The Great Titan War iv

Book Two

Volume 7

Ch. 98 The Great Titan War iii



"GRUAHHHH!" he lunges at me

I left hook his jaw and I smash my knee into his gut

His body folds an he falls back on his ass

I let him get up before smashing my heel on his face

He back handsprings to his feet, shaking the entire island as he lands

He lunges at me without a second thought

I block his fist with my elbow and I harden my abdomen

I manage to somewhat tank his knee to my gut in exchange for an elbow to his face

He stumbles back as the hardening on my abdomen shatters

After blocking my fist with his forearm I lean back, dodging his left hook by a hair

I kick his ankle, breaking his balance and as he fell on his back I kick the living shit out of his face

His back smashes into the ground

I quickly grab his legs

I lift him off his back, but as I did my foot breaks through the ground and it smashes into the underground city

"Shit" I grumble still having to pivot that same foot in order to toss Eren aside

I quickly pull my foot out and I peek through the hole I made

The nobles ran the underground citizens out in order to stay out of harm's way

Eren watches from a distance as I pull myself up

After patting myself down and walking out of what was once the Capital of Mitras we glare each other down for a moment

We simultaneously lean forward, before taking off

The surrounding clouds and trees get blown away the moment our fists clashed

After exchanging a few blows I duck under his fist and I pivot around him

As he turned his head to face me I smash my elbow into his face

As he stumbles back I wipe the little blood off my lip as he dropped on one knee

I step back, waiting for him to get up. When he suddenly swings his arm back as if he was planning to back hand me from way over there

I don't bother moving an inch, knowing he was too far away

Even so, something slams into my jaw

I stumble back wondering what the hell just happened as he bull rushed me

He was over 150 meters away when he suddenly jumped into the air

He puts his hands together and brought them down as if he were holding a blade or something

I cross my arms above my head and I harden my forearms

Within a meter of my arm he hardens a blade from thin air

But it vanishes the moment after it slammed into my forearm

I was still shaken from his previous attack so he managed to get in and smash his shin into my abdomen

I stumble back

Before he'd jab me in the face I twist my shoulders, slipping his fist

I grab his wrist and I slam my forearm onto his elbow, snapping his arm in two

I yank his arm down and I slam my knee into his face so hard I send him flying across the island

I toss what was left of his arm aside and follow behind

By the time I arrived his arm grew back and we exchange a few more blows

He raises his hands to the sky

"Again?" I get ready to dodge this time

He creates a massive sword, twice his height and he pulls it way back behind his head as if it were weightless

What a fool

He's wide open

I dig my elbow into his gut

But I don't even faze him

I was ready to step aside but just then, the ground explodes from beneath me

Something grabs my ankle

It was a Titan, a Colossal Titan

"Wh-what the?!"

They crawled out of the ground like insects and held tightly onto my legs like little children

I try shaking them off but they hardened right away, connecting with eachother and locking my foot in place

I quickly raise my hands and catch his blade with my palms

The edge was inches away from my eyelashes

I could feel the titans crawling on top each other until one grabbed my throat

I summon Susanoos armor, blowing every last one of them away before pushing Erens massive blade aside

Even so, it still managed to take out my left arm

By then, he had already let go of the handle and was at the midst of swinging one of two hammers

I raise my right hand but it was too late

His hammer slams into the left side of my face

With the other hammer he slams it onto my chin, sending me flying across the sky

I open my arms, catching myself in mid air

There were hundreds… no… thousands of titans crawling out of the ground

It was all over the island, as far out as the eye could see

I look back at Eren

He was wearing this long grin across his face

"BASTARD!" I launch myself out of the sky

He managed to catch my fists and hold his ground as the earth around him erupts

"Ten-million." He chuckles "There's too many of them. What are you going to do?"

"Kgheheh" I smile


"Kgh*" he grits his teeth "How?!"

