Book Four
Volume 12
Ch. 158 Hunter Exams
"He's so… beautiful…"
Those wings
During the battle in Stella
They're just like an angel.
My Angel.
So why?! Why?! Why?!
"Hmph." I pout and grumble as Kara pounds Both Erza and Mira in the room over.
I pull the blankets over myself as everyone starts coming in and out of the room I was sleeping in
I quickly began feeling hot and flustered
I grab my throat.
My hands aren't nearly as big as his
I turn on my side and squeeze my hand between my thighs, trying to hide the fact that I was rubbing myself from anyone who is to walk in
"Kya!" Mira yelps
Kara's tail began swaying with excitement and smacking the wall beside my head
"Pathetic, weak." I grumble to myself biting down on my lip as Erza's moans get muffled suddenly
Worthless, trash. I think to myself while fantasizing about Kara being here with me now.
My legs spaz for a moment after the mere thought of sharing a bed with him brings me to my first orgasm
"Ahha" I gasp
I quickly pull a hand over my mouth
D-did I just…
I could feel as I began soaking the bed I laid on
Any second now. They're supposed to leave him with an extreme case of blue balls.
That's what we were plotting before the ship arrived.
That way he'll have no choice but to come to Me quivering in my blanket like a princess.
"Oh man" I whimper before their squirting and crying finally stopped
They go back and forth on something before I heard Kara storm out of the room
I sit up as he marches over to this room
I peek through my sheets
He looked around the room as if looking for something to eat
"Hmh." He smiles after our gaze met
He locks the door before I cower into my blanket.
Oh jeez-oh jeez-oh jeez
This was a bad idea. I'm not ready-I'm not ready.
I tremble before he tears my blanket aside
"Hey, what the hell?!" I sat up "I-I was sleeping, you know!"
"Shut up, I can smell you from way over there."
"Wh-what?" I blush
"You're not slick, Cana. I know exactly what you're up to." He smiles
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I cross My arms and look away
"I wasn't going to come in here, you know." He smiles. "But then I remembered that I had this."
I peek through one eye to see what it was
"What?! No!" I squeal, trying to snatch the card out of his hand
"Yes, how could I possibly forget you're this dirty, Cana?"
It was the card containing the dirty stuff I've been collecting
"No way-no way. Give that back!" I cry before he grabs my throat
My eyes widen and My face flushed after he squeezed just tight enough to leave the occasional room for air
"Lets have some fun. Shall we?" He smiles
Oh man. This was like a super bad idea.
He tossed the card aside and it sprouts into a closet full of my things
He chuckled and called me dirty names as he rummaged through the closet
After removing my clothes and snapping on a dog collar as instructed I quickly became a crying mess
I look up at him with these puppy dog eyes, begging for his mercy. Which only put a smile on his face
"You're so dirty, Cana." He chuckles
I was trying so badly not to cry from the embarrassment which only managed to further peak my arousal
He instructs me to remove my clothes so I do as I'm told before he lightly slaps me and teases me with the horse whip
I open wide. He spits in my mouth before he carefully kicks his clothes aside, revealing his massive veiny cock
I tremble with anticipation as my tits swell and my nipples perk.
He grabs my tits and fondles them with his hands so rough they may as well be sandpaper
He leans in and licks me all over with his scrapy cat like tongue
I whimper and moan with pure bliss and ecstasy as he slapped and fondled my ass before he squeezed his cock between my thighs
He grabs my leash and pulls me back before quickly tearing into my ass
"Kya?!" I cry and sit up before the pain quickly subsides
I look around.
Where's Kara?
"Mmh." I blush
I move the sheets aside
The bed was soaked and I was all icky and gooey between my legs but I still had My shorts on
"N-no way." It was all… a dream?
I quickly jump off the bed
I turn the bed into a card and toss it out the window and into the sea to be lost forever
I quickly race into the bathroom and bathe before sneaking into Kara's room
Mira and Erza were half conscious licking and kissing each other as Kara spoons them in his arms
I need to get that card.
There's no telling what he might do to me
I rummage through his clothes, trying to find the darn thing before he grumbles and turns around
After not finding anything I checked under the bed and even Mira and Erza's clothes but there was nothing.
I was so terrified that I couldn't find it before I'm hit with a wave of relief that he probably just left it back home
"Right." I should really-
I pause after he pats my head
I look up.
It was his…
"Ghh-." I cover my mouth and quickly felt both flustered and terrified after his cock sat soundly on my forehead
I tuck my head in like a turtle before rolling away and scurrying out of there
"Me? Oh yeah. I'm a wizard." I puff my chest after Gon had asked
"And what is magic exactly?" Gon asks
"It-it's uhh… well you see," I smirk, "magic could be awfully dangerous if used incorrectly it can often-."
"You don't know shit." Kara yawns behind me
"That mean that you do?" Kurapika asks
"Yeah, do you?" I smile
"Course I do, it's much like the Nen on your continent."
