(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 23 { East Revolutionary Army }

"Where's your arrogance now huh?"

Akuma's voice was loud, which rang throughout the whole sky.

The dark green energy ball compressed and condensed between his jaws.

As if jade, the condensed energy ball shone creating a dangerous but beautiful aura.

The energy ball started spinning round and round as the wind around it was sucked in.

"Survive this!"

Akuma roared as the energy ball blasted and beamed towards Kiya.

The speed of the beam itself was incredible and hard to follow, on top of which was the pressure of thoughts flashing in Kiya's mind.

'Will I be able to dodge it? I won't die, right?'

Various thoughts emerged, but Kiya's instincts kicked in. His wings flapped pushing his body down.


The energy beam passed above his head. Even the heat produced by it made Kiya have beads of sweat.


As the energy beam headed and hit the sea surface, an explosion occurred with sea water bursting and splashing.

Huge waves and ripples were created due to the explosion. The sea surface was completely disturbed.

Kiya didn't have much time, he turned his head and saw that the other clone, or the real Akuma, condensed the very same energy ball.


The energy beam pierced the air and seemed to have marked Kiya's body.


Kiya opened his mouth and shot a beam of silver towards the dark green energy beam.


Both the beams collided as the sound was ear deafening. The light produced made the civilians close their eyes in pain.

The beam pushed each other, slowly, the dark green energy beam gained upper hand.

Kiya narrowed his eyes, he saw that he was being pushed back by Akuma through the beam's battle.

'I can't go on like this!'

The other Akuma had already finished creating another ball of dark green energy.

'I need to decrease the distance with one.'

Flapping his wings, Kiya avoided being roasted alive by the energy beam and flew towards that very same Akuma.

But Akuma didn't appear hesitant, he just grunted and swam forward towards Kiya.

Both the parties neared, Kiya glanced at the other Akuma to see that he was still compressing the energy ball.

'Is he going to do it? But I am near his other body, if he fires then he will only injure himself.'

In Kiya's mind, Akuma wasn't stupid. If he was, there wouldn't be any way for him to stand at the top of the sea.

'Or, he isn't affected by the beams?'

This particular thought came up but Kiya didn't want to believe it. He roared and clawed at Akuma's face.

The size, when compared, Akuma's in his sea serpent form was bigger than Kiya's in his dragon form.


The sharp claws reached Akuma's face, but as it touched him, the claws went through.

Kiya's eyes widened, only regret appeared in his mind as a dark green light shone on his body.


Akuma had shot the beam, and successfully hit Kiya's Silver Dragon body with it.

A cloud of dense black smoke formed in the sky where the beam and Kiya had met.

From below, Kiya's dragon body started descending from the black smoke.

The beam hit on his left hip area, a huge wound with the charcoaled flesh with boiled blood oozing out was visible.

Even the hip bone seems to have melted due to the energy beam.


Suddenly, Kiya opened his eyes and gave out a dragon roar while he spread his wings.

Stabilizing himself in the air, Kiya gasped for breath and looked up in the sky.

The two Akumas stared down at him with an indifferent gaze. Their eyes were without any emotions.

It looked as if Akuma had expected the situation to have reached this stage.

Kiya clenched his dragon fists while gritting teeth in anger and frustration.

"If it were before, I might have not been able to be unscathed. But unfortunately for you, now it's different."

Akuma's voice just made Kiya enraged even further, thin black smoke escaped from the gaps of the dragon's teeth.

"Let me test it, how strong this form is…"

A cold red light flashed in the two Akuma's eyes. They swam towards Kiya at full speed in the air.

* * *

Revolutionary Army, a tightly hidden organization created to resist the World Government.

Everyone knows it, but don't know where it is.

Somewhere in an island covered by dense forest, a huge golden temple was located in the center.

A group of seven individuals, three male and four females walked up on the gold stairs.

"Koala, I am glad that you're safe."

With a smile, the yellow haired man looked at Koala beside him. In his eyes, there was relief and happiness.

This man, named Sabo, was the second in-command of the Revolutionary Army.

"Yes, so how was it? In the Devil's Pirates?"

From behind Koala, a tall woman with her breasts half exposed wearing only a red coat and a red skirt short on the front and long on the back, asked as she smoked a long cigarette.

Belo Betty, the commander of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army. This island was her territory so her presence was normal.

The other members behind were also of significance but not enough to rank similar to Betty.

"Please don't remind me of that! Everywhere they go, only traces of blood remain. They kill, and just kill."

Koala lowered her head and spoke with a disheartened voice. Sabo placed his hand on her shoulder while consoling her.

"It's just how pirates are. Damn them!"

Betty spat the cigarette and said angrily. Soon the group came to the top of the temple.

In the middle of the deserted hall of the temple, was an underground path leading to the base of the East Revolutionary Army.

"Let's go."

Betty signaled the group to head in. When it was her turn, she scanned the surroundings then closed the path tightly.

The group walked for another minute and reached the base. It was a huge cave inside with tens of camps built.

"You guys get some rest."

Betty took the group to the corner where a huge tent was stationed. It was almost 8 meters high and 13 meters wide.

There were multiple sections inside with temporary cloth walls. This tent was used by females only.

Betty let Koala and the women rest here while taking Sabo and the men to another place.

Inside, Koala sat down on the small bed. Her eyes moved left and right as she observed the tent.

"Koala, wanna take a bath?"

One of the two women with Koala, asked her while picking up a towel. Koala nodded and got up from the bed.

* * *


The drop of water hit the floor and splashed. Inside the bathroom made of wood, many women took baths.

Koala scrubbed her fair skin with the scrubber. There was a slight pain in her crotch when she tried to clean it.

"Did they grow again? Ah, I am so jealous!"

One of the women commented while getting behind another woman and gripping her breasts which were even bigger compared to Koala's.

"Come on! Stop it! Don't be so kid!"

The woman who was getting her breasts groped said while her cheeks turned scarlet red.

"Haha! Go for it!"

"Do it! Punish those two big monsters!"

The other women were cheering or laughing, the bathroom was in quite a harmony.

Koala watched them with a smile. After the bath, she came back to her temporary bed and slept.

The next day, Koala, Betty, Sabo and a few more senior officers had a meeting.

The topic was Devil's Pirates. Sabo and Betty made a plan to ambush and capture some of the captains from the Devil's Pirates secretly.

Koala showed her eagerness to work hard and fulfill her role in this plan. The meeting continued for a while before ending.

The plan would start after another day, so the group containing Koala and Sabo got one more day to rest.

Koala went to the toilet, and closed the door tightly. She checked if someone was listening or peeping.


A sigh came out. Koala pulled down her pants and panties as she sat on the toilet seat.


Her fingers entered her vagina, soon the warm and hard metal object was felt.

With difficulties, Koala pulled out a hidden device from her vagina which had only a single work.

The small red button on the device, when Koala turned the device on, glowed in faint light.


After pressing the small red button, the faint light first glowed brighter than dimmed completely.

Koala breathed as her chest rose up then fell down. She threw the device in the toilet and flushed.

Her eyes glowed with a red light. The smile on her face seems to continue to grow bigger and bigger.

"Revolutionary Army… hehe."