(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 33 { Beasts Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }


Inside a cave, three very big men were present with many small pirates.

The biggest man sat down, crossed legged and drank sake from a bottle in his hand.

Everytime he drank, he would let out a burst of cry and tears in front of the others.

The man is Kaido, who cuts an imposing figure due to his extreme height of 7.1 meters and the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal humans.

Overly top-heavy in build, he has a well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders, thick arms, and somewhat out-of-proportion legs; far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length (with his feet much tinier than his hands).

Kaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionately small as well (smaller than his hands) and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-pointed horns coming out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward.

He has a longish face with a heavy, hairless brow ridge topping sharp, often bloodshot eyes (parent to small, yellow irises), plus a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth.

Kaido is near-always seen frowning and is moderately wrinkled: particularly prominent being his crow's feet below his eyes, forehead lines, and laugh lines from always sneering.

His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane down to his mid-back, which forms distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over his ears, or just upward.

His facial hair is done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his chin.

Right of Kaido's defined abs is his only scar: a massive, recessed X-shape whose upper points reach to his pectoral, given to him by a Samurai.

"Worororo! What did you say!, " With tears in his eyes, Kaido drank the sake and asked.

"Kaido-sama, Jake got a devil fruit stolen from him by Joker from Devil's Pirates!, " Said a fat man, he wore white and black stripes clothes.

"What was Jake doing when the devil fruit was stolen!, " Asked Kaido, he wiped his tears off and looked at the fat man with anger.

"Ah! Kaido-sama, relax!, " Said the fat man as he took a breath and rubbed his forehead.

"Tell Jake, I am coming!, " Said Kadio, he stood up and picked a weapon from his side.

"I am going to War!, " Said Kaido as he walked towards the entrance of the cave with his weapon.

"Captain, you should at least wait for the army to prepare, " The man with complete black dress and mask said as he turned to look at Kaido.

"I am alone enough!" Said Kaido to the man in black as he looked up at the cloudy sky.

Suddenly, Kaido's body expended and slowly grew into a massive blue wingless dragon.

"Devil's Pirates!, " Roared Kaido in his dragon form as he flew in th sky and went past the clouds.

"By the way, King. Do you think Kaido-sama knows where to find them?, " Asked the fat man, the man in black clothes stood there quietly for a while.

"No, he don't. I must bring him back!, " Replied King, he then jumped in the air. His body also changed and took the form of an ancient bird.

"Go prepare the army!, " Said the fat man looking at the pirates around him.

'I am left alone, ' Thought the fat man, he lowered his head and then walked to his assigned working place.

* * *

Devil's Home___

The storm was heavy, and in that were the ships sailing in groups.

The sea kings, made way for them to pass through the storm which was very surprising.

In the lead, was a very big ship. About 500 meters tall with the main mast and 900 meters long.

Akuma sat on the deck of that ship with his eyes closed but his senses everywhere.

It's been a month since Joker brought the Ope Ope no Mi back to him from the Beasts Pirates.

And the whole GrandLine has come to know that Kaido is looking for him to fight.

Everyone is waiting, the people wants him and Kaido to kill each other.

The World Government this time prepared completely, send out multiple warships with all the three Admirals to kill him.

Now only waiting for the war to start.

Well, it was informed by Maba to him because they have many more agents in Marines.

Dram, the old Admiral was recently found dead in his house by the Marines.

The reason being unknown to others but not to Akuma as Maba was the one to kill Dram.

As for why Maba killed him, Akuma was not interested in that matter.

And Morgans, the guy has been found on many sites, finding clues about where the fight would happen.

"Father, will I get to fight?, " Asked a man standing beside Akuma with his messy hair and happy smile.

Turning his head towards the man, Akuma through for a second before replying.

"Kaido is mine, " Said Akuma, the man nodded his head in agreement and laughed.

The man, had woke up from his years of slumber in the laboratory. He was also the one whom, Maba called the angel children's big brother.

Wholeheart Wick, the first son of Akuma indirectly through creation. And the second child in the Wholeheart Family.

The creation of Hamburg with the blood of Akuma. The once young boy seen with Maba as the Roger Pirates sailed.

"Captain! We can see Kaido!, " Irish came with the special device called CS-M2 in her hands that help her monitor from different cameras instead of snails.

Snails are stopped in Devil's Home, because of the cameras and other advanced modern devices.

The said smartest and the greatest scientist, Vegapunk wasn't the only one at that level.

"Which form?, " Asked Akuma standing up from the throne made just for him on the deck.

"Dragon!, " Replied Irish, showing the live zoom in clip of Kaido flying on the clouds in his Dragon form.

"I will go first!, " Said Akuma, he dashed and dived in the water very quickly.

His body size increasing in an unbelievable speed while his body looked like a dark green serpent.

Wide gills, long fins and a muscle filled tail. Eyes dark black with razor sharp teeth.

Akuma's first devil fruit ability, the Leviathan Form which was also fully Awakened.

Making him reach the standard of a true monster even for monsters.