully in sync

Of course

They are my children after all

I raise my hands to the sky and I claw my finger tips as they rushed towards me, leaning forward with their arms outstretched behind them, hiding their weapons from me

Then, just before they could step aside I grab both their wrists and I yank them in

I grab their throats before slamming them onto the ground

"Agh?!" They gasp

"Good, now remember this feeling" I squeeze their throats


"Wh-what?" Falco chokes

I smile

"That's enough for now" I back off

"Eat, meet me back here when you're done" I sit down



After I finish up with my meal I decided to check up on Gabi

She hasn't said a word since Marley officially surrendered to father

I mean.. there's nothing they can do but hope his plan goes smoothly

Their pride was all they had left. Which means absolutely nothing if we're all dead

"If they.. if they would have surrendered in the beginning.. nobody would've had to die…" she sniffs

"Everything was in vain" she sobs

"Historia spoke with my father. You, Reiner, Annie, Pieck everyone's families will be spared from-"

"I know, I.. I already spoke with Historia"

"Oh.. okay"

"She was so… so nice.. even though I was so horrible to her" she covers her face

"Why? Why do you have to be this way? Why couldn't you all just be.. devils? Why.. Why so.. so human?"

She wants to hate us

More than anything but she has no reason to anymore

Her family is fine and we are doing everything within our power to protect everyone from the rumbling

"Remember what I said, before all this began?" I sit down behind her

"You want to be happy?"

"I want you to be happy." I wrap my arms around her waist. "I love you more than anything, Gabi."

"I.. I love you too, Falco"

"We're going to get through this, and when we do we won't be forced to prove ourselves to anyone. We'll be parents to our children, with decent jobs that will contribute to society without having to take another life"

"We'll finally be free.." she whimpers


We'll finally be free…



I sat down criss cross in front of Pieck with the small bowl of oatmeal she was required to eat

"Th-th-thanks a-again C-C-Colt" Pieck mumbles and winces after I fed her a spoon full

Her body made a full recovery

The doctor is calling this post traumatic stress..

Still, she refuses to see anyone except for me

Her parents are dying to see her, but she doesn't have the heart to face them the way she is now

"Don't thank me. Really, it's the least I can do"

It is my fault after all

I was supposed to protect her

Keep her out of the fight, but..

"Wh-why-why n-not?"

"Because… just.. just don't" I feed her another spoon of oatmeal

"Y-y-you're not, you're not. B-b-blaming y-yourself a-a-are you?"

"What? N-no why would I…"

She sits up

"S-s-stop it. I-I know you're-you're-you're d-doing it s-so-so sto- so-sto so stop it" she gets in my face


"It's not- I-I-its not e-even h-h-his f-fault"


"L-Lis.. I-I-I m-mean Sasha.. sh-she… she…said.." he stutter fades away "it's not his fault, Pieck… please.. Please forgive him. I'm sorry, Pieck. He didn't mean to…"

She began trembling as the chilling memories came crawling back

"Pieck don't try to-"


"Stop it, Pieck!" I grab her wrists before she could keep hurting herself and I pull her in


"It's fine, Pieck. You're okay" I hug her tightly

I remember Sasha always saying those exact words after father beat her so badly he wouldn't let her go out until the bruises dialed down

"You're safe, Pieck. It's okay. It's all… it's all over"

After I managed to calm her the nurses gave her some sleeping pills

I joined Falco who was on his way to meet dad. He was still sitting in the same exact spot as when we left

'Remember this feeling'

We both take a deep breath

My eyes felt as if they had caught on fire

There was no doubt

This was it

I open my eyes

My sight had been heightened easily by ten fold

Father was still sitting down but I could see an odd shadow figure. It stood up just before he did

From the looks of it, these eyes read the smallest changes happening in his body and project his upcoming movements through that odd shadow

His eyes..

His pupil was a blackened sun that floated on an ocean of blood that was his iris

Those evil eyes were the same ones he wore when he killed her..

Forgive me Sasha I don't think I can ever find it in my heart to forgive him

Every time I see his face I'm reminded just how much I want to tear him apart

-3 days later



I was sitting down on the execution platform of Paradi, puffing on the last bit of my cigar

I had taken out everyone in the harbor in my Titan state

"It's time" Colt says to my right

I set my cigar down, letting it die out with some dignity

I sigh

It's finally time

I open my eyes

I was 40 meters in the air, still sitting down even in my Susanoo

"Right.." I stand up as Colt and Falco hopped on my shoulders

The rumbling…

All the Titans of Wall Maria were heading our way

I lean forward

I obliterate the platform the moment I took off

I lean forward picking up more and more speed with my arms outstretched behind me

We closed 800 meters in a couple seconds

I slowed just before we clashed and we switched to ODM

We used the titans to fly by with ease

After a couple minutes we were out and I summoned Susanoo and charged at the Titans of Wall Rose

"Ready?" I ask as they jumped onto my palm

"Just do it!" Colt shouts

"Heh, alright" I cock my arm back

Just before I'd run into the Titans of Rose I pitch the two through the sky sending them towards the capital like we had planned

I switch to ODM and began making my way through the second army of Titans

I was just about a quarter of the way when something lunged at me

What the hell?

I launch myself into the sky to get a better look

"Shit" I grumble

There were thousands of them

There were a variety of Armored, Female, Cart, War Hammer, Jaw, and Attack Titans riding atop the colossals shoulders

"Heh.. Right…" I smile widely "let's get this over with"



There he is..

The Walls of Mitras were still in tact just like father said they would be

Eren was in his Titan, sitting on the Castle

I look at Falco

He nods

We push off each other as we came closer to the ground


Let's do this

I open my eyes

Just like we practiced with father we both simultaneously summon our variants of the Soul of Susanoo

Eren finally opens his eyes, he turns his head just as our fists slammed into his face

His head crashes through the building and hits the ground, blowing everything within 50 meters away



-2 days prior-


I stumble back after he knocked the wind out of my lungs

Even with these eyes we're completely outclassed

I look up at Colt

Every time he managed to land a hit father would hit him with three

Dad had this evil grin across his face

The sick bastard was letting Colt hit him


I force myself back up

He was knocking Colt around like a rag doll

"DAMMMMIIIIIIT!" I charge at dad

He knocks Colt on his ass before turning to me

He just stood there as I pulled my arm back

But just then.. before I could throw a punch he lowered his head to meet my gaze…

His eyes..

They were so… so terrifying

I was paralyzed

I couldn't move my body a single inch

He slams his fist into my gut

But my body didn't fold

It was as if I was frozen in time

He proceeded to bombard me with his fists

It felt like hours had gone by until a red giant skeletal fist slammed into his side sending him crashing through the dirt

"Kghk*" Colt grinds his teeth

He was inside of an odd skeletal rib cage made of a red aura



"Kgh-hehe" dad giggles

His forearm was broken

He reaches for his Katana

Without a single care in the world he cuts the broken limb off and puts his blade away

Seconds later it grows back

"Good… boy" he stretches his arm

"Colt…" I whisper

But there was no getting to him…


I later awakened Susanoo the same way

"Susanoo, huh?" We hear Eren, but he was standing in his 15 meter Titan about 20 meters off

The Titan we obliterated was a fake

"Let me guess, he beat it out of you?"

"Why are you doing this, Eren?" Colt asks

"Tch," he clicks his tongue. "Why does it even matter anymore? It's happening there's no stopping it"

Colt reaches for his Katana

"You're right, it doesn't matter"

The ring of an iron blade echos through the city of Mitras as we unsheathed our katanas made from our very own chakra

"We just have to kill you"

-to be continued