Avatar Aang

Honestly, I couldn't bring Myself to post those two chapters. I've been working on them for months but they turned out so insanely messed up that I don't think I have it in Me to post them.

So sorry if I got anyone's hopes up

Book Three

Volume 10

Ch. 133 Avatar Aang



It's been ten years since the war came to a conclusion and Kara dissapeared with Odin

We waited a year for him in the little shack before moving into one of his houses in Ba Sing Se

Aang lost an arm during the battle but he claims he doesn't remember what exactly went down besides Kara acting strange

Still, he's been helping me look for him ever since

"Zeus! Get your butt-."

"Kohohoh!" Little Zeus quickly jumps on the chair right beside Posideon who was laughing his butt off

"Mommy, kehehe" Poseidon giggles

"What did Uncle Aangy say, momma?" Hestia joins us at the table

"Fish!" Poseidon shouts as he holds up a little chicken bone "fish-fish-fish." He babbles on as Zeus claps and makes farting sounds with his lips

"He said it's unlikely but he'll have Sokka check it out as soon as he has the chance"

"Oh, poohy." She frowns "can we go mama?" Hestia sits up

"It… it could be dangerous, Hestia. It's best that we sit tight and…"

"Oh…" she sighs

"D-do you think… he left… b-because of me?"

"What darling? No, how could you say that?"

"He's always leaving. Running off somewhere different." She sniffs, "and it only happens when I come around."

"No, baby. Don't even think that." I get down on my knee

I wipe those little tears off her face

"Your papa loves you, more than anything. Okay? He just… he's been through a lot. Sometimes he likes to run off on his own."

"So don't ever say that again. Don't even think it, alright babe?"

"O-Okay…" she sniffs

I pulled her head in and I comforted her for as long as she needed it.

After that we finished dinner and we hopped into the bath where Posideon was giggling around with his fishies

Hestia and I scrubbed ourselves in the shower so that he could continue to play with his little friends

She squeezed her eyes shut as I rinsed the soap off her face

"Pffft." She spits and rubs her eyes for any little trace soap

"You okay, babe?"

"Umm… yeah." She smiles

After patting her down with a towel I helped her get changed before doing the same myself

We sit by and wait for Posideon to finish playing.

I just watched how sad she looked, knowing just how much she was missing her father

I haven't heard anything from Iapetus

I figured he'd reach out by now but…

I haven't heard a word.

After Posideon finished up I pat him down and throw some clothes on his naked butt

After that we got ready for bed

The following morning we went over to Aang's place

Hestia was giggling with Lala as Poseidon ran around with Kya, Zeus, and Sokka's twin boys

"Wh-what? Why not?"

"Rhea… it's not… a good idea."

"Why not? He could be anywhere. You heard what Falco said. He wanted to explore the world. M-Maybe he got tired of living with us and just."

"No, Rhea. He'd never do that. At least not… the man I knew."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, just don't do anything rash. You have three little angels to look after now."

"No, Aang. Tell Me, now."

"I already explained to you. This matter is of the Gods." I sigh

"Is it? Then tell me, why is it that you are the only one searching for him?"

"Because it's… he's… not even supposed to be alive."

"Rhea…" he sighs "please, just… leave him to us."

"B-but why? Wh-what… What happened to him?"

"Aang, tell me."

"Aang." Katara whimpers as he began lowering his robe down to his waist

He reveals a scar on his shoulder that very clearly looked like someone took a bite out of him and tore all the way down his abdomen

"I lied to you, Rhea."

"Wh-what is this? Y-you never…"

"Kara didn't just up and go after the fight. In fact, it wasn't even him."

"Y-you don't mean… he did that to you?"

I cover my mouth as my eyes tear up

"I also wasn't the one who defeated Ozai. It was him. He…"

"What? Wh-what did he do?" I whimper

"He devoured him, Rhea… only after he tried to do no different with me." He rubs him his arm

He told me Ozai blew that arm off

"No…" I shake my head "No, it can't be."

How could I let this happen?

How could I… fail him?

"Whatever it was that possessed him was pure evil." Katara adds

"The only reason we are so convinced this may be him was because an entire neighborhood disappeared…" he snaps his fingers "just like that."