"That's right, Nen." I cross my arms "almost forgot all about that one." I snap my fingers, knowing damn well I have no idea what he's talking about
"What's that? Can you teach us?" Gon sits up
"Yeah right." He scoffs
"Don't worry. I'm more than willing to give you a few pointers." I give them a thumbs up as Kara gravitates over to some girl taking in the sun
I talked for a while longer with Gon until the sea began jerking the ship around so we all had to head back inside
"Alright!" I toss Mira, Erza, and Kara their serving of food, course Kara got the largest portion because he eats like he's starving
I sit down across from Kara. I pick and nibble on my chicken as he breaths it all in
I hurry back over to the oven where I had prepared a big fat chicken stuffed with fried rice, beans, chili, some peas, carrots in vinegar, and onions
"How do you like this!" I slide it onto his plate
Mother always said the fastest way to a man's heart was through his stomach.
If Kara even has a heart, I suspect that's where it's hiding.
"In his stomach!" I quickly toss the salsa and sides onto the table
"This is so good! I love you Cana, marry me!" Kara drops on one knee
"Wh-what a-about M-Mira?" I wiggle my hips and cover my face with embarrassment
"What is she talking about?" Erza groans
"Beats me. She's probably daydreaming again." Mira pulls Kara's arm in
"I'm surprised you can actually cook." Kara pats his mouth down with a napkin "I thought you just sit in your room and masterbate all day"
"What?!" I yelp
"Cana?" Erza raises an eyebrow
"That's so dirty." Mira smiles
"Kya! No way, no way! He's a lier, you know! You should never believe him!" I wave my hands as she and Erza giggled and laughed at me
Kara just sat there as he always did watching us laugh and tease each other like he was trying to decrypt a foreign tongue
Except I caught him glancing over at my body, typically my butt, every now and then.
Which I took as a total win, considering both Erza and Mira are leagues above me
In height and proportions.
But tonight. I'm going to make myself absolutely irresistible to him. He won't know just how much he's missing out on.
He'll want to fondle me even in his tall self by the time I'm through with him.
"Hmh." I smirk after Mira and Erza head with everyone else as Kara finishes up with his last bowl
"What now?" He grumbles
"I'm going to clean the dishes." I pat my hands
I scroll up my skirt a little and gather the dishes, purposefully making my butt jiggle around him
"Haha, whoops!" I giggle after soaking my white button up. "Jeez what a clutz." I sigh, raising an eyebrow to see if he was drooling over me yet
But he was still gobbling up his dinner.
After splashing all over myself and touching my face up with some soap I jump to his side
"So how was it?" I smile after he finally finishes up
"Worthy of a king." He wipes his mouth
"Oh jeez, look at me. What a clutz." I sigh, again.
"Shut the hell up already." he stands up
"Hmh." I frown, watching as he heads out
I grab his dishes before realizing that he had left his spoon
But I mean… of course he left it. It's just a dirty… dish…
I take a whiff of it.
It spelled just like chicken in rice, but I could also smell the slightest scent of his minty breath
"Jackpot!" I jump
After a long journey the ship finally docked and we headed up the mountain to a large tree as instructed.
I changed into my white and gold Egyptian style belly dancing bikini that he seemed to like while we shopped around the district on our way up to the tree
I was laying on my belly atop of my Nimbus cloud, chatting with Odin who was carrying all of Erza's things.
"And this one too, Cana. Please?" Erza holds out one of her armored dresses
"You got it." I put it into a card for her to be able to summon onto her person whenever she'd like.
Her magic can only withhold weapons and a few daily clothes. Nothing too heavy
She's been practicing hard lately so it's only a matter of time till she can store even her heaviest armors
Until then I'm carrying her things
I float on Nimbus over to Kara who was walking in front
"This is quite the trip, isn't it?" I flip on my back
He glares down at me, his eyes automatically targeting my chest and my nipples perking through my bikini
I stretch my arms and arch my back giving him a peak at my under boobs before I began sinking into Nimbus
"Kya!" I gasp
"Hmh." He smiles
"What's so funny?" I frown
"Guess you're not as pure as you thought."
"Shut up, you! Still purer than you." I grumble
We all stopped for some ice cream before running into someone holding up the road
"Where did you get that spoon, Cana?" Erza asked after I pulled it out of my pocket
"It-it uhh… it was a gift from Macao!"
"No it's not. I saw you take it from the ship." Gon points
We answered a trick question and they let us through a secret passage that lead to a path straight to the tree
"Finally. " I yawn. "All this walking." I stretch and wiggle my butt in front of Kara
"Shut up, you've been laying on that cloud all day! Have some respect for the Hunter Exam!" Leorio growls
"Kghe-hehe." I smile at Kara who was still checking me out
Ever since what happened back on Stella that's all I've gotten out of him
We haven't fooled around or done anything since then.
Does that mean.. he doesn't like me anymore?
I lay flat on my belly as nimbus floats up the steps behind Kara.
He was about to open the door when he paused for a moment
"Wh-what?" I whimper
He checks back with Erza. He nods his head, instructing her to go around the back
Mira goes around the other way
"What is it,Kara?" Gon asks
But he doesn't bother to answer.
He slowly opened the door to find a Kiriko crouched by a man, eating his insides
"Hey!" Leorio shouts before it turned around and hopped out the window
Gon quickly follows behind it as Leorio and I try to stop the poor man's bleeding
"Like this? Like this?!" I put pressure on the hole in his stomach as Leorio wraps his arm
"Yeah, your doing awesome, Cana. Just keep the pressure here." He adjusts My hands before quickly addressing to the other serious wounds
We did our absolute best before I assured Leorio I'd take care of him together with Kara who was just standing behind me, so he took off after our friends in case they need any medical assistance
-to be continued