
Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 152 Veronica



"Wh-what was… that about." Mira crawls out of the shower behind Me

"What the hell are you talking about?" I pat Myself down with a towel

"A-all morning… " She grumbles "what's gotten into you?"

"No idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." She arches her back and wiggles her ass

I pounce on top of her and I dick her down one last time

"S-See?" She huffs

"Don't look at me like that." I shrug

I get ready for the day. Before pausing at the door "are you going to stay here?" 

"I-I had this thing with Sorcerer Weekly, but I don't think I can even walk." She sits up. "No thanks to you." She pouts

"A photo shoot?"

"Mhmm." She nods

"Whatever." I leave her be and head back to the guild where everyone was partying as always

After a a few drinks My makeout session with Bisca and Evergreen was cut short by some kid crying to Makarov

"You stupid old man! Macao has been gone since yesterday! Cana went after him and now she's gone too!"

"And what the hell do you want from me, boy? Both Cana and Macao are fine wizards. They can take care of themselves!" Makarov slams his beer down

"You're stupid! Old man!" Natsu jumps up and punches him square in the face 

Natsu turns around and runs into Elfman and Lisanna who tried talking him down from going after them.

Evergreen went on to fetch us some more beer

Makarov jumps on top of our table and waddles over before Bisca pulls her head back

"What is it, old man?"

"Yeah, what is it, Master?" Bisca grumbles

"I need you to do Me a little favor, son."

"Mhmm, like hell." I scoff before returning to Bisca

"Cana is somewhere out there, likely freezing herself to death and Macao has been out for quite some time now. I've grown worried for the pair."

"What happened to them being 'fine wizards' can't they take care of themselves?"

"To an extent, yes. But against the unpredictable forces of mother nature we're all at her mercy."

"Not My problem, why don't you ask Erza or Laxus?"

"Those two are currently escorting a friend they met on their journey back from a quest and Gildarts is running up a lead he found for his Hundred Year Quest."

"Hundred what?"

Makarov smiles, "I'll tell you more about it if you bring the two back home safely."

This mother-.

Taking A Ranked Quest was beginning to get a little boring. I could use something more challenging.

But going out of My way to save that headache?

How annoying. Just what you'd expect from that little prick.

"Whatever, but you better keep your word, old man." I grumble

"Thank you, son. I will see to it that you get a great recompense." 

I quickly disappear and head straight for Mt. Hakobe

I quickly grow a layer of red fur

Like the Super Saiyan Four variant of a mortal Saiyan which is essentially My true base form that I suppress to void attention

It kept Me nice and warm since I was only wearing a sleeveless training Gi

I focused My energy into the soles of My feet which allowed Me to walk on top of the surface of the snow without sinking

I journeyed up the mountain until I found Cana kicking and squealing, buried in the snow only about five feet deep

"Wuahhh! This can't be happening! No way I'm going to die without ever having a boyfriend!" She cries as I crouch down "I've never even kissed a boy! I'm a failure of a woman, Wuahh!"

I lower My tail inside and I tap her shoulder

She shrieks and jerks her body around to see who it was above her

"K-Kara… y-you really do love Me." She tears up

"Tch." I cringe at the thought

She takes My tail and I pull her out

She was only wearing a bra and jeans as she always did. Which really highlighted her stupidity.

"I'm so hug, Kara. Cold me!" She scrambles her words probably from the cold compromising her already incredibly low IQ

She scurries into My shirt

I grab her throat and I yank her back out

"Easy-." Before I could scold her I see the red pained look on her face

Actually, not necessarily pained but more like ecstasy

"Gross." I let go of her throat

"Hey, it's cold!" She cries after I dropped her in the snow

I open My hand land I summon and toss a blanket into her face

"Use that." 

"Fine! You can tag along, but you better stay back where it's safe!" She quickly jumps to the lead where she practically had to swim through the snow to keep her head above ground

She pretends to know where she was going and changed directions whenever she saw I wasn't following

I track Macaos scent up to a frozen cave the following day

Cana was holding onto My tail, wrapped in her blanket and riding a slab of ice like a sleigh behind Me

"Are we there yet?" She whines as I continue into the cave "well are we?" She pops her head out of the blanket

"Finally!" She jumps out into the open "you did well, Kara. Listened to My every word, I'm proud." She crosses her arms

I traverse the cave, ignoring whatever fantasy Cana was playing out as she followed Me around when I suddenly sense a creature grumbling by the entrance of the cave

"Hmh." I smile

"What is it?" Cana hides behind Me

"A monkey." Big ass one at that

"M-monkey?" She peaks her head. "It-it's a gorilla. A-a Vulcan."

"Yeah?" I draw a pair of kunai knives, ready to send the creature to hell

"No!" As I did so Cana jumped on My arm and made Me miss completely

"Look what you did!" I growl

"Why do you always have to kill everything!" She jumps 

"It's a damn beast! Who cares!"

"I do! He doesn't know any better!"

Stupid brat. I can't remember the last time a woman has even dared.

