
Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 152 Cana



The following month I've been going on various missions with Mira or alone with Cana, whenever Gildarts was there to watch Me take her.

I was now, hanging out with Cana in My Normal state as 'Adam'

"This here is My Maiden cosplay." She squeezes her hands between her thighs and bends over a bit "is-is something wrong, m-master?" She blushes

"This is ridiculous," I dig through her clothes 

"Hey! Who said you can go through that!"

"Chill out, don't you have something more-." I stop. "Cana… you dirty little pervert." I smile widely after pulling out some nun outfit

"Stop, put that back! That's my Habit!" She jumps

"This is some kinky shit, Cana. Seriously."

"Stop it, it's not like that!" She snatches it back before patting it down on the bed

"Oh no. Even worse, don't tell Me you're a catholic, Cana."

"Yeah, so what?! You got something to say?!" Huh, do you?!"

"A Christian, really? Don't make Me laugh."

"What is that supposed to mean? Huh?"

"Hmh." I smile

Guess that explains why she's so weak and pitiful

"Whatever. How are things going with your 'boyfriend'?"

"Just fine." She hangs the dress into her closet "although he spends an awful lot of time out of town."

"Doing what?"

"Probably just trying to make me jealous. All he wants is my attention, but I'm not giving it to him." She crosses her arms

"Don't you think he might've gotten bored of you?"

"What?! No way! He's totally obsessed with me." She points at her chest with her thumb

"You sure it isn't the other way around?"

"Wh-what? N-no…" she blushes 

"Really? Sounds to Me that he doesn't appreciate you for what you are." I brush her hair back behind her ear

"Wh-what I am?"

"Yeah, I mean look at you." I pull her in, "These… hips are going to waste, waiting around for that ungrateful prick." I smile

Her pupils dart around My face

I slide My hands down for a handful of her ass, encouraging her to step up for a kiss

"I-I can't." She pulls away

You're kidding…


She… turned Me down?

"I… he deserves an explanation…"

This… is getting ridiculous…

She refuses to cheat on Me with Myself even in her little dreamworld?

You can't get more sad and lonely than that.

"Look, I really like you too! But it's best if we tread lightly… I don't want to hurt anyone, least of all him!"


Yeah, I'm getting out of here.


"Hmm?" I raise an eyebrow

"If you really like Me then you'll take off your shirt!" She points at My chest

Where the hell did this come from?

"I-I've never seen another guy this up close."

"What? You mean you haven't done anything yet?"

"Wh-what? No of course not, we're going to get married first!"

She's hopeless…

I toss My shirt aside and stand back as she took every square inch of My uncanny physique with awe

She outlines My pecks and My abdomen before her fingers trail onto My scars

I grab her wrist and I glare at her before she'd outline the large one Acnologia left across My chest

"S-sorry" She whimpers

"Your turn, Cana."

"Wh-what?" She blushes

"An eye for an eye, Cana. You don't really think that I stripped without getting anything in return."

"B-but you're a boy! So why does it even matter?!"

"Oh it matters plenty. You see, you laid your hands on Me. It made Me rather uncomfortable, but you still did it."

"I-I wh-wh-what?"

"C'mon, Cana. All you ever wear is a bra, so what's the difference?"

"I-I… fine, but… don't make fun of me!"

"Cross My heart." I smile

She unbuckles her bra. Squeezing her eyes shut she sets it aside

I checked her up and down, wondering what she was so embarrassed about.

I mean her tits were perfectly round and perky, large enough to fit a handful 

"Hey!" She smacks My hand aside

Her nipples were a beautifu shade of pink that fit perfectly with her skin tone. 

They looked just as good as they did behind a bra

"You touched Me didn't you?"

"Y-yeah but-." She blushes

"Look, just…" I lay back on her bed

"Umm… o-okay." She crawls into the sheets as I do the same

I reel her in after she turns her back to Me.

She whimpers and moans as I pinch and tease her nipples until she finally came so hard she knocked out



I was whimpering and sniffing to myself. Hoping and praying that he wouldn't wake up and see me crying in his arms

I'm so small, weak, and pathetic. Nobody will ever love me.

