CHAPTER - 29 { Neji Neji no Mi }

"What do you want?, " Asked Nakamura, looking up at the woman.

"Just looking, " Replied the woman, she seemed to be in her 20s and had dark purple hair.

"*Cough*, " Standing up, Nakamura cleaned himself and took off his spectacles which were broken.

"I am busy, " Said Nakamura. He then walked inside the forest without giving a look to the woman.

"Suspicious, " Muttered the woman, she turned and saw the boat floating. Jumping, she checked it but found nothing.

"Even more".

* * *


Sitting in front of the fire, Nakamura stared at the burning flames. Many thoughts appeared in his mind.

"Can I really find Wano?, " Said Nakamura, he knew that Wano Kingdom was closed to the outside world.

And even more was that it can't be found unless you have even been there before.

But he was just too small and never left Wano before to remember the details.

"What do you want now?, " Asked Nakamura, he clearly knew that the previous woman had arrived near him.

'A devil fruit user? Light?, ' thought Nakamura as his observation haki caught the movement behind him.

"What are you doing? Lighting a fire in the forest that is filled with monsters, " Said the woman, she arrived near him and the fire died down.

"Even I don't have the courage to make a fire at night, " She looked at Nakamura. Not understanding, Nakamura stood up and looked down at the woman.

The woman was under 2 meters so she was like a child in front of Nakamura.

"What do you mean?, " Asked Nakamura, he didn't feel any breath on the island except for himself and the woman.

"Your observation haki is useless if you can't hear them, " Said the woman, she then turned her head towards one direction.

"It's hunting time. Get out of here!, " Saying so, she turned into light particles and vanished in the air.

"When!, " Exclaimed Nakamura, not to the woman but to the sudden movement next to a tree where she looked.

Jumping towards a tree top, Nakamura ran from one branch to the other. He was heading towards the tallest tree.

"What was that thing?, " All he could observe was the killing intent and nothing else.

* * *

Night had it all, the moon illustrated the entire Island in silver light.

On the highest mountain, at the tallest tree. A samurai crossed his arms over his chest while looking at the forest below.

Above him on another branch, a white light glowed and formed a human being sitting on it.

"That thing is called Nightcrawler. They hunt at night and sleep during the day, " Said the woman, resting her cheek on her fist.

"What do they hunt?, " Asked Nakamura. With his advanced observation, he saw the thing's figure.

"Themselves, " Replied the woman. She then once again vanished and reached high in the air.

"Bright Light!".

As if the sun came, she turned into a ball of light and shone the entire island.

Only then could Nakamura actually see how the thing looked.


Its head only had a hard skull, two legs which also worked like its hands and a very long tail to balance itself.

* * *

"So that's how it looks, " Muttered Nakamura, the woman then came back to the tree branch.

"Let me tell you, every single one of them has mastered the two haki. Observation and Armament.

There are currently two of those things which can use the Conqueror Haki, " Informed the woman, she took a deep breath and stood up.

"Better for you to get out of here, " Saying so, she disappeared in light particles.

"So, I need to get out of this island?, " Said Nakamura to himself. He leaped from the tree and started heading towards his boat.

Reaching, he looked at the empty sea. Then did he realise his mistake.

"Shit! I forgot to tie the boat!, " Cursed Nakamura, he massaged his templates.

Suddenly, he felt a very strong breath behind him. Slowly turning, Nakamura saw a set of teeth wide open.

The long tongue sticks forward and licks him on his face. It smelled like hell, he saw the insides of the creature from the mouth.

"Da-, " Before he could finish his word, half of his body was bitten by the mouth.

Struggling, he managed to open its mouth. His palms on the upper jaw while his foot on the lower jaw.

"You will pay!, " Screamed Nakamura, the Nightcrawler then headed inside the forest with him.

* * *

[Ability: Soul Extract]

A white light glowed from the body of Daifuk, it then escaped from the body reaching Akuma's palm.

Steadily, it formed a small ghost-like object. A tiny body with two hands and a head with two big eyes.

Then, the ghost vanished from his palm. Looking at the screen, Akuma saw the ghost transferred to the Glass Ball.

Souls Collection

"One, soon I will fill it!, " Said Akuma, he then stood up. Walking out, he met Rony and told him that the body was his to do.

"I just want to know how he can have multiple devil fruit powers, " Ordered Akuma, he stared at him which made Rony have cold sweat.

"Yes, Captain! I shall find out the mystery behind this person!, " Replied Rony, then entered the room.

Taking a cigar, he lit it and started smoking.

The next destination was Mock Town.

"They have wings, like angels. I can farm them in Heaven, " Muttered Akuma, he came to the deck and saw the three kids playing cards.

"Jessica, go low, " Said Akuma. Nodding her head, Jessica lowered all the ships and returned back to the game.

"Master! There is news!, " Yuki came from behind and called out to Akuma. What news?

"What is it?, " Asked Akuma, he turned to look at Yuki who came with a picture in her hands.

"Maba found Neji Neji no Mi! Master!, " Informed Yuki, she handed the picture of a devil fruit to Akuma.

"Tell him to wait till I return, " Said Akuma. He walked to the bow of the ship and sat there.

'My own 'World', ' Thought Akuma, all his eyes saw was the future of his life.

"I must find the answer".


[Author Talk---]

Sorry guys, I was fully busy at College and had to work extra because of the College event called Freshers Day.

It was one hell of Fun! And I even became Mr. Freshers in this event.

Thanks for the wait!