CHAPTER - 28 { New Character }

East Blue___

Logue Town is an island located near the Reverse Mountain compared to any other islands.

On the street, a samurai man with long black hair walked. He had spectacles on, getas with two teeth and his height was at least 3 meters.

His clothes were all black in color except his body. He was a very fair guy with a handsome face.


Slowing looking around, he saw multiple pirates. Each doing the pirate thing.

On one alley, three big pirates blocked the path of a small girl who was holding a small bag in her tiny hands.

"I don't have any money! Please! I have to give my father medicine!, " Said the little girl desperately. But the three pirates just laughed at her.

"How much will she sell for?, " Asked the bearded pirate, he licked the blade in his hands while looking at the girl.

"At least 50,000 berries!, " Said the middle one as he lifted a big jute bag with a rope on his shoulder.

"No! Let me go!, " Screamed the little girl as the last pirate caught her by hand and pulled towards the jute mouth.

"Wel well, I hope you could release the little girl!, " A voice came from behind the three pirates.

Both the pirates and the little girl were scared of the man with at least 3 meters height standing in front.

"Y-You! Go A-Away!, " Said the bearded pirate, he was visibly shaking. The tall man adjusted his spectacles and stared at the three little pirates.

Suddenly, the three pirates fell down on the floor with their eyes white. They were knocked unconscious.

"Little girl, " Said the man as he kneeled down towards the girl who had her body trembling in fear.

"Cute ones like you shouldn't roam in alleys without parents. Next time be careful if you do so, " Smiling, the man stood up and walked on his path again.

"T-Thank y-you!, " Said the little girl, she was surprised that the huge uncle didn't do anything to her.

She knew what would happen if she got caught by someone, she would be sold or killed.

* * *

Near the edge of the island, the harbor was filled with multiple pirate ships, each of different size and shape.

"After many years, I have completed my training. Now I am free!, " Said the man as he looked at the blue sea with wet eyes.

"I will make sure to let the heavens know my name, " Vowed the man as his left hand slid to his long Katana.

"Hey you! You are a swordsman! Let's fight!, " A pirate who had two double sided swords on his waist came towards him.

"Very well!, " Said the man, he faced the pirate with his right foot in front and right palm on his katana handle.

"Omara Tajaba!, " Said the pirate, he unsheathed both his swords and looked at the samurai who took his stand.

"Shimotsuki Nakamura, " Said the man, he pulled his katana off the sheath and closed his eyes.

"Fuu!, " Breathing out, he opened his eyes. The pirate leaped towards the man with his swords.

"Two Swords Style: Cat Claw!, " Said the pirate, his swords moved fast and headed towards the man in a claw like style.

"Naming like a little kid, " Muttered the man, he vanished from the spot and reappeared behind the pirate.

"What!, " The pirate was shocked, his eyes couldn't catch the speed in which the man moved.

Both stopped, the man waves his katana and puts it back into its sheath slowly. As it makes a sound, the head of the pirate separates from its neck.

"Easy win, " Said the man, then headed towards the bar for a drink. His aim was to return back to his homeland.

* * *

Shimotsuki Nakamura

32 years old, male, single

A samurai from the Shimotsuki Clan in Wano. At the age of 8, he was abducted and sold somewhere in east blue.

Later on, he killed the entire pirate group who bought him with a kitchen knife at night when he was 10.

Escaping, he only had a sword with him on an island with no other human beings.

For his entire 20 years, he trained on the island. He didn't even know that he had awakened all the three haki at first.

After learning and practising, he was now proficient in all the three types of haki. Armament, Observation and Conqueror.

Even their advanced versions. Living as the only human on an island, he was suffering from loneliness.

* * *

Soon, a name spread around East Blue. A samurai roamed and accepted every duel but the loser had to die.

The marines tried to invite him to join them but were rejected openly. Then an incident occurred because of it.

The entire marine base in the East Blue was cut into two by Nakamura. Reason?

The marine captain responsible for inviting him didn't accept his refusal and tried to solve him by killing.

But no one was killed, only injured. Some were badly hurt while many only had light injuries on them.

[Wanted Poster]

[20,000,000 million berries]

[Black Samurai]

* * *

"So this is the so-called Grandline. The first half of Grandline, Pirate's Paradise, " Said Nakamura, he looked at the approaching storm with a smile.

"One Sword Style: Total Cut".

A black coloured slash came out his katana and cut the storm in half. Even the sea was cut from between.

As the storm split, it went to separate paths while Nakamura headed from between them.

"By the way… Where is Wano?, " Said Nakamura, he then scratched his head. Looking around, only the blue sea was visible.

"Damn! Let's just go straight!, " Shouted Nakamura, he then fastened the small boat he was in.

But he didn't know that Grandline played with him, he was circling again and again.

* * *

"It's been a week! When the hell will I reach land!, " Screamed Nakamura. His eyes looked dead but his body already died of boredom.

"When!, " Shouted Nakamura, he looked at the light blue sky with his eyes full of tears. He really wanted to touch soil.

'How long has it been?, ' questioned Nakamura in his thoughts, he didn't move even a little this entire time.


The boat hit something, Nakamura was so dead that he didn't even use his observation haki.

'What the? LAND!, ' thought Nakamura, he stood up and saw a green forest in front of him.

He was so happy that he leaped from the boat and kissed the land with deep affection.

"I will never travel by sea again!, " Said Nakamura, he started crying with soil all over his face.

Both the glasses of his spectacles cracked because of the hit on the soil.

"Ahem!*, " Suddenly a fake cough came from his side. He knew that someone was here but just didn't care about him or her.

"Yo!, " Said the voice as Nakamura looked up to her with a dirty face.