Dragon Cry

Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 157 Dragon Cry



"Kehehoh." Zeus giggles as we listen to Hestia cry and splash inside the bathroom with Mr. Oceanus

We saw her sneak inside.

Serves her right, following him around like a tail.

She doesn't even let us train in peace

"C'mon Zeus." I whisper before we head up stairs and into Papas room to snoop around

"Awesome, look!" I call out to Zeus who was chewing on some statue thing

I waddle over to Zeus with Ignias Holy Training Bible

I pop it open, revealing a ring inside

"It's a ring! It's golden, look!" I raise it 

"R-Romb." He takes the ring and checks if it fits fits his finger

"Keheh." I giggle as he leads it into his mouth "hey don't!"

Oh shoot

If he chokes and dies mom is going to kill me

"Spit it out Zeus!" I spread his cheeks open as he tries chewing it

"Do it, you have too!" I grab his throat and I strangle him, trying to get him to spit the darn thing out

But he refused

I slap his back before he falls on his belly

He giggles, with his mouth glued shut

I was about to pick him up before he suddenly crawls away like a caterpillar

I mean without the use of his arms at all

It was weird

"Hmm?" He tries raising his head before the ring pulls him back down and makes him bash the door open with his face

"Zeus! Just open your mouth!" I quickly follow behind as the ring seemed to be dragging him down the stairs

"Zeus?" Hestia steps out of the bath, holding a towel up before Oceanus steps behind her, peaking over her head to see what the commotion was about

"Zeus!" I shout before he stumbles and finally coughs the ring up which seemed to keep rolling outside before taking off into the sky

"What was that, Poseidon?" Oceanus asks

"Nothing! It-it was nothing!" I straighten up as Zeus cackles on the ground

"Hmph. C'mon, Oceanus." Hestia bumps him back with her butt and they get back to wrestling in the bathroom

Seems it's all they've been doing lately.



"Zanka-Zangetsu." I swipe the blade as it begins glowing an orange hue that would incinerate whatever it is to touch.

Since I wasn't as powerful enough to make use of the full power of a bankai it worked as a mere 5x multiplier to My strength and power

Except without burdening My body nearly as much as the kaioken technique

Together with Dragon Force I'll be doing maximum damage against this beast without completely destroying My body

I launch straight for the raging Dragon as it tears the castle apart

It's deep bellow shakes the land violently and blows the roofs off some of the houses

I duck and smashed through whatever rubble until I was finally face to face with the Dragon

"A Fairy? Don't make Me laugh!" It roars before attempting to stomp on Me

I squeeze through her fingers, slashing them as I did

They burst into flames as I fly straight for her face

She blows Me away with hurricane like winds with her wings

I manage to slice through and land a few houses away before quickly racing back 

I see. 

So this is how it's going to be?

She's too large

I raise My hand

I shut one eye and aim straight for her wing as she roars into the sky

"Kon." I pinch My middle and thumb fingers together

I summon Odin in an instant

"Kragh!" It wails as he tears her wing apart

The blade warps back into a ring on My finger as I dive back into the fight, changing it back into a katana or whatever blade I felt was convenient

Together we quickly managed to overwhelm the dragon

But something was off

My mind was wandering someplace else

It was still trying to make sense of My previous actions in aiding Cana.

What I felt was similar to what I observed back in Elida.

But why?

My body. It just moved on its own.

Normally I think and act on My own impulse.

But back then. I convinced Myself Cana was the least of My problems. 

Even so, I turned around for her.

"Mgh." I choke after that same look she always wore invades My mind in the midst of battle.


Those eyes, that smile, and even that button little nose.

All but familiar. Even so, the way she gazes upon Me with such admiration tears a hole through My chest.

No wait…

That part there was the dragon.

"Kgh." I choke 

It's claw tore through My chest and pinned Me to the ground

We were so damn close. Odin has taken far too much damage


"Grah!" The dragon backs off

I cough and gag loads of blood as I stumble to find something, anything that I could eat.

I follow My nose into some rubble

There there was a woman

Luckily she was already dead. So I manage to grab her ankle and pull her out before feasting on her flesh

I managed to heal up by the time I was done, for the most part. At least I wasn't quite dying anymore

Except it was all in vain after the dragon scooped Me up

Odin lunges at the dragon after she dropped Me into her mouth

"Oh-ho shit, no-no-no, not again." I skid down its throat before digging My arm into its tongue

Hey wait.