He yanks me in and wraps his arms around my waist

He body slams me into the ground

"How?! Why?!" I cover my face and temples as best I could as he bombarded me with his fists

"You could barely handle the War Hammer, so how?! Tell me how!"

I manage to catch his fist

I move it aside as I simultaneously slide my grip onto his wrist

He stands up, ready to stomp on me but I manage to lock his arm into a straight arm bar

After breaking his elbow I manage to free myself and get back to my feet

"Agh?!" He roars as I stand back, waiting for him to get up…

I mean he wasn't wrong…


How is it that I got so strong in such a short period of time?

I was on the brink of death. Instead, I came back stronger



-28 years ago-

-3 months prior to fall of Maria-

"Hehehe, it's so awesome that Captain Erwin himself reserved a table for us" Eren giggles as he leads the way to the restaurant he's been dying to dine in

"It's only because he owes me a favor, so really. You should be thanking me" I shrug

"Shut up, you're stupid and old!"

"What?!" I growl

"Oh my.." Carla giggles

"Thanks again for letting me come along, Kara" Armin says

"You should thank Grisha for not showing" I shrug

After we get inside I managed to convince the waitress to switch our table to the one right under the AC

"What do you mean, of course he's good looking"

"What the hell Armin. What are you, a faggot?" I sit down beside Krista

"Kara!" Krista smacks the back of my head

"Yeah, fa-" before Eren could repeat it Krista smacks him too

"See what you did?!" She kicks my shin

"It was just a question"

"Eren is jealous whenever you're around all of Carla's girlfriends they ignore him" Mikasa says

"That is NOT what I said!" Eren stands up

"Sit down!" Carla flicks his ear

"Hmm" Eren frowns before doing as he was told

The six of us tried to enjoy our meal together and we did… for the most part

"Mikasa, just shut up already. Why do you keep telling them everything?!" Eren storms inside the house

"What do you mean? You never told me to keep it a secret."

"Honey, let me teach you a thing or two" Krista pulls Mikasa aside

"Oh… okay" Mikasa follows along

"Gee that was awesome" Armin sits back on the couch

"Yeah, be sure to tell Grisha how awesome it was" I stretch my arms

"Shut up!" Eren growls

"Kara, you know h-" Carla stops after Eren storms over to me

"No! I've had it up to here!" He kicks my shin "you're always saying Grisha this, Grisha that! Just shut up already!"

"Honey, he's only kidding" Carla tries calming him

"No! It's not funny. You always laugh it off and make those stupid faces when he smiles at you!"

"Watch your mouth, Eren" I look at him crazy after the way he talked back to her

"Quit trying to act like my dad!"

"Eren, stop it!" Carla shouts

"Shut up, you're just a stupid whore!"

I back hand him across the face so hard I bust his lip and knock him on his ass

"Where the hell did you learn to talk like that?"

"Kara, stop it! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Armin jumps in front of him but I shove him aside

I grab Eren's shirt and I yank him back up on his feet

"Who do you think?!" Armin shouts

"You'll never catch me talking to a woman like that. Now tell me who, Eren."

"D-d-d…" Eréndira trembles, unable to even formulate a word

"It was some drunk by the bar! H-he's always talking a-about Mrs. Carla because she's… well… she's always around you…" Armin says

"What bar?" I shove Eren aside

"Kara, stop it!" Carla shouts




Why this?

Why now?

Stupid kid, Erwin had to bail me out the next morning cause of him

I smash my elbow into his chin

He stumbles back on his ass

I follow closely behind

"You stupid.." I smash my heel into his face

"stupid.." again, "boy…" and again

I step back as he slowly pulls himself back up

No matter how hard I hit him, he just… he won't let up

It's been 3 days since our battle began

We're so massive it feels like it's only been a few hours

I raise my hands to the sky as he charged at me with the little strength he had left

Once he was in range I dig my hands into his chest

I grab a tight hold of his collarbones and I yank him in, head butting him square in the face

He drops to his knees

His eyes tremble as I pulled my arm back, pointing my elbow to the sky

"Stupid kid.."