Not even… not even Kara…

Who am I kidding? He rarely even looks at me.

Only reason he drags me around for his missions is because he isn't allowed to take on A ranked missions on his own.

Mira has been busy with her modeling and Erza has a good thing going on with Laxus. Still, I see how she looks at Kara, she wants him just the same.

But who can blame her? He's so tall, strong, tall, athletic, tall, cool, drop dead gorgeous, and not to mention he's really tall.

He's probably gone on so many dates with all the girls in the guild already. So why am I even bothering.

Adam on the other hand is… well…

He almost looks just like him actually, just these scars and he's about 5'5 a foot taller than me and a foot shorter than Kara.

So he is tall, at least compared to me.

Maybe instead of daydreaming about Kara all day, I can finally get my first kiss, even though I already totally showed him my boobs 

Not to mention I turned him down because I'm so obsessed with Kara.

I heard Macao suddenly shut his bedroom door and stomp his big fat feet down the hall to my bedroom

"Adam!" I sit up. " you have to go, like right now!"

"Shut up." He grumbles

"Why-you." I pout

"Cana! Hurry up Natsu is going to be late for school!" He shouts

"Coming!" I shout 

"Adam, you have to-."

"Shut up." He whimpers

"Shut up. Just shut up." He sniffs

I take a deep shaky breath just before his eyes began to flutter open

I look away and pat around for my shirt

"Y-you have to leave, Kara. Macao isn't going to like that you're in my bed."

"So what? It isn't like we had sex or anything." He yawns shamelessly

"So what?! You-you took advantage of me!" 

"I what? You're kidding, right?"

"Just get out!" I jump

"Yeah-yeah." He yawns as he pulls his shirt back on and opens the window

"Bye, I-I'll see you some other time." I smile before he disappears in a blink of the eye

"Cana!" Macao opens my door

"Yeah-yeah." I grumble

I stumble around and throw my baby blue Habit over my shoulder

I quickly get up and I run around the house, helping Natsu get ready for school

After dropping him off I hurry to church where I changed into my baby blue habit along the way

"Yay, Tot-tot!" I jump on top of the black and white Great Dane who looked just like a cow "How are you doing, cow-boy?" I pat his side as I ride him into the church like a horse

Ever since I settled down in Magnolia I began praying with the mothers of this church. Since it was something mom would've loved me to do 

One thing lead to the other and I'm on my way to promising myself to God

We were in the midst of lunch time when I heard Lily blabbering about me again

She was some Orphan girl that loved to pick on me for whatever reason

"Yeah, she just likes to pretend she's working out so that she can drool all over the guys." She snickers with her little group

I stuff of spoon full of oatmeal into my mouth and I chew aggressively as I listen to the girls giggle around

"She's so short they look right over her so I don't know why she even bothers." She adds "they mistake her for a child every time." They all cackle

Although they were mostly right it still made me furious hearing it from her

"Don't listen to them, Cana. You know they're just jealous of you." Naomi who's 3 years younger than I am says.

Abigail's sister and her friends are 14-16 years old with the exception of Lily who's the same age as I, but ever since she began hanging out with them she grew taller and more pretty so she's the center of attention now

Even Naomi is taller than I am

"You're right, they're not worth m-."

"You're right, I bet she hasn't even kissed a boy." Lily snickers

I jerk my body around and I throw my spoon right at the back of her head

"Ouch!" She yelps

"Say it to my face, coward!" I shout as she turns around 

But after a moment of silence she and the rest of her table of friends burst into laughter

"Grrr" I clench my fist and I storm over to her table

"Lily, are you picking on Cana again?" Mother Abigail asks before I could confront her

"What? No." She scoffs

"Lily, might I remind you, you are in the house of The Lord."

"Right…" Lily rolls her eyes before bending over to meet my gaze "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings" she gives me a patronizing frown

I smile "I forgive, YOU!" I yank her hair down

"Ah!" She shrieks as she manages to get a handful of my hair as well

She drags me down with her and we kick and squabble on the ground

"You're just jealous I have bigger boobs!"