"Right…" I sniff "I want you to stop searching for him. I'll head home first thing tomorrow and seek help from my brother."

"You mean the one who sent you here and abandoned you in the first place?" Aang asks

"He warned me… that this would happen. I just hope he's willing to lend me his aid…"



"And then, poof! All the water was gone and all the fishies were squirming and dancing on the floor!" I tell big sister Lala how papa evaporated a lake

"Hm-hmm. That's amazing." She giggles before mommy joined us at the pool

"Hestia, darling. We're going back to see your uncle Iapetus tomorrow so make sure you say goodbye for now, okay?"

"What? Aren't we going to look for Papa?"

"Not… right now, something's come up."

"I thought Aang finally found something that could lead us to dad." Lala sits up

"He did darling but… well we just have to put it aside for now."

"Wh-what? That's not fair." I sniff

"I know, baby." she pulls me in as Lala snuck away to see Mr. Aang

When she came back she got into a shouting match with momma on whether or not they should go find papa

We then played all night with Kya and everyone else before we all fell asleep on the floor together

I was staring up at the ceiling when I heard the door shut

I sit up before hearing Appa groan outside

I quickly sneak out to see what was happening

"Hestia, go back inside, baby."

"Wh-where are you going, Lala?"

"Dad… I… I'm going to find him."

"Really?! Let me come with you!" I jump

"No, Hestia. You stay here, with your mother."

"What? No fair!" I stomp my foot "I want to see him too…" I tear up

"And you will. I'll bring him here, with you."

"Oh… okay." I sigh "but don't take too long, okay?!" I puff my cheeks

"Okay, I'll come right back, I promise." She smiles widely

After giving her a great big hug and watching her fly away I snuggle myself between Poseidon and Kya before finally falling asleep

The following day was awfully scary

Everyone was shouting and looking around for Appa and Lala

"Hestia, baby. You have to tell me. Did she tell you where she ran off to?!" Mom shakes Me

"Sh-she said… sh-she's going to see poppa."

Mommy turned as white as a ghost

"Wh-what is it? Is-is she in trouble?"

I sit up as she backed off

She pulls her two fingers up to her forehead, trying to sense her energy but she couldn't find it

"What is it, Rhea?" Mr. Aang asks

"Sh-she… no, something's distorting her ki."

"Take us with you." Aang steps over Zeus and Bumi

"No, I already told you. This doesn't concern you." She says before disappearing

I hurry to mommy's purse

I reach inside which could and pat around

"Cwystal ball, cwystal ball" I think

Until I the magic crystal ball I used to watch mommy while we were on Othrys appears inside of her purse



It's been well over a week and I've looked just about everywhere

Every hotel, every casino, even strip clubs, but Kara was nowhere to be found

I was just about ready to drop on my knees and burst into tears before I found myself looking up at the lights flickering on the tallest tower

It was an extremely high end luxury hotel so I didn't even bother

I focus on the energy readings of the mortals on the highest floor before using instant transmission to teleport to their doorstep

I look around and head to what I figured was the most expensive suite before knocking on the door

If it is him.

If he really is this monster even the Gods are so afraid of

Then Lala.. she's in grave…

I heard shuffling inside before the door finally creeks open

"Rhea, baby." Kara smiles as my eyes dart around his face until they settled for his Ocean blue colored eyes

"I-I-." I felt my stomach flutter just like every other time I found myself staring at his gorgeous face for too long

"Well… are you coming in?" He breaks the silence

"R-right… sorry." I step inside as he leads me to our bedroom

"The kids, how did they do?" He asks

That's right, it's Posideon's first day of school. I just dropped him and Hestia off before leaving Zeus in daycare to give Kara and I some alone time

"They're just fine." I smile, "Hestia wants to go to the water park this weekend. I think we should surprise her"

"Oh yeah? Sounds like fun." He smiles

We laughed and giggled around before he began teasing me and we wrestled on the bed. Until it escalated into the most passionate and loving sex we have ever had

"What is it darling?" He asks

"Oh… nothing." I smile

Although, I had this odd feeling.

I'm not sure what it was but I was fairly certain I was supposed to be somewhere else

-to be continued