The Great Titan War ii

Book Two

Volume 7

Ch. 96 The Great Titan War ii



The battle shook the entire city

There wasn't a single civilian in sight so we had no problem making a mess of everything

Falco ducked under my blade as it grazed Erens chest

His blade was heading straight for Erens throat but he hardens his forearm and knocks it aside

Just before he could smash Falco into the ground I slam my fist into his jaw

Eren loses his balance and falls on his ass

Before Falco could pounce on him, Eren kicks him in the chest

I extend my arms to catch Falco as Eren jumped to his feet

He pulls his arm back, creating a spear from his hardening and before I even caught Falco it was already digging through our abdomens

We release our Susanoos

We were free falling when he began charging at us

Once we land on his spear we jump over the edge

We simultaneously summon our Susanoos a second time

Just as Eren was about to retrieve his spear I dig my fist into his temple and Falco does the same to his side, together obliterating his head

I was about to grab his nape when the ground began shaking

We fall back as sharp pillars of his crystallized hardening explode from the ground


He nods

His sword turns into a bow and he shoots four arrows straight into the southern sky

Then, once the quaking stopped we lounged back into the fight

We ducked and weaved his hardening, trying to close in on him

There wasn't anything we could do, he kept shooting pillars out from the ground

Thanks to our eyes we were able to see every move, but that didn't keep him from knocking us back

"Shit!" Falco growls

He Holds his hands out to the ground as he manages to block the pillar right underneath him

"Falco!" I fall back

I raise my blade over my head as I spot the small plane flying across the sky

"Finally" I smile

My blade multiplies its size by about two fold

Its length was about twice the height of my Susanoo and about 3.5 meters thick

I rest it on my shoulder as I get into a suitable stance

Eren raises his arms

I swing the massive 30 meter sword across the field as three beams of his hardening shot out from the ground and headed straight for Falco



Just before Erens spear could get to me, a massive fist grazed my Susanoo

Wait.. is that?


It's Reiner!

Colt manage to cut all the pillars from the base including Erens shins in half

He falls back as Annie landed right beside Colt

Erens legs grew back as he jumped to his feet

After Annie made sure Colt was alright the three of us lunge at Eren

Colt shoots three arrows from afar and they slam into his chest

His hardening tanks all three just as he caught my fist and blocked Annie's shin with his own

He jumps onto the same foot he blocked Annie with and he slams his heel onto Rieners jaw

He grabs his ankle before he went soaring through the sky and swings him around, knocking Annie on her ass before he tosses him at me

Colt races past Reiner and I, as we pulled ourselves up

He's used up a lot of his chakra so his Susanoo has gotten slimmer

We managed to figure out how to activate this power in a span of 3 days it's only natural we'd run out of juice so soon

He wasn't using any weapons so you could tell he was running on fumes

We all jump to Colts aid

Eren kept blocking and knocking us back one by one, but we didn't let up for a second

I grab Erens wrist

I yank him, Riener digs his fist into his gut and slams him into the ground

Annie puts his legs in a hold as Colt rose an axe made from Rieners hardening over his head

The ground began shaking

Eren was ready to use that same attack he did to keep Colt and I off him, but it was too late

Colt was within half a meter from his nape, ready to finish this when a sudden explosion send us into different directions


-9 years ago-


"Hehe" I giggle

Papas going to be so super proud of me

"Papa!" I shove Colt aside as he opened the door

"Watch it, you idiot!" Colt growls

"Look, dad!" I hold my report card up as he puffed at his cigar

"What's that?" he mumbled

"A's, even in Military and Physical Education!"

"Yayy!" Mama claps

"My teacher said if I weren't an Eldian, they'd make me a general straight out of high school!"

"If you weren't Eldian, huh?"

"Yeah, are you proud of me, papa?"

He sighs

"Become a warrior and I may even pat your head, kid"

Become a warrior?

"Yes sir!" I salute

The following year I became a warrior candidate

It's when dad told me our true intentions

I was so obsessed with making him proud I went on with it without a problem

A year after that, Gabi became a candidate as well

"Falco!" Someone shouts


"Falco!" I hear again

"A-Annie?" I sit up

"C'mon you have to get up" she pats my clothes from the rubble

"What the hell just…"

I look up at the hundred meter Titan

Wait.. that's…

"Eren" she says

We were too late…

"Colt and Riener are getting ready to attack, you think you can-"

"No, I've used to much chakra"


"Look, it's best if I sit back. You should tell Colt to do the same"

"O-okay" she nods "let's get you somewhere-" she stops, after feeling the rumbling

We both turn our attention back at Eren

He was glaring right at us

"C'mon" Annie quickly helps me up

We switch to ODM and we began flying out of there

"Dammit." I curse under my breath, as Eren took a step towards us

"We're not gonna make it!" Annie shouts

The shadow of Eren foot dawns over us as he readied to stomp on us

"Shit" I turn around

I have to summon Susanoo

I mean, what else can I do?

I watch as his foot got closer by the second

That was until there was a sudden flash of light from far above

"What was that?" Annie asks as we got clear from his massive foot

"N-no way…" I watch as the massive colossal Titan still falling from the sky slams his fist into Eren's face

"Armin!" Annie laughs

"Wh-what?" They crash into the ground sending a shockwave throughout the entire city

There was about 20 blimps circling around the city

"What the hell is going on?"

