(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 22 { Phantom Leviathan }

The dimensional pocket, named 4D Pocket, was held by Akuma inside the silent hall.

His eyes then moved and stopped on Joker, who half kneeled on the floor covered by vines of thorn.

"Is this all?"

Asked Akuma with his cold and emotionless voice. Joker nodded his head in silence.

"Then leave, you did your work."

Akuma waved his hand as Joker immediately vanished from the spot.

Below, near his left leg. A huge black object, the shape of a bomb, was positioned.

Bomb of Mass Destruction!

Akuma put his hand inside the 4D Pocket and pulled out more gadgets one after another.

Clothes, gloves, boots, guns, capes, and many more varieties of gadgets were in front of Akuma now.


All these gadgets were either modified, or damaged to a certain extent making them almost useless.

Only a few gadgets were in perfect condition and could be used directly. Even so, their effects were greatly reduced.

"It's because these gadgets don't belong in this world just like me and the many weapons I created."

Muttered Akuma, he sighed with slight regret. If only he had a way to be able to neglect the natural force acting on them.

"Still, these gadgets could be researched and used as prototypes for other things."

Many ideas flashed in his mind rapidly as Akuma continued to take out more gadgets until something came out that made him unimaginably happy.

A big enough phone booth with red color paint on the sides, white on the top and the inside yellow.

There was a green colored wired phone inside the phone booth, from a normal view, it was just a normal phone booth.

But Akuma knew what this phone booth was capable of.

What-If Phone Booth!

This gadget had the ability to take the user to that alternative reality, which the user had asked for in the phone.

What if ___, the user when he tells the world with that certain factor present after the what if, can be taken there.

Like if Akuma asked for, what if the world had no devil fruit.

In this case, Akuma would arrive in a world that had no devil fruit be it in memories or factual, devil fruit had never been present there.

Unfortunately, the What-If Phone Booth was in the worst condition of all the gadgets.

The huge dents, broken frame, scrapped interior and malfunctioned phone made it impossible for the What-If Phone Booth to be used.

But if given enough time, Akuma was sure to fix this gadget even if he had to expand all his wealth and power.

And it would be worth it!

Yet, Akuma could only shake his head for now and lean back on the throne.


Suddenly, a loud dragon roar exploded outside. The ground trembled slightly as Akuma narrowed his eyes.

The enemy was able to come in deep without Akuma able to feel his or her presence.

* * *


A beam of silver light ran from the left side and destroyed a small portion of the Town of Happiness.

"Ahh! Help!"

"Evil Dragon! Go away!"

"Save me!"

The civilians were in panic and uproar, many had already faced death while most escaped with a thin gap.

"Face me! Devil!"

The creature flew in the sky above the Earth Realm, it was bathed with silver light from its scales.

This Dragon, in silver, was none other than Gami Kiya who had survived the deadly self-detonation of Bella.

Or more accurately, Akuma's sacrifice of his beloved daughter Bella.

It was all because Kiya was far away from the center of the explosion giving him just a second of time to prepare and brace for impact.

"Roar! Come out!"

A silver ball of energy condensed between the Silver Dragon's open mouth.


As the beam of silver shot out, the air around it boiled up. The beam shot down and exploded at the eastwest side of the town.

Hundreds of civilians were forced to vaporize and cease to exist.

Bang! Bang!

The defence mechanisms activated and launched, tons of missiles were shot at the Silver Dragon.

But these missiles barely hit, much less injure Kiya who was in his dragon form.

The city walls, opened up as an orange layer started covering the whole town quickly.


The beam rained down on the layer and exploded. It was very strong and withstood the powerful energy beam easily.

Kiya continued to fire beams at the defense of the town, as time went the defense layer started showing signs of breaking.


A huge crack like spider web formed on the orange layer above the Town of Happiness.

The people inside, cried out in fear, terror and despair seeing the huge crack.

King's Castle___

Over at the balcony, Erika held Yios in her arms while stroking his tiny hairs.

Her eyes scanned the situation with a smile on her face. She seemed to believe that the defense of the town was unbreakable.

No, her trust was not on the town's defense but something else.


A dark green energy beam almost half the size of Kiya in his dragon form, shot at him.

It happened too quickly that Kiya wasn't able to avoid or dodge the energy beam.

As such, he could only grit his teeth and endure the explosion with his body.


Looking up, Kiya saw the creature responsible.

With an extremely long body, that was many times more flexible than the Silver Dragon.

Somewhat translucent with deep green skin, as if phantom. Its gigantic body swam in the sky like it could in the water.

Wherever it moved, it left a trail of white gas behind with a little green.

The wide gills made it possible to identify this creature as not a sky dragon but a sea serpent.


Akuma had successfully joined all his devil fruit abilities to create a new form.

Phantom Sea Serpent, that could control the air around it to swim or float.

It took years for Akuma to understand and make it possible for him to combine the three devil fruits.

It could also be said that Akuma, years ago, had already made the necessary arrangements.

The three devil fruits were of the three types: Paramecia, which offers a vast array of strange abilities; Zoan, which allows users to transform into animals or animal hybrids; and Logia, which grants users the power to become and control natural elements.

Two Paramecia couldn't be combined, same with the other two types.

So the only possibility was using the three together types. Akuma always wanted to get three devil fruits, but due to him being normal he couldn't.

But he knew that in future, there was Blackbeard who could consume more than one devil fruit and still be alive.

So he planned to wait, by finding a way to live long enough till the real story starts.

The appearance of Daifuk changed his plans. So Akuma was able to achieve his secondary goal of having three devil fruit powers earlier.


The densely packed silver energy beam shot towards Akuma.

Akuma stared at the energy beam without any fear as it came and went through his phantom body.


Kiya watched with wide open eyes, it was really unbelievable. Akuma looked at Kita with a mocking look on his face.

Akuma fired a deep green energy beam which tore through the air heading at Kiya in the sky.

Kiya flapped his giant wings and dodge the beam but a loud explosion engulfed him from behind.

Looking behind, Kiya was even more confused and disbelieving. Another Akuma in his Phantom Sea Serpent was floating in the sky.

"Two Devils!"

Kiya was not sure whether it was true or false. But Akuma seems to have a way to split himself into two.