Sozin’s Comet iii

Book Three

Volume 10

Ch. 132 Sozin's Comet iii



"Ozai, that's right." I smile as he groveled at My feet with inexplicable fear

"Oops, almost forgot." I keep My aura from spewing any further

I was ready to stomp on his head just as someone slams into My chest

"Kgh*" I grit My teeth

"We don't have to kill him!" The Avatar slammed Me into a rock before backing off

"You… maggot." I yank My arm out of the rock

"K-Kara… wh-what?" He backs off

"Who are you? You aren't… you aren't the same…"

"No… I'm quite different, Sherlock.. fucking…" I dig My nails into My chest and grab a tight hold of My skin "seriously, how often do you shave that fucking head?"

"Wh-what's going on, Kara? A-Are you feeling alright?"

"What you saw before was the little pity I had for you pathetic worms. As you can see now it was pretty much nonexistent.

You have Ignia to thank for that. Thought maybe if I cared in the slightest for these… creatures then maybe I would come around, pathetic."

I tear all the skin off My chest and down My abdomen which had been branded by that Ozais fists

I do the same with My forearms

"I-I don't understand. Why?"

"What are you stupid? I just told you what's up."


"No butts, unless you have tits… and a pussy." I raise an eyebrow, remembering you can somehow have tits and a dick

"Speaking of fuck meat, where's your little girlfriend? Katana, was it? No, that's not it." I think for a moment

It seems I have forgotten the insignificant… lesser beings I traveled with.

"No matter. I can always find another." I raise a finger and turn My body just as the avatar lunged at Me

I slam My foot on the back of his head and his face smashed into the ground

Just before Ozai could get Me with a cheap shot I duck, step in, and dig My fist into his gut

"Kgh*" he grits his teeth as I open My palm

"Big… Bang!"

I blast him away with the technique used to create a universe

Except when scaled down to this it's nothing more than an explosion of ki

I turn to the avatar, pulling himself up

I put the fear of God inside the boy with a mere look in the eye. Of course I could also drive him into insanity or turn him into dust but there was no fun in that

He summoned his courage and tries to blast Me with his air bending

I jump and slice straight through his winds

"Kyheheh" I giggle before decking him straight in the face and blockings Ozais knee to My face

I was forced to dance back and forth with the pair

They were strong. At least compared to this sorry state Ignia left Me in

I was able to hold My own only cause their Taijutsu was so utterly pathetic that I could read their every move even without the use of the Sharingan

Except My infinite knowledge of battle was useless when at least one of My opponents were leagues stronger than I was

To match Ozais strength to even draw some blood in the state he's left My flesh, I'd have to summon every fiber of strength My body can muster into a single point

"Hmm." I smile, after knocking the Avatar face into Ozais knee

I focus every ounce of energy into the soles of My feet

As I jerk My body around I transfer all My weight and energy into My fist

My arm explodes the very moment our fists clashed

"Gh*" Ozai grits his teeth after his arms swings back

As it did I twist My hips and transfer everything into an uppercut as My arm regenerated behind Me

Then My arm explodes after rocking his chin

I jerk My shoulder over as My other arm finished regenerating only for it to explode the moment after it dug into his side

I felt his ribs snap and crack just before I was forced to back off after the Avatar blasted Me with his flames

His flames follow Me as I land on My feet

I inhale everything before sending it back 10 fold with a Fire Dragon Roar

Except it was far too much for My lungs to handle so they simply exploded inside My chest

I spit half a cup of blood aside as My lungs regenerate

The avatar managed to protect himself along with that Ozai within a pyramid that barely managed to hold up before falling apart

As it fell I lunged Myself at the pair and slammed My foot onto Ozai's face, burying him into the stone pillar behind him

Everything below My knee explodes as I twist in mid air and smash My fist into the avatars temple, sending him crashing through the dirt

I land straight on My feet as I began walking over to the avatar trembling on his knees

"K-Kara, p-please." He whimpers just before digging his hands into the ground

Pillars of the rocky earth and geysers erupt from the ground, forcing Me to dance around

I lunged at him just as he stood back up

"Grahh!" He cries after I dug My fangs into his shoulder

I tear a mouthful of flesh before pulling him back and head butting him into the ground