Stupid lizard. 

I open My palm and aim straight for its uvula

"Big Bang!" I put so much into the attack that My arm explodes

Its eyes melt out of its skull and the heat boil her brain

The dragon stumbles around before falling flat on its chin

I manage to climb onto its tongue before collapsing from the exhaustion

Been a while's since I've had to try that hard.

3 days later

I woke up to someone snorting in My ear and a big fat fucking cat sleeping on My face

"Kya?!" The cat cries after I grabbed its tail and held it aside

"Hey, what are you doing to Mr. Whiskers?!" Cana squeals

"Whiskers? What a generic fucking name." I watch as the cat tries jerking its body around to bite My hand but it was too fat to do a thing

"Put him down!" She cries before I do so only because it was actually getting heavier the longer I held it and not because she asked Me to

"Meow!" The cat snares, though it's voice suddenly dives from high pitch to an extremely low meow

"Come here baby, boy."

The bed creaks and groans as the tub of lard pounces to her side

"That's a damn bobcat." I grumble after throwing My legs over the bed for My shoes

"Be careful. You shouldn't walk." Cana crawls to My side

My arms and legs were bandaged up. Presumably from the lack of skin that melted off in My state of dragon force.

"Actually, I don't suggest we go anywhere. The Master is so super angry." Cana whimpers before I stand up

"Hey!" She jumps

"I can deal with the pain." 

As for Makarov, he wouldn't dare lay a finger on Me.

He put Me in a coma for the rest of the week.

My eyes flutter open.

I look around for… 

Cana. Except she wasn't here.

I heard something inside the bathroom so I focus My vision into seeing through the door

Cana, she was sitting inside the shower

She was insanely hot. I mean her tits were swollen, her nipples erect, and glistening with sweat

She had tears in her eyes as she picked at the scabs on her chest and on her belly

After she removed all the scabs she turns one of her cards into a large glass of water

It seemed to be a water of sorts sacred to this land with capabilities of healing wounds more quickly without any scaring.

From the looks of it she's been using it on Me as well

My wounds have nearly healed, more so than her own so she's clearly been attending to mine more thoroughly

I watch as she finally finished

She brings the water over and pours it over her chest

She gasps from how refreshing the water was

After a few minutes of laying there for the water to set in she turns the water spout on

She twists her legs behind her head in a sort of nelson position and she pulls herself in so the water could pour onto her pussy

She quivers and moans as she rubs and flicks her clit with one hand 

She twists her nipples and squeezes her tits

After a minute or two she squirts all over her chest even getting some on her chin

She licks her lips before sitting up and turning the water up

She flips onto her belly, arches her back, and and wiggles her ass in the air

She stretches her arms, bounces, and shakes her ass against the wall and the running water blasting her holes

She whimpers and cries with the occasional moaning of My name.

Course that was a given.

I nearly pictured Myself behind her, blowing that beautifully arched back of hers out

I turn around and shut My eyes, before I'd lower Myself down to her level and I fall asleep a while longer


"Good morning! Again." Cana tilts her head, only wearing an apron and a skirt so I could very clearly see the side profile of her tits

I look around.

"Looking for Mira?" She teases

"Why? You want to watch?"

"Heck no!"

"Had a few questions regarding the journey to Padokea."

"The Republic of Padokea? What for?"

"That's where the exams will be taking place. At least a portion of it."

"You mean the S rank exam? You really think he'll let us after totally going off on a mission on our own?"

"I got the job done didn't I?"

"Hmh, we sure did." She smirks, completely disregarding the fact that she'd did absolutely nothing

She follows Me into the kitchen where I downed Myself a gallon of water and checking for Erza

Man, I need some ass. I sigh, watching as Cana's jiggled around with every step

I hit the shower before I get any ideas with her and I get ready to head out

After Cana quickly changed she caught up

She was wearing a blonde wig some short shorts, enough to see her pockets hanging out and a thin white bra just large enough to let some of her underboobs hang 

She marched in front of Me so I took it upon Myself to examine every square inch of her body on our way to the guild

"Erza. There you are," keeping Me waiting with this blue balling bitch

"What the hell are you wearing?!" Gildarts growls at Cana

"I'm a grown woman! I can wear whatever the hell I want!" She jumps

"What's going on with you and Cana?" Erza asks just as Mira came back from seeing Makarov

"Yeah, are you dating?" Mira asks

"What?!" Cana squeals "w-well, it-it's sorta a-a secret, it-it's a little more complicated than that." She fidgets with her fingernails

"No, it isn't. She's obsessed with Me, that's all it is."

