
Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 151 Lullaby



I wasn't so desperate as to have sex with her so I simply passed the night in her bed to really give that Gildarts something to think about

The following morning I woke up to her peeking through her curtains over to My room

She had a fake tail tied at her waist as well as that same cat ear headband she had on the other day

"Hmm." She grumbles

I sit up

"Morning!" She jumps beside Me

"What the hell are you wearing?" I yawn

"You like it?" She turns around and wiggles her ass "I have a whole lot more cosplays, you want to see?"

"Maybe some other day." I throw My legs over the bedside before reaching for My shoes

"Right, you should go before Macao comes back and tells Gildarts." She grumbles

"Right." I step out

"Bye! I'll see you around!" She waves as I turn the corner

After making sure no one was watching I secretly climb onto Erza's balcony

I simultaneously age My appearance back to sixteen years and I grow another layer of skin to mask My scars

I then walk through Erza's room and into My own without alerting her and I get ready for the day.

By the time I got going. Cana just so happened to 'coincidentally' step out of her house at the same time

"Jeez last night was fun." She raises an eyebrow to see if I was listening

"And who the hell are you again?"

"Kha." She freezes, "why you…" She grumbles

"You better start getting used to me, cause starting today you belong to the strongest team in fairy tail!" she marches

"What the hell are you talking about?" I yawn

"Master Makarov said he wants all of us to-."

"Mira. Mmm." I lick My lips after seeing her ass jiggling up the steps

"Hey I'm talking to you!" Cana shouts as I ditch her and join Mira

"Hey, Kara." Mira smiles

"What's this thing Makarov is so worried about?"

"I'm not sure, but he asked us all to meet him at the guild first thing in the morning."

"Like hell I'm gonna let her travel with a stupid pervert like you!" Cana cuts us off and points at My face

"Who the hell are you calling a pervert! You stupid shrimp!" I growl

Seriously, this brat. If it weren't for Gildarts she'd already be six feet under.

"I see the two of you are closer than ever" Mira giggles as I lead her to the guild with My hand on her back

"So what's this mission about anyways?" Cana asks as we join Makarov at the bar

"You are going to recover a stolen instrument" Makarov says

"Instrument? Like a guitar?" I ask

"No, a flute" he says

"A flute?"

"It was an old, old friend of mines" he says

"How old are we talking? Are you sure they'll have enough to pay for the job?" I ask

"That actually, might be a problem, hmh" he chuckles "but what concerns me most is the flute itself"

"What do you mean?" Mira asks

"She told me she found it long ago during a great battle fought with a rival village, the one that had the flute in his grasp died a horrific death

She said she feels like the flute might wield a curse of some kind, and the kids that stole the flute might be in danger" he adds

"So you're saying we're taking on this mission because of some silly hunch?" I ask

"Yes and I have a hunch this flute might be even more dangerous than she thinks" Makarov adds

"And I have a hunch that this is all bullshit" I sigh

"Please just do this for me, my children" he smiles "I've called in another whom should be of assistance to you on your journey" he holds his hand out as the guild doors open and in came Erza as well as Laxus

"Erza?!" Mira growls "w-wait why her?" She checks her tone

"They're strong, I dare say as strong as you Mira" Makarov smiles "the four of you will do wonderfully together"

"What?!" Mira growls

"Hey, I think you're forgetting about me" Cana points at herself

"We'll then off you go" Makarov says "make sure to say hi for me"

"Hey.." Cana frowns

"Whatever," Mira pouts

We get on our way and take the first train out of Magnolia

"I've been tracking these guys for a few weeks now. They're actually from the dark guild of Eisenwald." Laxus explains

"Oh yeah?" I open My eyes

"Are you familiar with them?" Erza asks

"I was running a lead I found on Erigor just the other day. I found some of his goons in the midst of plotting to infiltrate Magnolia's train station but they drank some poison before I could even ask any questions."

"Idiot. Why are you telling us this now?!" Laxus growls

"Who the hell are you calling an Idiot, Shitface?!" I growl right back

"It's a tattoo!"

"W-wait, they… they k-killed themselves?" Cana whimpers

"Sure did. Didn't even bother to attack Me. They knew they were dead the very moment they looked into My eye." I smile

"Cause you're so damn creepy."

"Alright you fiend!" I stand up, ready to throw down with Laxus before sensing a disturbance ahead

"Wh-what is it?" Cana asks

"Is something wrong?" Mira tugs on My shirt

"He's here." I smile as the train pulled into Oshibana station

An explosion throws the people into a panic and sends them flooding out of the station leaving us with the Eisenwald goons

"Hmh." I smile

"You three go on ahead and search for Erigor. I'll sweep out this trash." I pull My sleeves up

"Who the hell put you in charge?!" Laxus growls

"I did!"

"He's right, Laxus. We have to find Erigor and that flute." Erza grabs his wrist

"Alright! You take care, alright Kara!" Mira jumps

"What about me? What should I do?" Cana asks as everyone else hurried off

"Hmh." I smile

This should be plenty fun

"Don't you ignore me!" Cana shouts before I lunge into the crowd of three hundred wizards. 

"Whuahhh!" Cana lets out a battle squeal, drawing her sugar cane as she charges behind Me

I punch one in the face and another straight on their throat

I duck and weave for a moment before slamming My knuckle on another's temple and digging My elbow into another's gut. 