"Hmm." I chew as he coughs and cries on the ground. "Not too bad, kid" I grumble before slurping about half a foot of skin that tore off his chest with

I had to hand it to Aang though. He stood up and threw another punch even as pathetic as he was just a moment ago

I caught his fist with My right hand before pulling it into My right shoulder and snapped his elbow with My forearm

I grab his wrist with My left hand as I bring it over to My left shoulder

"Gah-." His cries were cut short right after I rocked his jaw with My right elbow

The excruciating pain forced him on his knees

"Kehehe." I giggle, being forced to shake My leg and flex My thigh to keep the blood from rushing into My dick

"Hrahhh!" Ozai came stumbling out of nowhere

I twist the avatars arm before tearing off his forearm and smacking Ozai across the face with it

"Wuahhh!" The boy kicks and squeals as he tries to stop the bleeding

I bring the limb I tore off to My mouth and I bite and nibble on it as I head over to Ozai who was petrified with fear

I was just about done with My little snack so I toss it aside before reaching for that Ozai who had crawled into a boulder

"Keh*" I smile widely

"N-no, p-p-please don't-."

I stomp on his face so hard I obliterate his jaw

"Ugh, ghh." He chokes before I smash My fist into his face

"Kyhehe-hyahaha!" I laugh hysterically as his face sinks in and turns to mush almost like he had taken a shotgun to the face

I tear his right peck off and shove it into My mouth as he gurgles in his own blood

I began tearing his ribcage apart as I chewed on the muscle

After finishing up I devour his lungs then his eyes that were dangling off the side of his head

I cooked and sizzled his tongue in one hand as I stuffed his liver into My mouth with the other

I tore him apart and devoured every shrivel of skin and meat on his bones, besides dick and balls.

Cause I don't swing that way.

I also tossed his filthy intestines and bladder aside before helping Myself to his meaty heart

"Hom-nom-nom." I chew, happy before realizing the boy hadn't attacked Me in quite some time

"Hmm?" I stand up and examine the trail of blood that stopped around the corner

He must've cauterized the wound

I ascend to the sky before sensing his energy about three miles out

Even despite his wounds he managed to get that far.

No matter.

I've had My fun.

I raise My hand

"Time to die" I smile widely

I point My finger to the sky

"Cruel Sun."

I create a miniature star about the size of a mountain

"Wh-what the h-hell" I raise My other hand

I put way too much juice into it

I thought I was much stronger than this

"Sh-shit." I quickly toss it into the ground before I lost control of it

"Ghk*" I grunt, trying My best to make sure the pull doesn't win Me over

It sinks into the earth before blowing up completely annihilating the land for miles

"Ah-hah…" I take in the beautiful scent of destruction

"It feels so good to be back" I smile before a gust of wind sends Me soaring through the sky

"Ghk*" I grit My teeth "wh-what the" I widen My eyes as the explosion grew closer

"Hehehe" I giggle "this is gonna hurt"

I open My arms, welcoming the tsunami of flames with pleasure

"Agk*" I gasp as My ribs snap, puncturing My lungs in an instant

I'm sent soaring for miles before My back slams into the ground over and over till I both nut and come to a halt

So I quite literally came to a halt.

"Kahahaha-hyahahaha," I laugh hysterically in a broken and bloody mess

"K-kgh-k" I grit My teeth as I wrap My fingers around a broken rib

"Hehehe" I giggle before yanking it out of My chest

"A-agh-aghh" by body trembles as the delightful sensation of pain overwhelms My mind with ecstasy and I bust a second fatass nut

After making a puddle of semen I rip Myself apart limb by limb till My skeleton was brand knew, despite the flesh I tore apart

"Hehe," I giggle "God, now I'm starving again" I smack My lips

I could use a drink too

I crawl over to a swamp nearby

I dump My head into the murky water and I begin gulping gallon after gallon of water till there was nothing left

"Haha, that hit the spot" though I could use more "kehehe" I giggle

I pull Myself up before taking a whiff of the air

"That way" I smile

-to be continued


The following chapters will be the most horrendous ones thus far imo. It will highlight just how evil this character is so either prepare yourself or feel free to skip them entirely.

Seriously, I don't want to hear it from anybody.