CHAPTER - 25 { War! Part-5 }

I know, I was expecting to stop today but what could I do if my hands were etching to publish another chapter today!

No chapter tomorrow. Thank you!


"What do we do now?, " Asked Mia, she grinded her teeth at the site of the Devil's Pirates.

"Either we fight or we die. Release the shield and get ready to fight!, " Said Yoru, wielding his Scythe and stood straight.

"Bu-, " Before Mia could speak, Yoru vanished from his spot and flew towards the Devil's Pirates.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Mia, the golden shield was removed and she flew up with her angel wings.

"Do you really think you can defeat us?, " Questioned Jessica, she looked towards Laurens and he nodded to her.

"Face it!, " Shouted Laurens, black clouds appeared in the sky and multiple lightnings shot towards Mia and Yoru.

"Like this will stop me!, " Said Yoru, he slashed his way through the lightning and headed towards the main ship.

"Maybe not that, but this will!, " A bird's voice came from the storm. The blue bird flew from the storm and came towards Yoru.

"Take this!, " Said Crick, a white light shone at Yoru which was a huge lightning in the shape of a white dragon.

"Let me see!, " Said Yoru, the lighting passed through him and headed towards Mia who came from behind.

"You!, " A shield appeared and protected her from the lightning. She was really angry at Yoru who let his troubles onto her.

"Tch! Troublesome ability, " Muttered Jessica, she jumped from the ship and floated towards Yoru.

"I will be your opponent!, " Said Jessica, she made a fist in advanced armament and punched Yoru.

As the Scythe disappeared, Yoru also made a fist and punched with his advanced armament haki to match her.


Both punches were only a few centimeters apart and dark lightning escaped from between.

While they were at it, Crick and Mia found each other as opponents. Using his claws, he kicked at Mia who dodged him.

"Afraid?, " Mocked Crick, he made a round and returned back to use his lighting again at her.

"Cough!, " Mia tried to create another shield to protect her but instead, ended up coughing blood.

"Aaah!, " The lightning hit her and almost fried her alive, it was her tough body that saved her now.

'I am at my limit!, ' thought Mia, her angel wings vanished and she had to use geppo to stay in the air.

Seeing his chance, Crick shot towards her with lighting speed and kicked at her stomach with armament haki.

"Ahhg!, " Groaned Mia, she was shot towards the sea with full force. Her eyes were starting to dim out of light.

* * *

20 years ago___

On the top of a hill, one man and a girl stood facing the setting sun.

"Brother! Why did you become a marine?, " Questioned a 12 years old Mia. In front of her was a 20 years old pink haired man in a justice coat.

"Because I want to change the marine! And protect the innocents from their future that they should be afraid!, " Was what her brother said.

"I also want to be like you!, " Said Mia, she looked up to him and saw a smile on his bright face.

"But for that… You need to be strong enough!, " Said her brother and messed up her tied hair. He then started running away.

"Nooo!, " Screamed Mia and held her hair. She started catching up to him and beat him up. With her tiny fist.

* * *

"I was not strong enough to protect you… but I won't be weak enough to lose my will!, " Said Mia as she was falling at a really fast speed towards the blue sea.

"Lend me the power to protect! My Brother!, " Muttered Mia, her figure started shining in golden light.

"What the?, " Questioned Crick, he made sure to use his full power in the kick but she seemed to stop before hitting the sea.

The armor that went away with the form, appeared on her again. The wings that disappeared, formed again.

A holy sword floated in front of Mia who had her eyes closed. Golden light shone and a white ribbon tied her golden hair.

A crown formed and sat on her head. As her eyes opened, an aura erupted and everyone noticed the change.

* * *

"Fruit awakening!, " Said Akuma, he was fighting against the Void Pirates while Ryujin had himself with Daifuk.

He knew how hard it was to awaken a devil fruit, unless you drink some kind of supernatural serum which cannot be created.

On top of that, it was a Mythical Zoan that she awakened which is easily the hardest ones to awaken.

Some in their entire life couldn't use half the powers of their devil fruit. And only a few could use the full amount of power.

Out of those, only 1 or 2 can awaken their devil fruit powers. Being the case himself, Akuma was worried a little.

Two awakened Mythical Zoan, it's really a tough fight. He had to finish it as fast as he can or he will have to pay.

* * *


"You did it!, " Said Merry, a drop of tear fell from her eyes but she rubbed it away. Closing and opening her eyes, she calmed down.

"I thought I will wait and let you come to me, but it seems I have to take the initiative, " Muttered Merry, she stood up and walked out of her cabin.

"Children, let us go!, " Shouted Merry, all the pirates heard what their captain or what they call her 'Mother' said.

"Yes!, " Shouted together, multiple ships started their sails at a very fast speed and vanished in front of the sight.

* * *

"Ah come on!, " Said Crick, he was truly disappointed by his luck. Why today?

On the other hand, Yoru was surprised by the sudden development. He didn't look any more because he knew what Mia is capable of now.

"Thank you brother!, " Said Mia with a smile, she held out her hand towards the sword which reacted to her will.

"The strong my will! The strong you!, " Muttered Mia, the sword shined even brighter than before.

But to her, it was like any sword. No light or anything, for enemy it was a sun itself.

"Holy Judgment!".