(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 32 { Leading towards a War! }

The room was dark, the windows closed as well as the doors.

The only furniture was a table in the middle, two chairs on the opposite sides and a light bulb on the top hanging.

On a chair, sat the pirate captain from Beasts Pirates. His head was covered by a ragged cloth, and his body tied with rope.

The light bulb swung mid air as it was connected by a wire and the ship they were in sailed on the sea.


The door opened, the person who entered was Joker with a small knife.

Pulling the chair, Joker sat down and faced the pirate captain.

"Here we go! Oops!, " Joker mistakenly even grabbed the hair of the pirate together with the cloth.

Only after pulling the ragged cloth, the pirate shook his head and tried to open his eyes.

"Aaaa!, " The pirate groaned in pain, his left eye was no more. And his skin also burned in the explosion.

"Hey, buddy! What's going?, " Asked Joker, the light flashed on his face, scaring the pirate.

"Please! Don't kill me! Please!, " Tears came out of his only eye, the pirate cried in front of Joker.

"I will! I will! I mean I will let you go! Only after you tell me where is the devil fruit you stole?, " Asked Joker as he rested his hands on the table and smiled at the pirate.

"I don't know! Please!, " Said the pirate begging, but this made Joker grin even more.

"Really? How about now?, " The knife which was unknown to the pirate, was stabbed on his collar.

"Aaaa!, " The pirate screamed in pain, his body moving violently on the chair.

"Agh ha ha! So, what did you say?, " Asked Joker, bringing his left ear close to the pirate.

"Jake-sama has it!, " Replied the pirate, trying to not scream anymore and answer Joker.

"Oh! Jake the Drought! The big guy from Beasts Pirates!, " Said Joker thinking, he then looked at the pirate with regret.

"I am sorry, but I have to kill you, " Apologizing, Joker took the pirate out of the room and came to the deck.

"Noo! Please! No!, " The pirate captain begged, yet Joker threw him off the ship and watched the scene of a shark eating the pirate.

"Robert! Take me to Jake the Drought!, " Ordered Joker, his eyes never left the sea surface which was painted with blood.

"Yes, Captain!, " The pirate named Robert nodded and went to the control room for directions.

* * *


Six large ships were going towards the New World, each one was engulfed by a bubble -like thing.

On the front ship, sat a pirate widely known in the entire Beasts Pirates.

One of the three calamities, an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of Kaido's three closest confidants, and the captain of the Mammoth.

Jake the Drought!

Jack is a giant grouper fish-man of massive stature, dwarfing his crewmates and standing taller than even his governor-general Kaido.

Unlike the majority of fish-men, his pale skin is identical to that of a human, making it easy to mistake him for one.

While still being immensely muscular, Jack's limbs are disproportionately small when compared to his enormous torso.

He wears a metallic jaw mask that seemingly disappears when he transforms into his mammoth form, and has a pair of horns on each side of his head. His blond hair is worn in a ponytail and a pair of long braids.

He wears a light brown sleeveless feathery coat similar to Kaido with spiked pauldrons on his shoulders, circled by a belt bearing his crew's Jolly Roger.

He has bloodshot orange eyes and a veiny forehead. He has two piercings in his right ear, and wears spiked pauldrons on his shoulders.

He carries a pair of tusks around his neck which are actually sheathes containing his scythe-like blades.

His mouth contains puffed lips and pointed teeth like any fishman but while in his mammoth form he has square teeth.

"When will we cross Fish-Man island?, " Asked Jake, his eyes looked around the water.

"Jaka-sama! Two more days until we reach Fish-Man island!, " Reported a pirate coming towards Jake and saluting.

"Hm, " Jake stood up and was about to head inside the ship but suddenly he felt movement around him.

Standing straight, his face became serious. Jake held his scythes and swung it on his left.

But the only thing that touched his schthe was empty air. Yet, Jake knew that someone was next to him.

"Come out!, " Said Jake, the pirates on the deck were scared by the sudden change in him.

"Worthy of being one of the three Calamities! Jake the Drought!, " A creepy voice echoed on the deck, all the pirates in the ship held their weapons.

"Who are you! Dare to come in front of me!, " Said Jake, his observation haki didn't help him much.

What he got using observation haki was that the person whose voice echoed on the deck is everywhere.

Which was impossible, because if so then Jaki definitely hit him that time with haki in his scythe.

'A devil fruit or some trick?, ' Thought Jake, then his eyes caught a fist coming right in front of his face.

It was already late, the fist was just few millimeters away. But what he expected didn't happen, the fist landed on him with no effect.

"A really tough body!, " The voice said, not long a person appeared on the bow of the ship.

"You! You're the guy from Devil's Pirates!, " Said Jake, his mood not much good. The opponent was also a pretty famous and dangerous pirate.

[Wanted Poster]

[160,000,000 million berries]

[Bloody Joker]

"What do you want?, " Asked Jake, he saw Joker thinking for some time before answering.

"I got what I wanted. Was as just letting you see who the culprit was!, " Replied Joker, with his signature laugh his body disappeared from the bow of the ship.

"Jake-sama! The devil fruit we are taking for Kaido-sama is gone!, " Shouting, a pirate rushed out of the ship and informed Jake panting.

"What!, " Exclaimed Jake, then blue veins appeared on his body. His hands held the scythes tightly.

"Kaido will be very angry. All of this because of Devil's Pirates.

I will inform Kaido, prepare for what comes after that!, " Said Jake, he went inside the ship and picked a den den mushi.