I blitz through the crowd, putting them down one by one with a single blow as Cana pokes and slashes them with her little toothpick

"Gah?!" She drops to her knees, unbeknownst to herself, dodging someone's fireball attack "sorry, this wasn't me, was it?" She quickly tries to bandage him up as we all brawled around her

"Kghehe." I chuckle as I take a few steps behind Cana after taking out two thirds of the crowd

Time for some fun.

"Ren." I burst My aura to reach far enough to engulf the four corners for a brief moment

Their brains bring forth their utmost atrocious of nightmares after being subjected to My essence

"Bahaha!" I open My arms before spotting Cana whimpering off the corner of My eye

Stupid brat.

I walk over to her

She had thrown herself over the enemy to protect.

It almost reminded Me of the same sight of the uchiha woman protecting her child. 

But why?

Why is she protecting him? The enemy.

"A-A monster, it-it's a monster." 

"It's okay mister, you're going to be just fine." Cana sets his head down

"Mgh." I choke

She takes a deep breath before realizing I was standing before her

"K-Kara. Are you okay? That was awfully scary wasn't it?" She chuckles nervously

My essence had very little effect on her. 

It would make sense if she was physically stronger, but she's so pitifully weak that it should have killed her


I go on My way as Cana hurries behind

We stepped out of the train station just before a massive tornado like spell traps everyone inside the station

"Erigor." I smile

"Who? That guy over there?" She points at him flying down the tracks

"C'mon, drive." I jump on top of a cars roof

"Wh-whua? B-but I can't reach the pedals."

"Drive!" I growl

"Right!" She jumps into the front seat and steps on the gas

She jerks the car around and managed to not kill anyone before jumping up onto the tracks and following them down to Erigor

"I can't see! I can't see!" She cries

Just a little further 

I launch Myself off the car just as he turned around to see who was following him

I tackle him out of the sky and we stumble down the tracks

I jump to My feet and lower My head and charge at him as he pulled himself up

He just barely managed to jerk his head aside after My hand like a spear slit his cheek

"You-." He grumbles just as I slam My fist into his chest

He swings his scythe across and then down, sending waves of raging winds My way

I dive straight through the first one, before rolling, springing back into the air, and diving through the next feet first

I slam My feet onto his chest. Instead of sending him flying I open My arms and summon a twin set of tanto blades, ready to stab them both into his skull

He then blows Me away.

I take a deep breath as My body twists and sores through the sky like a ragdoll

I bring Myself to an abrupt halt, clearly catching him off guard just before I unleash a Fire Dragon Roar

"Storm Wall!" He blocks the attack with his magic just as I glide back to the ground. "A Dragon Slayer?" He extends his scythe

"Whatever do you mean." I spit about a pint of blood aside after exploding My lungs with the last attack.

"Is it wind magic or Fire? Which one are you?"

I smile. Knowing he will only grow mad trying to figure out the source to My power

"Fairy Tail, huh?"

He was far stronger and faster than I was. Just about as strong as Laxus in fact.

Just the fight I've been looking for.

"You damn fairies think you're better than us?!" He lunges at Me

I deflect his fist aside with My wrist and dig mine into his gut

I step back before he could knee Me in the face

I pull My arms back before blasting him with mixture of blue and orange flames which he blew away by spinning his scythe

I slide straight under his spinning scythe and I slam My heel into his chin

He stumbles back before putting his hands together and creating armor out of his wind magic

It was like he simply put on a tornado as a suite. The raging winds spun around his arms and around his legs as well as his body and his face

"Hmh."'I smile

"Feast your eyes!" He ascends into the sky

"On what? You look absolutely ridiculous." I rest My hand on My katana

"You… You'll learn to make a mockery of Erigor of Eisenwald!"


His raging winds grow faster and faster until he came flying at Me like a bullet

I quickly draw My blade I slice straight through his armor and drag it across his chest before resheathing My blade

"Kgh. H-How?" He croaks before falling straight on his face

"I'm just better." I walk over to him trying to pull himself up. "Far better."

I pounce on top of him and I pound My fists into his chest and face like a wild animal

Finally releasing My pent up urges to tear something apart

Die. Die. Die. Just Die already.

Before I could deal the final blow, Cana lunged on top of Me

"Stop it, you're killing him! You're going to kill him!" She cries

"So what?!" I try swatting her aside but she wrapped her arms and her legs tightly around My arm

"No! Stop hurting him! You already won!"

Stupid brat. Who the hell does she think she is?

I grabbed her hair, but before I could tear her head off for interfering I saw the genuine look of concern on her face

"P-please don't kill him." She sniffs

She can't be serious.

I let go of her hair after sending a car approaching from behind

She finally lets go of My arm and quickly drags Erigor away from Me as Mira, Erza, and Laxus join us

"You beat him." Laxus huffs

"Course I did."

"Is he alive?"

"He's fine. Kara didn't mean to beat him so badly, he just wouldn't go down." She looks up at Me

"Yeah, whatever." I cross My arms

"This here is the flute, no?" I grab it with My tail

"Yes, we heard it was called Lullaby. We must destroy it before-."

I crush the flute.

-to be continued