(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 35 { Beasts Pirates vs Devil's Pirates }

"Don't get ahead of yourself, old man!, " Shouted Kaido leaping from the wrecked ship towards Akuma.

"Then show it! Your strength!, " With a wide smile on his face Akuma welcomed Kaido with his metal bat.

Kaido pulled his club behind and swung it at Akuma with full strength.

This time, both the weapons were coated with armament haki.


The collision was so strong that the wind alone was enough to push the ships near by them.

"Aaaa! Help!".

Many pirates, unable to hold onto something, flew in the air like pieces of paper.

"Captain seemed to enjoy it, " Said Rocky, looking at Akuma fighting Kaido with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?, " Behind Rocky who was sitting on the bow of the ship appeared King.

One of the three calamities, an All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates and Kaidou's right-hand man.

Born as Alber, he is a member of the nigh-extinct lunarian race from the Red Line, noted for their ability to create fire.

King the Conflagration!

King is an imposing man at 613 cm tall, with a well-muscled, broad-shouldered frame and long limbs.

Being a lunarian, he bears his race's telltale features: large, black-feathered wings on his back (reaching down to knee length), a brown complexion, and silver-white hair.

Said hair is shaved on the sides but kept long on top, where it is mostly drawn back and bound at King's occiput before flowing down freely past his nape; some sidelocks hang down on the right of King's face, to his collarbone, and include a thin braid.

King's face is characterized by his narrow red eyes, prominent dark eyebrows, a straight nose, prominent lips, and a square, stubbly chin.

Circling halfway around his left eye, on its outer side, is a dark-colored tattoo resembling a laurel wreath or olive branch.

In addition, a plume of fire constantly rises from King's upper back, also owing to his heritage (though it may extinguish), and when King transforms into a pteranodon, these flames further engulf his back and wings while his natural lunarian wings are replaced by his pterosaur ones.

"Looks like someone is quite free, " Said Rocky, he stood up and looked at King with a frown.

Rocky was only half the height of King, so to see King's face he had to look up.

"Let's get started, " Said King, pulling his long sword out of the sheath and bringing it close to Rocky's face.

"Hah!, " Looking at the tip of the sword so close to his face, Rocky let out a mockery laugh.

"What are you waiting for then?, " Asked Rocky, slowly moving his eyes back to King.

"Take out your weapon, " Said King, staring at Rocky without any emotion on his face.

"Kids these days think they can beat me" Said Rocky, being older than King, even though one couldn't see the face but the voice alone was enough.

"Here, " Pulling the gun out, Rocky said as his eyes caught the speed movement.

Tilting his head, Rocky dodged a very close stab by King on his face.

'Fast!, ' Thought King, Rocky moved his head in such speed that even he was unable to see for a short second.

"You are a strong kid! But still weak!, " Said Rocky avoiding a deep cut from King and kicking him on the side.

"Talk less!, " King dashed at Rocky and slashed with his sword. Not forgetting to close the distance between them.

Blocking the slash with his fist in armament haki, Rocky caught King's blade with his palm.

"Haaaa!, " With the strength of his arm, Rocky lifted the sword together with King and threw him in the air.


Aiming the barrel on King in air, Rocky emptied the whole magazine at him.


Multiple explosions occurred on King, who was still mid air trying to control his body with his wings.

The sound of the explosion was covered by the thunder and rain of the clouds.

And the ones created by Akuma and Kaido was even bigger and louder.

'Definitely not dead, ' Taking a cigar out of his pocket, Rocky lit up with the red burning barrel of the gun.


King came out of the black smoke and landed on the deck bleeding from many places.

Holding the sword tightly, King swung it at Rocky which was again blocked by the feet.

"Why don't you try with your fists?, " Suggested Rocky, pushing King behind and putting his hands inside the pocket.

"Damn it!, " Keeping the sword back in the sheath, King cracked his knuckles before going for Rocky.

Rocky smiled at this and punched his fist at King, with the clash of the two. The ship was almost unable to hold them.

They did attract some gazes but not the big ones like other calamities or the division captains.

Brook and Lancelot kept Jake in their grip while Borg was almost crushing the fat man in prisoner's dress.

The last of the three calamities, an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates as one of Kaidou's three closest confidants like Jake.

Queen the Plague!

He is also a highly skilled scientist that was previously a member of the research team known as MADS.

Queen is a massive, round-figured young man (evidently obese but claiming otherwise) with light skin. At a towering 612 cm tall, he is a mere centimeter shorter than his fellow All-Star King.

Similar to Jack, Queen is built top-heavy, with thick, tapering arms yet, compared to his upper self, smallish legs.

His head is hunched, undistinguished from his neck due to its plumpness, with a small face. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses with blue lenses and gray, oval rims, which instead of having temples are strapped on by black tapes that go around his head in such a way as to form an X both on his forehead and occiput.

Queen has no visible eyebrows, a small hook nose, and his small mouth, sporting navy lipstick, always smokes a big cigar.

His hair is blond: a thick, queue-like braid through eight ties, with a stinger-shaped ending tuft, comes out the back of his head, which is otherwise bald.

Additionally, he dons a Fu Manchu mustache whose tendrils widen as they droop to his chest. A stitched scar runs curvilinear from his right chest up to the shoulder.

On Queen's upper right arm is a black (dark blue in the anime) tattoo consisting of his crew's Jolly Roger above his name in block capitals.

Queen's left arm, up to the shoulder, is cybernetic in gray and golden color, composed of metallic rings, bolted plating, wiring, and even a small pressure gauge, with the corresponding hand covered in an orange glove,