CHAPTER - 24 { War! Part-4 }

Marine Headquarter

Everyone looked at the new entry, not one was pleased with it.

"Why is that?, " Exclaimed Mia, in her entire life it was the first time to see this kind of sea king.

Suddenly the huge sea king opened his mouth and a dark green energy ball formed which then was shot.

"Not good! Prepare!, " Shouted Yoru, he completely slashed multiple swings towards the sea king.

* * *


The dark green beam was shot towards the wingless dragon while a slash reached him on his neck.

The slash didn't even scratch him. The wind blew and multiple waves appeared near him.

"Roar!, " A loud roar escaped from the asura dragon while the silver one was flying towards him with its fangs.

"You too!, " Moving his head sideways, the beam went in a line towards the silver dragon.

Before the dark green energy beam reached him, the silver dragon fired his white beam which collided together.


Another explosion occurred near marine headquarters, and all the people around the world were scared.

As the explosion finished, the three huge entities were facing each other with hostility.

"Die!, " Roared the asura dragon, he opened his mouth and a dark energy ball formed in front of his mouth.

But the other two were not ideal, they both formed white and dark green energy balls.


The three shot together and the energy beam of different colors clashed with each other.


This time the explosion was four times bigger than before and engulfed all the three entities in it.

* * *

Millions and millions of people, whether they be pirates, civilians, merchants, etc, were all watching the war in marine headquarters.

"Is this the end of the world?, " Who was it? No one knew but that was enough for everyone to be frightened.

What if the marine lost? Will they be doomed because of the pirates after the marines lose?

"Look!, " Shouted a voice from somewhere and everyone looked at the screen.

* * *

"I don't have much strength left, " Informed Mia, she was panting and sweating a lot. Yoru looked at her with worried eyes but what could he do?

The one who could protect the headquarters was Admiral Mia and none. All he could do was kill the pirates as fast as he could.

"Just hold on a little longer, Fleet Admiral will do something, " Said Yoru, but both of them knew that it was impossible to guess the future.

"I will clear the pirates first, " Muttered Admiral Yoru, he vanished and appeared in front of a big pirate group.

Using his Scythe, he cut all of them in pieces. Repeating the same action, he killed a 100 pirates all alone.

* * *

As the black smoke started clearing, the three entities were still on stand. But each of them were injured.

The silver dragon lost an arm, his wings were burned and it glowed red due to the heat.

The asura dragon was the worst, his long tail was bit off by the sea serpent. And both his arms were broken.

The sea serpent had it a little easy because he was the furthest of the explosion and he used the smoke to attack the asura dragon.

He was burned a little on his side, blood dropped from his mouth and that's all. He looked at the two dragons with cautious eyes.

"Roar!, " His fangs were the biggest of the three, the asura dragon had the smallest.

"Come out!, " Roared the sea serpent, then suddenly the space behind him cracked and a void was formed.

"I am back! Haahaha!, " A laughter was heard inside the void. Then a huge ship came out of it and floated on the sea surface.

Behind, hundreds of ships followed the larger one. It was the void pirates that made a wild card entry in the war.

"Bastard!, " Roared the silver dragon, he had never felt lost as he does now. He didn't know why today was the worst.

Fighting the Dark Pirates was already bad, then Daifuk showed his second devil fruit which was a fucking asura dragon.

Then a dark green sea serpent appeared out of nowhere and joined the war. It was already out of his hands.

And now, the Void Pirates. What could be worse? Death? Maybe.

* * *

Marine Headquarter

Admiral Mia was protecting the base from the fight against the three entities.

Admiral Yoru was killing the pirates as fast as he could to support Mia.

Vice Admiral Fury, he came a little late because he was signed to the Impel Down. But after he arrived, he was shocked at what was happening.

Everyone in the base, pirates or marine soldiers, were shocked at another new entry. The Void Pirates, one of the big three.

"Why?, " Said Admiral Mia, she looked at the large ship with her observation haki and found Berick D Man standing on the bow.

"Will I fail to protect the innocents again?, " Said Mia, her only rule was to never harm the innocent and protect them from bad.

* * *

'Another one, ' thought Akuma, he looked at the almost dead asura dragon and the injured silver dragon.

"An all out war, " Muttered Akuma, he raised his head up in the sky and fired a dark green energy beam.

It cleared the clouds in the way and made a hole in the sky. The two dragons were confused about what he did.

"What did he do?, " Questioned Berick, he looked up in the sky and his eyes widened at what he saw.

Multiple ships started floating towards them from the storm that was far away. The number was double of his.

"What!, " Everyone was surprised by the ships that were floating in the sky. They knew whose ships they were.

"That means!, " Everyone moved their gaze towards the huge dark green sea serpent. They didn't know that it was on the side of Devil's Pirate.

"Now… It's the real war!, " Listening to the huge sea serpent, everyone was sure that it was a devil fruit user.

But how can a devil fruit user be in the sea without losing his/her devil fruit powers.

For the first time in history, a man wielded two devil fruit powers and another person swam in the sea without losing his strength


[Author Talk---]

Next chapter will be published tomorrow, we are having classes so I need to study.

How was today's chapter? Surprised?

Answer in comments!!!