I slam my palm onto his chest and his back explodes after I obliterate his insides

The color in his Titans eyes fade away as his body was engulfed in steam

I slowly revert myself back to normal just as his body vanished leaving a heavy cloud a steam behind

Out of the little cloud of smoke I found him standing on his two feet

This little…

"Grrraah!" He lunges at me

I step aside and I shove his face into a wall I hardened from the ground

He jerks around, blindly swinging his fists

I slam my foot on his chest, so hard that I felt his rib cage snap

His back slams into the wall behind him and I uppercut his chin

As he fell over I left hook his jaw

His knees buckle so I uppercut his chin again, keeping him up

I keep at it for as long as I could before kicking the back of his head so hard I obliterated my foot

I hold my hand out

Moments later, my katanas handle comes flying back into my hand

I shove the broken tip into the palm of my hand

I carefully began pulling it back out, creating a blade to go along with the handle as I did

Once the blade was long enough I run my finger along the edge

All the while he just laid there… motionless

Stand up…

And fight…


No matter what he's done

Can I…do this?

I mean… how could I?

He's like…

Almost like my very own son

Mikasa said it herself.

I slowly hover the blade over his back

I grab the handle with both hands and I raise the katana over my head

I know as well as everyone else… this has to be done

I bring my sword down, but just then, an odd yellow aura emerged from his back

I halt for a second

The aura slowly formed into a little head

It was a… a child?

She slowly sits up

She looks around before carefully standing up

She slowly turns around

Her eyes widen the moment she saw me standing here

She looked like she had been bawling her eyes out

Her bottom lip trembled and her eyes flooded with tears

"P-papa…" she sniffs

I set my sword down


"Papa!" She lounges at me before I could ask any questions

I stumble back on my ass after what felt like a sudden gust of wind shove me down

"I'm sorry, papa! I'm sorry! He said there was no other way! He told me to do it. He told me, it was all his fault!" She cries

"Who?" I ask before getting this weird feeling someone was looking over my shoulder

I jerk my head around and just then…

Standing on the tallest mountain of Paradi I made out a dark figure…


Those eyes…

The child vanished by the time I came back to my senses

Then after looking over my shoulder once more so did that dark figure

I jump back to my feet as Eren began coughing and gagging

"Agh?! I swear I never…" he stops

He slowly raises his head

We glare at each other for a moment

I hold out my hand

His eyes widen

"N-no what are you…" he grabs a handful of dirt

"That's enough. Let's go home… Eren…"

"Kghk*" he grits his teeth

"Damn you!" He tosses dirt at my face

I swat it all aside before catching his hardened fist leading to my chest

The hardening was so weak it turned to dust

I snap his wrist

"Agh?! Bastard!" He comes at me with his other fist

I pat it aside before slamming my knee into his chin so hard his teeth shatter and his face slams into the ground

I wait a minute or two for him to get back up and by the time he did his teeth had grown back

"Kill me.. p-please…" he sniffs


"You have to, I can't live like this." He shakes his head

"Shut up"

"Do it! Think about Sasha! I killed her! I did it, remember?! It's all because of me!"

"Stop it…"

"Just do it, you saw it yourself! I killed everyone, so kill me!"

"Shut up!" I backhand him across the face.


"I couldn't control myself… she isn't here now, because of me…"

"B-but I…"

"Eren… One is enough. Don't make me do this again." I hold my hand out

"N-no." He punches the ground

"I-I can't.. I can't…" he shakes his head "you can't let me… y-you can't make me live like this."

He suddenly stops after seeing my katana laying beside him

He grabs the blade

"Eren… you don't have to do this…"

"You're wrong, Kara… There's no place left for me in this world."

"What are you talking about?"

"Eren…" I shake my head

"I-I'm sorry, Kara…" he whimpered before shoving the blade through his stomach

-to be continued