The Vulcan charges at Me

Cana dives out of the way

I had to bob and pat his fists aside to avoid getting smashed by its brute strength

I spin under his swinging arm and I kick the back of his knee 

He drops on one knee and I smash My elbow across his face. I slam My palm into his chest before blasting him into a crater in the ground

"You killed him!" Cana cries

"It's not dead." I draw My blade "not yet at least."

"No, stop it!" Cana jumps over his chest just before the Vulcan bursts into a cloud of smoke

I step back, hoping to see her innards explode everywhere, but once the smoke settled the monkey revealed itself to actually be Macao

"Macao!" She strangles his face "I knew it was you, Macao!"

The Vulcan must've possessed his body.

"Did you now?" He groans

"A Vulcan Macao? Seriously? I could've killed you with My bare hands had Kara not held Me back, you know?" She pats her bicep

Except Macao was strong himself. I'm sure he could easily take on fifteen of those beasts without much of a problem.

He had to of been overwhelmed

"Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what happened." He sits up

"Kehehe." Cana giggles

"Right." Macao grumbles as he stands up "we should get going. I hate to be a burden."

"No way, Macao. You need to rest."

"If he says he's fine then he's fine." I smile "let's get out of here."

"B-but Macao."

Even despite her protests and insistence Macao ended up carrying her halfway down the mountain

I mentioned that the only reason I came up here was because Makarov is supposed to tell Me more about this hundred year quest

"Actually, I doubt even he has any idea what Gildarts quest is about." Macao says

"What? Isn't Makarov the one who accepts the quests for the guild?"

"Yeah, but when it comes to a hundred year quest, it is strictly confidential as far as I'm aware.

S Rank quests however aren't as difficult, but they may be what you're searching for. So far Laxus and Gildarts are the only ones to have journeyed the length required to receive the blessing and approval to take on such quests"

"Journeyed? Where to?" 

"Well, the master sends us to a continent South of Gaia. There we receive a certain license which we return to the master and we are granted S rank missions."

"All that?"

"Indeed. Fairy Tail has the toughest exam for S rank mages in Fiore. The journey itself is as challenging as any S rank mission"

"I see." I smile

Before we could continue our conversation an explosion quakes the city of Magnolia. Its source seemed to come straight from the guild

"What was that?!" Cana shoots her head up after pretending to be asleep ever since we got off the mountain

"The guild. Something must've happened!" Cana jumps off his back and scurries down the street and through the crowds of people like a mouse

Macao hurries after her

I take the straight path by rooftop and I get there just as whatever went down ended

The guild hall was a mess and everyone was helping each other up

What's going on?!" Cana quickly helps Natsu up "are you okay Natsu?" She pats him down before hurrying to little Levi who was all but her kicking feet buried under some tables and flooring.

"Who did this?" Macao gives Erza a hand

"Carbuncle, a mercenary guild hired by Veronica's Duke, Cream."

"Th-they kidnapped Eclair." Erza grumbles painfully

"I see, My sources indicate that this mercenary group was offered a lot of money to retrieve that girl." Makarov explains

"What for?" Laxus asks

"Because she has the other half of the phoenix stone." Erza says

"Phoenix Stone? Now what is that?" I smile

"I've heard of that!" Cana jumps. "I read about this ancient legend that said when both halves of this stone become one, a fiery phoenix will break out of its prison and grant you eternal life as a gracious gift!"

"Yes, but the legend also states that this Phoenix went on a rampage the last time it was summoned." Laxus said

"And if this happens again. The entire kingdom of Veronica will be annihilated with the exemption of Duke Cream."

"That's not good! We have to stop him and save our friend!" Cana balls her fist into the sky

"You never even met her." Laxus crosses his arms

"So what?! He destroyed our guild, our… our home…" Cana tears up

"I understand how it is you are feeling. But I am deeply sorry and ashamed to ask that you all stand back."

"What?!" Erza growls

"Yeah, what the hell old man?" I cross My arms 

It's about time something's come up around here and he wants Me to sit back?

"I already sent Gildarts to retrieve the weapon capable of slaying the beast."

"That's bullshit old man!" Laxus growls

"The enemy is the Kingdom of Veronica! You kids are far from ready to take on an opponent like this!"

"Whatever." I sigh, knowing full well I'm heading out first thing in the morning. "Let Me know when Gildarts is back." I wave

I gave My appearance a break since I'd be leaving first thing in the morning.

I laid in bed till I heard My name be called just outside the window

"Ugh*" I sit up

"Man, why's it so early?" I yawn 

"Kara!" I hear again

"Mgh*" I groan, forcing myself out of bed

I open my window and before my eyes could adjust to the sunlight I feel something smash onto My chest

"Agh*" I gasp after being knocked onto the ground

"Rise and shine neighbor!" Cana shouts

"Wh-what the hell," I sit up "is wrong with you?" I give her a dirty look

She only had on a thin white bikini top bra and skinny jeans

"Oh hush Mr. Grumpy pants" she sits down on my abdomen "I wasn't about to let you go on without-" she pauses in disbelief

I pull the sheet over my chest covering the scars on My chest


"A-Adam what are you-." She tilts her head "K-Kara? You're…"


-to be continued