Good food, company and a movie

Sabrina's pov

Seeing these two men together was quite a shock that I was yet to come to terms with. When they heard my voice, they turned and in unison, they said, "You should be in bed resting!". Of which we all ended up bursting with laughter. So I chimed back, "How can I sleep with you gossiping so loudly about me. You guys should come for tips on gossiping about someone in the next room!" You should have seen their faces; they were like little children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

I took a seat in the sofa as Paps rushed at my sight wanting to know if I was okay if I wanted a drink, foot massage or more pillows. It was adorable seeing the concern in his face, voice, and whole being. Jake on the other hand was busy chopping onions and vegetables as his eyes darted back and forth to me to confirm if I was okay or more of if I was still here or I was going to vanish anytime. He was very comfortable in my kitchen and house like it was the most normal thing to do. Here was a man I never thought I would want to be in my house after all he had put me through. I must confess that him being here messed up with my emotions and above all my treacherous heart. He kept muffling under his breath until I stood up slowly to check what was happening to him or if he needed my help only to find him crying because of the onions. I burst out laughing because who would believe that a man as macho as Jake would shed tears because of simple onions? It was hilarious! When he heard me laughing, he also joined in the laughter, saying, "Onions are the worst!"

Jake prepared Ugali and spicy tilapia fish for supper and it felt homey to eat a meal with others. We laughed, we talked about football, politics movies, and everything life. What more could I ask for, when I had good food and good company. Jake cleared the table and insisted on doing the dishes, so I just sat on the couch feeling useless. Whatever the doctor told these men must have been serious because none of them would allow me do anything without their supervision. When it was 8:30 pm. Paps insisted on leaving so I thought Jake was also going to leave until Paps said, "Sabbie, I have to go otherwise Mrs. Kamau will kill me if I stay out too late but Jake will stay with you until you are okay to be on your own."

"What? Why? You can't leave me alone with him Paps, then let me pack a sleepover bag so that I can go with you?", I asked pleadingly. "Someone has to be with you and besides, as I can see he is fully capable of taking care of you. Its only for tonight, I will come tomorrow to check up on you. Also from now, I want you to work from home, I will organize with Zara so that you can attend your meetings and work online via zoom or video call, whichever is convenient. You will be okay Sabbie, take care of yourself and my grandchild." He said hugging me. Paps turned his attention to Jake and from the scared look on his face, he must have received threats and my wicked self couldn't be any happier. I was a daddy's girl at heart.

When Paps left, I decided to watch a movie and Jake joined in but he kept complaining why we had to watch Lion King, a cartoon but when we were halfway through he was enjoying it more than I, chuckling richly from time to time and I really loved seeing this version of him, unbothered, happy and carefree. As I retired to bed, and Jake took the couch, at the end of the movie, I could help but feel happy than I have been in a long while. In the wee hours of the morning, I was awoken by shouting, things falling and men pounding each other in fists. As I slowly walked to the living room, there they were fighting like children, Marcus and Jake.