(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 36 { Navy Interferes! }

It's been a day since the war between Beasts Pirates and Devil's Pirates started.

The number of ships destroyed was above two hundred. Beasts Pirates were the ones with the lower ships left.


As the cannonballs were loaded in the cannons, the pirate in charge yelled loudly.


As the cannonballs hit the ships, most of the parts would get completely shattered into pieces.

"Okay, your turn!, " Said the woman in white coat, looking at the injured pirate who stepped forward.

The super hot doctor woman was one of the Division Captains of the Devil's Pirates.

Sixth Division Captain, Beauty is also the best doctor in the whole Devil's Home.

"And done!, " Said Beauty as she injected a serum in the pirate's body. The injection was actually her finger that took the form.

Enjo Enjo no Mi, a paramecia devil fruit which allows the user to change any part of the body into medical tools.

Also create various serums to boost, increase or affect the body functions.

"Come on! Don't stop!, " Said Beauty, injecting special serums in injured pirates to increase and boost the healing.

She was the perfect candidate for Ope Ope no Mi but because she already had a devil fruit, it was impossible.

Unless something like Daifuk of the old era came to donate his heart for Beauty.

And the heart couldn't be created, only naturally will it appear but which person and when, was the question.

* * *

Inside the command room, Irish looked at the big wide screens on the walls.

"It's going perfectly towards our victory, but I am worried about the Admirals, " Said Irish, turning her head and looking at the short man.

"Kikikikiki! Don't worry about them! If they come before Captain can defeat Kaido, we retreat back home!, " Said Brick as his lips curled up and a creepy smile.

Behind him, stood the two curvy women. Irish glanced at them before glaring at Brick.

"Without Captain?, " Said Irish with a frown on her face as she held her cane and turned to look at the screen.

"Don't worry about Captain, he is strong! Even Rocky couldn't kill Captain, how do you expect the World Government to do that?, " Said Brick, he walked forward and pressed some keys on the board.

"Let Wick handle the three Admirals and buy us time to escape. Captain could help Wick come out of their hands, " Each time Brick spoke, Irish's face became more and more ugly.

"I do the strategy things and you do the management matters. Let's not exchange our jobs, " Said Irish, she then sent Brick and his women out of the command room.

* * *


Rocky kicked King on the wrecked ship, blood dripped down his forehead.

"Ah!, " Releasing his breath, Rocky wiped the blood off from his forehead and stared at King.

"Does your captain also want to become King of Pirates?, " Asked King, standing up and shaking his shoulders slowly.

"Pirate King? If he wanted, he could be the first one! But no one knows why he didn't, " Said Rocky as he shook his head sideways. He threw his empty gun to the side and took off his trance coat.

His only hat was long gone in the small fight against King just a few moments ago.

Folding his sleeves, Rocky sucked the last of the cigar and threw it in the sea.


The thunder roared, King pulled his mask off showing his face to Rocky.

"Let's get it done seriously, " Said Rocky, kicking off from the deck and punching towards King.

With his palm, King successfully blocked Rocky's punch. Giving a side kick, King sends Rocky into the deep blue sea.

"*Cough* Damn sea water!, " Cursed Rocky coming back on the deck and glaring at King.

Both of them charged at each other with super speed and collided with their fists.


"Haaaaaa!, " With the current strength of the two, Rocky had the higher stand than King.

One, two, three, King was being pushed back slowly towards the sea.

Pulling the sword on his waist, King cut on the side of Rocky immediately.

Rocky uses his left hand in armament haki to block the sword but a high kick landed on his head.


The cracks heard on Rocky's nose, blood dripped like a leaked tap.

"You… Better run!, " Said Rocky, his voice didn't sound joking. Instead it was full of anger and frustration.

Leaping from the deck, King turned into a pteranodon and tried to fly.

But a hand grabbed his leg, and pulled him back on the decking.

"Die!, " Holding King by his neck, Rocky punched at his face with his fist glowing in advanced armament haki.

Just before the punch could hit King, a huge explosion happened not far from them.

The large waves created by that explosion pushed the wrecked ship where Rocky and King were fighting.

Losing balance, Rocky had to release King to hold onto something unlike King who flew in the sky.

"THE NAVY HAS COME!, " Shouted the pirates from the side of the battle, they were also the nearest to the Navy warships.

"Here they are! Just in the wrong moment!, " Grunted Rocky, standing up on the wrecked ship and staring at the large fleet of Navy ships.

'We have to retreat!, ' King thought. He didn't care much for Kaido's safety because of his vitality and the toughness of his skin.

What he worried about was the remaining army of Beasts Pirates, if all of them got destroyed then it will be very hard and time consuming to create them back.

"Retreat!, " Shouted King flying around the battle between Division Captains and the All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates.

"Oh! Not so early!, " A yellow glowing man appeared in the sky next to King and shot many light rays.

"Yasakani Sacred Jewel!".

King flew out of the range fast but the ones on the sea couldn't avoid it.

As the light rays touched the ships and pirates, multiple small explosions occurred.

A single light ray was enough to destroy a ship.

"Aaa! Help!, " The screams of pirates were so loud that they could still be heard with the thunder and explosion sounds.


Many sea birds flew in the sky, some were actually robots used to click pictures.

They belonged to Morgans who controlled them from the nearest island.