"C'mon, we have to help while he's down!" She shouts over the raging winds

"Right" I nod

We head straight for the wrestling titans

I spot Riener and Colt across the battlefield just as Armin lets out a painful roar

Eren had him in a tight arm lock

Once his arm finally snaps he rips it off

Armin rolls over

They were so huge it looked like they were moving frame by frame

They both get back up, but just as Eren swung at him he disappears

We looked around for Armin when an explosion at Erens nape sends him stumbling forward

Armin's colossal Titan pulls Erens into a chokehold

Eren leans forward before slamming the back of his head into Armin's face

He lets out a painful roar so loud I thought my eardrums would explode


No, that roar…

It's just like Zekes…

I look over at the walls

Seconds later they slowly began falling apart

"C'mon we have to help him!"

"What? No way, there's nothing we can do!" Annie shouts

We have to try

He woke the titans within these four walls

If we don't defeat him now Armin will be overwhelmed in no time

"C'mon, it's time to retreat" I hear Levi "Armin has this handled if not your father should be on his way"

"Where's Mikasa and everyone else?"

"They're retrieving Colt and Reiner"

But before I respond I felt my body flinch all of a sudden

It felt as if an electric shock ran down my spine

And everything… it almost felt as if everything stopped moving

The ground began shaking

It got so bad the buildings began crumbling down all around us

Seconds later we heard what sounded like a monster, a dragon was the very first thing that came to mind when I heard this deep sinister roar

I look up expecting to see a dragon but all I saw was a ring of light surrounding the city

It was so bright we had to cover our eyes

Wait.. was that… dad?

What felt like hours went by as I waited for the light to dim down

Once it finally did…

There were hundreds of them

So many of them that their steam blocked out the sun and clouded the sky

Hundreds of the same exact titans that resided inside the walls rained down upon the city



-3 days prior

"R-relinquish?" Senior Willy asks

"What other choice do you have?"

"Eren promised he'd spare our nation if we turn you in"

"You must be delusional if you really believe you stand a chance, old man." I take a seat at their table

"Maybe we should just take our chances"

"Don't be ridiculous, we only have one week until the entire continent is leveled"

"No, we only have seventy two hours to make a decision"

"You wanna get smart with me?" I light a cigar

"It's the only choice we have"

"You want to settle on a choice that will result in the slaughter of billions of innocent lives, and that is only IF he decides not to kill you, even after turning me in"

"Let's get one thing straight. Not you, nor any army on this continent can defeat me, okay? So no matter what you do, no matter what you say. I will get what I want."

"What exactly do you want?" He asks

"I want your loyalty and full cooperation. After that, we discuss with you our plan of attack."

"Attack? Shouldn't we be more worried about defending ourselves from those monsters?"

"It's hopeless, he already managed to activate the titans within the walls, so if we defeat him the rumbling will end. Plain and simple"

"But I thought you were the founder, how is it that he has this power?"

"It appears that.." Armin was ready to explain to them but I cut him off

"What's done is done, I don't plan on explaining everything to you brutes"


"The point is, it's happening and I'm the only one who can stop it"

"Now, do us all a favor" I open my arms

They publicly announced their surrender within the hour and we began making preparations once the palace was seized

"After we arrive I'll create a runway for you to land on the port, alright?" I tell the pilot that brought us here in the plane "there you will leave us three. Armin and the rest of his squad will stay aboard and you will only take flight when you see the signal"

"Right" he nods

"Okay, right it down and repeat it back to me"

"What are we supposed to do?" Falco asks

I couldn't help but crack a little smile before having to listen to the pilot

"Good, make sure it sticks." I tap my head "I'm not going to repeat myself"

"Yessir" he nods

"You two wait for me out back" I point at Colt and his brother

After getting that cleared out I head over to the table where the maps of the continent and our island had been laid out

"Alright, I want EVERY Eldian Woman and Child evacuated alongside everyone else. EVERY Eldian Man will stay behind and defend the Northern shore"

"Defend? How do you expect them to do that?"

"Them? No Willy, you got it all wrong. We're in this shit together"

"Wh-what? I don't understand how you're planning to-"

"Ten-thousand years ago, after my Father annihilated Ymir's army she erected Wall Maria, Rose, and Sina"

"Ymir wasn't the one who Erected those walls, it was King Karl Fritz. After Amaterasu dwarfed her army she stopped conquering land beyond what is now our continent. Twelve centuries later King Karl Fritz purposely sparked a civil war which led to the Eldians defeat. Then, in order to avoid any more bloodshed he used his power to turn his army into colossal titans that were used to erect the three walls" Willy smiles finally making himself useful and probably thinking he made me look stupid for not knowing our history

"Right," I smile

His little smile fades away after realizing where I was going with this

"Wait.. no this is insane…"

"I want you to have twenty-one airships ready. Only twenty of those will contain thirty Eldians each" I mumble with the cigar in my mouth as I make sure the map of Paradi was facing the right way

I look around making sure everyone understood

"Twenty-one airships, twenty with thirty Eldians EACH" someone repeats

"Good boy. Now.."

"If you finally plan to pay for your sins. Why not send the women, maybe the children as well. They're monsters as well, no? They'd be useful on the battlefield" someone says behind me

Everyone stops what they were doing

I was waiting for the guy to say he was kidding, start laughing or something

But he didn't…

"What's the matter, soldier?" I ask

It was a Marleyan general

"I'm just saying we'd better our chances if every one of you devils-"

Before he'd go on I train my 9mm to his forehead

"What if we send your wife, your child. Maybe your mother and your siblings to the front lines. What reason would you have to fight?"

He doesn't respond

"Look, we're not going to tolerate this kind of language anymore, soldier. Whether you like it or not, everything and I mean EVERYTHING belongs to me now"

"I'd rather die than take orders from a de-"

I pull the trigger

His head jerks back and his knees buckle before his face slams into the ground

I toss the handgun aside

"I don't care who you are, Black, White, or even Eldian. If you have this foolish ideology I want you to go ahead and put a bullet in your head."

Nobody utters a word

"Right, let's get back to business" I sigh

-to be continued