"Bahahah! You like him! You like him!" Natsu laughs and points at Cana before she knocks him out

Elfman and Lisanna drag him to the infirmary before Makarov steps out of his office and glares at Me

"Hmh." I smile, "let's do something later, Mira. You too, Erza." I wave before joining Makarov in his office

"You broke the rules, Kara." Makarov said as if it were a real shame.

"What are you going to do? Fire Me?"

"I already told you. Here at Fairy Tail we are more than simply colleagues."

"Yeah-yeah, I get it already." I roll My eyes

"Do you? As far as I'm concerned you have not a single care of the consequences for your little excursion."

"You're absolutely right. Besides, it went smoothly."

"Did it? Cana hasn't spoken a word about what happened besides your battle with the dragon."

"Who, you were lucky by the way, wasn't nearly as strong as it intended to be."

"Doesn't matter because it's done and over with. So how about you get off My-."

"It is not done. You put yourself and Cana in unnecessary danger and that can not happen again!" He raises his voice like the time he did before putting Me into a coma.

Even despite the overwhelming rage brewing inside My chest I chained down the urge to attack him for speaking to Me like so.

"You tore your body apart and God only knows what happened to dear Cana."

"Nothing happened!" Cana kicks the door down. "Seriously, old man, I don't need your pity!" 

"Cana." He sighs

"I'm going to take the exams this year so I don't want to hear it from anybody!" She shouts

"You aren't ready"

"It isn't up to you. I'll be deciding that for myself!" 

"See old man?" I smile after she storms away

The only way to have left her behind is to kill her. 

Even if I were to threaten her with such she would never back down.

"That Pride of yours, Kara. If you're ever wondering, that is what has gotten everyone you care about killed."

I drew Chaos into a blade that paused a mere hair from his forehead.

"Do not speak of My pride, old man."

Except, he did not flinch in the slightest.

"Fear not, my boy." He smiles "for Cana, I suspect, will come for all that hate and resentment that fuels your heart."

-12 days later

I glare at Cana as she happily rides the nimbus cloud that Makarov gifted her.

It was a golden cloud that can only be ridden by the purest of hearts

Which actually had Me shook at first. Considering her choice of clothing.

But I suppose that means that she only wears such without regard to who's looking. Either oblivious to the fact or sheer stupidity

She was speaking to Odin as Mira and I kissed and slobbered all over one another with Erza sandwiched in between, taking My dick

They made a truce so long as they were on this journey with Me so I've been getting all I could get out of them

'She is sure to come for all that hate and resentment'



How ridiculous.

Even if it is to ever come to that.

I'll just kill her Myself.

"K-Kara." Erza moans.

"What is it?" Mira sits up

Erza turns her head and follows My gaze

"Cana? What's going on?" She whispers

"Yeah, you're always looking at her." Mira grumbles

"Are we not good enough?" Erza frowns

"It's nothing." I grab Erzas nape and I pin her back down

I alternate between the two until they've had their fill before shoving them aside and sitting back with a perfect view of Canas ass as she thought she very slickly used Odin's snout to mask her arousing scent

She's just so…

What is it that's keeping Me from pouncing on her?

Licked her in places only a peasant would. 

"Kgh." I grit My teeth

Still, I have long since admitted that her physique is worthy of a God.

Yet she still lays an innocent virgin, ripe for the taking.

We traverse Fiore until we reach the southern borders where we awaited the arrival for a ship

The girls were laughing and bathing in the water as I sat back and watched how they tossed and teased Cana around who coughed and splashed, trying to keep her head above the water

Cana was whining and crying by the end of the day before they began plotting something amongst each other as they took turns glancing over to Odin and I

Before I could focus My hearing into their conversation we heard a ship blaring its horn in the distance


"Woohoo!" The girls jump and laugh as our ride finally arrived

"This is awesome! I've never been on a ship before!" Cana jumps, Except we have. 

She races around to greet everyone as the rest of us head for the captain on this ship

"Heya there!" A spiky green haired boy reaches out for My hand

"I'm Gon! Welcome to the Hunter Exams!"

-to be continued