"What?!" She growls

"And my butt is bigger too!"

"What the hell are you talking about?! Your crazy bi-." Before she could say that last part I shove my toes into her mouth

"Hehehe." I giggle before she spits them aside

"Lily, That's enough! Cana!" mother Abigail hurries to pull us apart but I refused to let go

It wasn't until Father Issac poked at my sides that I finally let go

"You're crazy! Your fucking crazy!" Lily kicks and cries as Mother Abigail along with Sister Tabitha hold her back and Father Issac carries me away

"Nyah!" I stick my tongue out as Abigail's scolds the language Lily used

"Let go of me, let go!" I kick my feet as he carries me to the confession room where he sat me down

"You need to calm down, Cana."

"No. I'm going to-."

"Sit down!" He growls

I stumble back into the chair after hearing him shout for the first time since they took me in

He mutters "Lord give me strength." As he takes a deep breath

"Cana, you can't just jump to one hundred every time someone teases you"

"She does this everyday!"

"And she gets scolded by Mother Abigail every time."

"B-but sh-she hates me for no good reason! I-I can't take it!" I burst into tears

"Cana" he sighs regretfully as I fall into his arms

"We've been best friends ever since I came to Fiore and now she acts like she hates me!" I sob

I wail in his arms until he managed to calm me down

"Have you ever tried to ask what changed?" 


"She couldn't have resented you for no reason at all you know. Something you said could have triggered the hatred"

"Wh-what? W-well it's because I'm still short. And she's not. She's tall and pretty a-and I'm just short." I began getting teary again

"But you're just as beautiful. Some of the sisters would argue that you're even more than that."

"R-really?" I blush 

"Sure you're short. But more importantly you're strong, caring, humble, extremely curious, more than it benefits you."

"Hm-hm-hmm" I giggle

"Even so, you also have your flaws. Don't go around thinking you're absolutely perfect"

"Hmm" I frown

"But why? Has she told you why she hates me so much?"

"It isn't my place to tell, Cana."

"Please, Father. Please just tell me. I have to know." I beg

"Only if… you promise to make things right between the two of you"

"Okay.." I nod

"Well.. the first thing you must understand is that… not everyone… has had the opportunity to have a Mother."


"You came in here happy to share all the things you did with your mother before her passing. After a time many of the girls began resenting you for even having one."

"Wh-what? B-but that…"

"-isn't your fault. You're absolutely right. Lily loved to listen to you talk about her for hours, remember? But eventually she realized that she never had the opportunity to experience the same."

"She'd cry to me nearly every night, asking why God took her parents from her."


"Look, Cana.. it isn't your fault, alright? You have done nothing wrong. It is only basic human nature to yearn for what the heart desires.

"And that goes for the both of you" He smiles

"Wh-what? What do you mean, Father?" I blush

"Cana…" he sighs "you're so young." He shakes his head "tell me, do you honestly want to be here?"

"Wh-what? Of-of course I do. M-My will is that of the Lord." I sit up right, "I-I want to-."

"For the rest of your life?"

I nod.

"God has given every one of us a calling. Mines was to spread his word. Lily, Abigail, everyone else here. Have chosen a life of chastity and their utmost loyalty to the father."

"Ch-chastity?" I blush

"Tell me. Is that what you want? Rather than to live a long life, beside the man that you may one day love with all your heart and he returns that same love."

"I… b-but what's it even matter? I'm.. nobody wants me. I'm too short.. an-and ugly too."

"You are not ugly, Cana." He reassures me, "true love comes from the heart. He will see right past all your flaws and insecurities. He will embrace you for who you are."

"B-but why even bother?" I grumble

"With everything going on inside your head I find it hard you will truly give up."

"Wh-what? Kara and I are a real thing, you know!"

"I'm sure you are, but might I remind you lying is a grave sin within the eyes of the Lord." He smiles

"I-I uh… ohh…" I grumble

"Just take it easy, Cana. You'll find what you're looking for, I truly believe it. Until then you are welcome to come by here any time." He pats my head

"Th-thank you Father." I hug him real tight

-to be continued